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日本語以外OS(English)へのSony x-アプリ(x-APPLICATION)のインストール

2009年11月01日 00時34分01秒 | PC関連

日本語以外のOSにインストールしようとすると、Error(Code:51ff/Cannot install with this Windows Language.)が発生し、その先に進めないx-アプリ(1.0)ですが、とある方法で簡単に回避できましたので、実例で紹介します。

※OSは、Win XP, Vista, 7, 8に対応、それぞれどのエディションでもOKです。

1.x-アプリ(現在最新: Ver 5.0)をSony公式サイトココからダウンロードする。





6.先頭から13行目あたりの「supportoslang =Japanese」を該当OSに変更&保存する。
 ※例)英語OSであれば「supportoslang =English」に変更して保存する。



Sony has released the next generation of SonicStageV named x-APPLICATION which contains all of SonicStageV's functions and several new features.
With an error(Code:51ff), you might NOT be able to install it on English-base Windows system.

Below is the way to install it without any errors.

<How to install SONY x-APL on Windows English OS>
 ※CAUTION※ Change at your own risk.

1.Download x-APPLICATION from the Sony official page here.
* This way works for any versions. (v1.0 to v5.0)

2.Download 7-Zip from here or WinRAR from here.

3.Install 7-Zip or WinRAR normally.

4.Extract x-APPLICATION(x-APPLICATION_S_V5001.exe) using 7-Zip or WinRAR to anywhere such as Desktop.

5.Open SetupXAPP.ini with a normal text editor program such as notepad.exe.

6.Modify the parameter 'supportoslang =' from Japanese to English in the line 13.
* Ex) 'supportoslang =Japanese' to 'supportoslang =English'

7.Execute(Double Click) the SetupXAPP.exe file and install normally.
* if the program gets garbled, check and change to 'Japanese' on 'Control Panel' - 'Regional and Language options' - 'Standers and formats'.

# 2012/12/10-Updated
Since a new version of x-App has been released, I updated the fist link downloading x-APP from the official Sony page.

# 2012/10/21-Updated
Since a new version of x-App has been released, I updated the fist link downloading x-APP from the official Sony page.

# 2012/07/23-Updated
Since a new version of x-App has been released, I updated the fist link downloading x-APP from the official Sony page.

# 2011/11/14-Updated
Since a new version of x-App has been released, I updated the fist link downloading x-APP from the official Sony page.

# 2011/07/15-Updated
Since a new version of x-App has been released, I updated the fist link downloading x-APP from the official Sony page.