ひろひろの生活日記(LIFE Of HIROHIRO)

パソコン講習とソフト開発をしています。自作小説も掲載しています。ネット情報発信基地(上野博隆)Hirotaka Ueno

Ken_Gansyo_Honzon_Kaiji_syo No.003-2

2017年04月05日 10時25分07秒 | 法華経の一説〔解)
Ken_Gansyo_Honzon_Kaiji_syo No.003-2


With the title"Namu_myo_ho_renge_kyo" of the age" The first origin".That advances everything to the good justice.With Nichiren's Buddhism. He explains. A person repeats a stage of ten.A life changes quickly.He enters the Budda's stage and escapes from that.
With the age" The first origin".By the target of belief I wrote.That judges 3 hearts by the good justice.By a conclusion.With the Budda's heart.He loves more people.With God's heart.He leads himself and other people to the good way. And he supports them.With a heart of the king who rules desire.Without following desire of the environment, he turns desire to the good justice.He escapes from a stage of ten by that.(law of Nyorai_Myoken)


A heart of a space first sees these 3 hearts clearly.I explain so.When a word is added.The heart is that the Budda sees the world clearly.This is a face at the Budda's heart (Aspect).
I speak about a conclusion.The person who lives in these days and this time is the voice(Character) which wants" law of Toshi_Wago" and" law of Nyorai_Myoken".


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