
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ シリア:隔離拘禁している17名の消息を明らかにせよ



 (New York) - Syrian authorities should reveal the fate of at least 17 men held in incommunicado detention by members of the security services since August and September 2008, Human Rights Watch said today.


The security services detained 13 men during an August crackdown on individuals from the northeastern district of Deir al-Zawr suspected of having ties to Islamists. Another group, detained in September, was of Syrian Kurds from the towns of Qamishli and `Ifrin suspected of belonging to an armed group called the Movement to Liberate Kurdistan (Haraket Tahrir Kurdistan). The body of one of those detained in Deir al-Zawr, Muhammad Amin al-Shawa, 43, was returned to his family on January 10, 2009, but they were allowed to see only his face before he was buried. Three Syrian human rights activists told Human Rights Watch that they believe that al-Shawa died under torture.

治安維持機関は、イスラム主義者と関係があると疑いを掛けた、デイル・アル-ザウル(Deir al-Zawr)地方北東部出身の個人に対する8月の取締り際、13名の男性を拘束した。9月に拘束されたもう一つのグループは、クルド人解放運動と呼ばれている武装グループに所属していると疑われたカミシュリ(Qamishli)とイフリン(`Ifrin)の町出身のクルド系シリア人である。デイル・アル-ザウルで拘束された者の1人、ムハマド・アミン・アル-シャワ(43歳:Muhammad Amin al-Shawa)の遺体が2009年1月10日に家族の元に送られてきた、しかし家族は埋葬される前の彼の顔のみしか見ることは許されなかった。3名のシリア人人権活動家がヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに「アル-シャワは拷問されている最中に死亡した、と考えている。」と語った。

"Syrian authorities should order an investigation into the death of Muhammad al-Shawa and hold those responsible accountable," said Sarah Leah Whitson, director of the Middle East and North Africa division at Human Rights Watch. "The authorities also should reveal the fate of the other detainees and immediately free them or charge them."


A relative of one of the detainees from Deir al-Zawr said that Syrian security services freed three of the men but kept the other 10 in detention. The authorities have not disclosed where the men are being held, why they were arrested or whether they will be charged and put on trial. One of those still in detention is, 49, an electrician at a local telecommunications company. He was arrested in his home at 3 a.m. on August 14, by members of the security services dressed in civilian clothes, one of his relatives said. He had information, he said, that security initially held him at a branch of military intelligence in Damascus called the Palestine Branch, but later transferred him to another detention facility.

デイル・アル-ザウル出身拘留者の家族の1人は、シリア治安維持機関は拘留者の内3名を釈放したが、他の10名は拘留したままである、と語った。当局は彼らが何処に拘束されているのか?なぜ逮捕されたのか?起訴されるのか?裁判に掛けられるのか?について明らかにしない。今尚拘束されている者の1人ナビル・クリウイ(49歳:Nabil Khlioui)は、地方の電信電話会社に勤める電気技師である。彼は8月14日午前3時に自宅で、私服の治安維持機関員によって逮捕された、と彼の親戚の1人が語った。治安維持機関は当初彼を、ダマスカスのパレスチナ・ブランチと呼ばれる郡情報機関の支局で拘束していたが、その後他の拘留施設に移送したという情報を得たと、その親戚の者は述べた。

The relative told Human Rights Watch: "Our most basic human right is to know whether he is dead or alive. They won't even tell us that."


The other known detainees from Deir al-Zawr are: Husam Muhammad; Thabet al-Hassan; Mahmud Dameem; Abdel Hadi al-Salameh; Muhammad Taha; Bilal Hashem Sufian; Abdel Razzak al-Kubaysi; and Iyad al-Hussein.

デイル・アル-ザウル出身で拘留されているのが分かっているのは:フサム・ムハマド(Husam Muhammad)、ザベト・アル-ハッサン(Thabet al-Hassan)、マームド・ダミーン(Mahmud Dameem)、アベデル・ハディ・アル-サラミー(Abdel Hadi al-Salameh)、ムハマド・タハ(Muhammad Taha)、ビラル・ハシェム・スフィアン(Bilal Hashem Sufian)、アブデル・ラザック・アル-クバイシ(Abdel Razzak al-Kubaysi)、イヤド・アル-フセイン(Iyad al-Hussein)である。


The Syrian Kurds being held were suspected by the authorities of ties to the Movement to Liberate Kurdistan, which was formed after clashes between Kurdish demonstrators and security forces in March 2004 in the northern city of Qamishli that left more than 30 dead. Following violent attacks by the security services on unarmed protesters in Qamishli, armed men attacked a Syrian police station and a military intelligence patrol, allegedly killing two policemen. The Syrian security services suspect the Movement of being responsible for the attacks.


A member of the group who escaped arrest told Human Rights Watch that Syrian security services, and notably the security branch called State Security, detained 18 men in the September operation, accusing them of ties to the group even though some of them were not members. According to the member, none of the detained men has been released. He provided Human Rights Watch with the names of eight of the detainees: Munzer Oscan and his two brothers, Nehad and Riad; Munzer's cousin, Kawa Oscan; Kadar Ali Rasho and his two brothers, Bengin and Lokman; and Abdel Baki Khalaf.

逮捕を免れた同グループのメンバーの1人はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに「シリア治安維持機関と、国家治安維持(State Security)と呼ばれている悪名高い治安維持機関の支局が、9月の作戦で18名を逮捕した、一部は同グループのメンバーではないにも拘らず、同グループと関係があるという容疑だった。」と語った。そのメンバーによると拘束された者は誰も釈放されていないそうである。彼はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに被拘留者8名の名前を教えてくれた。ムンゼル・オスカン(Munzer Oscan)とその兄弟2名、ムンゼルの従兄弟であるネハド(Nehad)とリアド(Riad)、カワ・オスカン(Kawa Oscan)、カダル・アリ・ラショ(Kadar Ali Rasho)と彼の兄弟2名、ベンギン(Bengin)とロクマン(Lokman)、アブデル・バキ・カラフ(Abdel Baki Khalaf)である。

The Syrian security forces have not released any information on those detained and have not allowed any of the detainees contact with the outside world.


"Syrian security services regularly ‘disappear' someone for a few months before referring them to a sham trial," Whitson said. "President Assad will not be able to promote Syria's stature internationally unless he puts an end to these serious crimes of disappearances and allow all detainees immediate access to their families and lawyers."


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