


2007-03-27 02:47:37 | Weblog

Although sakura trees were already indigenous to Korea, other sakura trees were planted in Korea before World War II by Japanese colonizers in locations that Koreans found to be offensive such
as sites where ancient palaces once stood, like Gyeongbokgung palace.
Most of these trees were later cut down and removed by the locals as they represented Japan's imperial ambitions in Korea,
but areas where sakura had been blossoming for millenniums were left alone. 桜は韓国の原生植物でしたが、日本の桜を第二次世界大戦前に日本軍が植林しました。韓国の桜は日本軍にほとんど伐採されましたが、一部の桜は残りました。



[Wikipedia(英)] 君が代は従軍慰安婦に謝罪する歌

2007-03-18 23:21:09 | Weblog


Kimi ga Yo (君が代, Kimi ga Yo?) (often translated as "Imperial Reign") is Japan's National Anthem, and is also one of the world's shortest national anthems in current use. The lyrics are based on a Waka poem written in the Heian Period, sung to a melody written in the later Meiji Era.

Although Kimi ga Yo has long been Japan's de facto national anthem, it was only legally recognized as such in 1999 with the passing of the Law Concerning the National Flag and Anthem.


Since the end of World War II, there has been criticism of the anthem for its association with militarism and the virtual worship of the emperor as a deity, which some see as incompatible with a democratic society. Similar objections have been raised to Japan's current national flag, and demonstrations are sometimes held against both.

In 1999, the Japanese government passed the Law Concerning the National Flag and Anthem, which designated Kimi ga Yo as the official anthem and the Hinomaru as the national flag.

Schools have seen conflict over both the anthem and the flag, as the Ministry of Education requires that the anthem be sung and that the flag be flown at events at Japanese public schools, and that school teachers respect both (by, for example, standing for the singing of the anthem) or risk losing their jobs.[1][2] Some have protested that such rules violate the Japanese constitution, while the Ministry, for its part, has argued that since schools are government agencies, their employees have an obligation to teach their students how to be good Japanese citizens.

Opponents respond that as Japan is a democratic country, a national anthem praising a monarch is not appropriate and that forced participation in a ceremony involving the singing of an anthem is against the free thought clause in the Japanese Constitution. Supporters of the anthem argue that Kimi ga Yo has been the de-facto national anthem of Japan since the Meiji Era and is an important way to foster patriotism and loyalty to the emperor, which is an important national characteristic of Japan. They also suggest that Kimi ga Yo is comparable to the anthems of other democratic countries, for example the United Kingdom's (another democracy) God Save The Queen.

In 2006 Katsuhisa Fujita, a retired teacher in Tokyo, was threatened with imprisonment, and fined 200,000 yen (about 2,000 dollars), after he was accused of disturbing a graduation ceremony at Itabashi High School by urging the attendees to remain seated during the playing of the anthem.[3]

Since 2003, 401 teachers have been punished for refusing to take part in anthem related events, though Fujita is the only man to have been convicted in relation to it. His case provoked criticism from the Japanese press and teachers.

As a way to avoid that type of punishment, teachers who are opposed to the compulsory singing of the anthem have tried to expand various English-language parody lyrics across Japan and through the internet. The parodies take the Japanese syllables and replace them with English phonetic equivalents (for example, in one of the more popular versions, 'Kimi ga yo wa' becomes 'Kiss me girl, your old one'), allowing those who sing the new version to remain undetected in a crowd. Japanese conservatives deride what they describe as 'sabotage'. There is also a political significance to some of the alternative English lyrics as they can allude to comfort women.[4][5][6][7][8]

On 21 September 2006, the Tokyo District Court ordered the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to pay compensation to all the teachers who had been subjected to fines and/or punishment under the directive of the Tokyo Board of Education. Junichiro Koizumi commented, "It is a natural idea to treat the national anthem importantly". This was seen as a landmark ruling in Japan upholding the Fundamental Law of Education in Japan.




英語版Wikipedia Tsushima の記事は大丈夫か!?

2007-03-18 07:54:00 | Weblog


Before the rise of the Joseon Dynasty in Korea, the Koreans periodically considered Tsushima to be Korean territory.[8] Some Korean believe that the ancient Korean kingdom of Silla took Tsushima as a dependency, though it is not known whether actual control was exerted over the island. The discovery of a book written by American missionary Homer Hulbert mentioning Silla's occupation of Tsushima island has been cited by modern Korean historian, Lee Hyun-bok.


Lee Hyun-bokとTsushimaで検索したけど、そんな情報はどこにもないですね・・・。

[従軍慰安婦] 韓国版(性奴隷バージョン)でプロテクトをかけられる

2007-03-18 07:11:41 | Weblog
左:親日Ver 右:反日Ver






2007-03-10 00:53:38 | Weblog

When the South Korean does a crime in foreign countries, The Korean says, "I am Japanese". The Korean insists, "This is "Small patriotism. " to deteriorate the reputation of Japan". [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fV_Pfo7c4s] To jeer the South Korean's bad pronunciation, the Japanese calls them Zapanese.


英語版Wikipedia [反日感情] にも手を出してしまいました・・・。

2007-03-07 03:28:46 | Weblog





2007-03-04 19:07:33 | Weblog
いろいろ迷ったのですけど、英語版Wikipediaの従軍慰安婦の編集に参加を始めました。この項目は、韓国の政治宣伝によって『聖域』にされてしまっているので、下手に手を出すと『歴史修正主義者』のレッテルを貼られてボロクソに叩かれますが、20万人の性奴隷(200,000 sex slaves)という記述はあまりにひどすぎて、見逃せませんでした。



Comfort women
Comfort women (Japanese: 慰安婦, ianfu?) or military comfort women (Japanese: 従軍慰安婦, jūgun-ianfu?) is a euphemism for around 200,000 sex slaves, mostly from Korea and China, conscripted into military brothels in Japanese-occupied countries during World War II.



Kobiety do towarzystwa - Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Kobiety do towarzystwa (jap. 慰安婦, ianfu), wojskowe kobiety do towarzystwa (jap. 従軍慰安婦, j?gun-ianfu) albo cz?sto spotykana nazwa ang. comfort women, to eufemistyczne okre?lenie kobiet zmuszanych do nierz?du przez japo?skich okupantow. Liczb? zmuszanych do nierz?du kobiet szacuje si? od 50 000 do 300 000.

Komfortulinoj - Vikipedio

Komfortulinoj (japane: 慰安婦,ianfu, komfortulinoj a? 従軍慰安婦, ??gun-ianfu, militistaj komfortulinoj) estas la nomo de virinoj,
kiujn la japana imperio uzis dum la Dua Mondmilito por komfortigi siajn soldatojn, t.e. devigis ilin al seksaj rilatoj kun soldatoj; ili fakte estis seksaj sklavoj. Ili estis inter 50.000 kaj 200.000 la? diversaj fontoj. Ili devenis el Koreio, ?inio, Filipinoj, Indonezio kaj Japanio.

Trostfrauen - Wikipedia

Schatzungen sprechen von 50.000 bis 300.000 betroffenen Madchen und Frauen. Genaueres ist nicht bekannt, da einerseits viele der betroffenen Frauen aus Scham schweigen und nicht bereit sind, Auskunfte uber ihr Schicksal unter der japanischen Besatzung zu geben und andererseits die japanische Regierung historisches Material bis heute zuruckhalt, das uber die staatlich organisierte sexuelle Versklavung von Frauen Aufschluss geben konnte. Nach 1945 wurden auch viele Dokumente vernichtet, aus Angst, die Beteiligten konnten als Kriegsverbrecher zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden.

