
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ クウェイト:司法が女性の権利を拡大



(New York, October 22, 2009) – Kuwait’s Constitutional Court issued a ruling on October 20, 2009, that grants a married woman the right to obtain a passport without the consent of her husband. The ruling was the final verdict in a case brought by a Kuwaiti woman who had said her husband refused to grant permission for her and her three children to obtain passports, preventing them from leaving the country.


Tuesday’s decision overturns a provision of Kuwait’s 1962 Passport Law requiring a woman to obtain her husband’s consent to obtain a passport. The Constitutional Court found that this requirement violated constitutional guarantees of personal liberty and nondiscrimination on the basis of sex.


There has been other progress recently for Kuwaiti women, including the election in May in which women won seats in Parliament for the first time. However, Kuwaiti women continue to face entrenched discrimination, including a law forbidding coeducation at private universities. A pending Constitutional Court case brought by a private citizen seeks to compel two of the newly elected female members of Parliament who do not wear the hijab to give up their seats.


Women in the region continue to face legal discrimination, especially in personal status laws governing marriage, divorce, and custody. Human Rights Watch has documented, in countries such as Saudi Arabia, how requirements for women to obtain a male guardian’s permission for travel, health care, and education deprive women of rights and freedom. Human Rights Watch recently documented the impact of these guardianship laws on women in Saudi Arabia.


“The women of Kuwait have been waiting a long time for this, and it will make a big difference in their lives,” said Nadya Khalife, researcher for the Women’s Rights Division at Human Rights Watch. “Now let’s hope that this ruling will pry open the door – and the borders – for women throughout the region.”


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