
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ バーレイン: 人権活動家に対する拉致・暴行を捜査せよ

バーレイン: 人権活動家に対する拉致・暴行を捜査せよ

(New York, May 12, 2009) – Bahrain should immediately begin a thorough and impartial investigation into the abduction and torture of the human rights activist Ja’far Kadhim Ibrahim, Human Rights Watch said today. Men whom Ibrahim believed were working for a Bahraini security agency abducted him on the night of May 7, 2009, and beat him severely with batons.

(ニューヨーク、2009年5月12日)-バーレインは人権活動家ジャ’ファル・カディム・イブラヒム(Ja’far Kadhim Ibrahim)への拉致・拷問に対する徹底的かつ公平な捜査を直ちに開始するべきである、と本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べた。バーレインの治安維持機関で働いているとイブラヒムが考えている男たちが、2009年5月7日夜、彼を拉致し、警棒で激しく暴行を加えたのだ。

Ibrahim had been contacting political activists recently released from detention concerning their allegations that they had been subjected to torture and abuse in detention. Nabeel Rajab, president of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR), said Ibrahim believes that the men who attacked him are agents of the National Security Apparatus – an official security force – citing their use of walkie-talkies and the batons they used to beat him.

イブラヒムは最近釈放された政治活動家と連絡を取り、拘束されていた際に拷問・虐待にあったという申し立てを取り扱っていた。バーレイン人権センター(Bahrain Centre for Human Rights)代表ナビール・ラジャブ(Nabeel Rajab)は、「襲撃した男たちがトランシーバーを使っていた事と、暴行を加える際に警棒を使用した事を挙げ、イブラヒムはその男たちが国家治安維持機構(公的治安維持部隊:National Security Apparatus)の機関員であると考えている。」と述べた。

“It looks like the men who abducted and beat Ja’far Ibrahim intended to teach him a lesson – that pursuing torture allegations in Bahrain today carries a high price,” said Joe Stork, deputy director of the Middle East division at Human Rights Watch. “The government needs to appoint an independent prosecutor or commission to investigate this incident as the first step in bringing the attackers to justice.”


Rajab told Human Rights Watch that he spoke with Ibrahim in his hospital room on May 8. Ibrahim said that at approximately 8:45 p.m. the previous day, he was driving in the Jid Hafs neighborhood, west of the capital, Manama, when two cars cornered him on the road. At least six men in plain clothes, some with walkie-talkies, dragged Ibrahim from his car and confiscated his wallet and two mobile phones. The men blindfolded Ibrahim, forced him into one of their cars, and drove 10 to 15 minutes to an unidentified area, where they beat him unconscious.

ラジャブはヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに、「イブラヒムと5月8日に病院の部屋で話しをした。前日の午前8時45分頃、首都マナマの西、ジド・ハフス(Jid Hafs)近郊で車の運転中、2台の車が道路上でイブラヒムを追い詰めた。少なくとも6名の私服の男たちが、(中にはトランシーバを持っている者がいた)彼を車から引きずり出し、サイフと携帯電話2台を押収、目隠しをして、一台の車に押し込み、そこから10分か15分の、知らない場所に連行して、意識不明になるまで暴行した、とイブラヒムは云っている。」と述べた

When he recovered consciousness he found himself covered in blood and back in his car, alone. He attempted to drive himself to the nearby house of Hasan Mushaima, the head of Haq, an opposition political party. Eventually, acquaintances drove him to the nearby Salmania Public Hospital, where he remains with wounds to his face and head, as well as two broken ribs.

意識を取り戻した彼は血だらけになって、1人で彼の車の後部にいる事に気が付いた。彼は近くに住んでいる、政府反対勢力の政党、ハク党党首ハサン・ムシャイマ(Hasan Mushaima)の家まで自分で運転を試みたが、最終的には、知り合いが近くのサルマニア公立病院まで車を運転してくれた。彼は肋骨2本の骨折に加えて、顔面と頭部に負傷し、その病院に入院中である。

Photographs taken by the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights show him badly bruised, with swollen facial features, stitches, and a brace on his head and neck. At the time of the attack, Ibrahim was working on behalf of the BCHR and the Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights, documenting recent allegations of torture in detention and assisting the families of detainees.


“The abduction and beating of Ja’far Ibrahim are a wake-up call that Bahrain needs to investigate seriously and hold accountable those responsible for violence against dissidents,” Stork said. “The message here seems to be that torture is acceptable in Bahrain.”


Ibrahim, 41 years old and a father of two, was himself was only recently released from detention. In the early hours of February 4, he and fellow rights activist Ali Hassan Salman were taken from their homes by security agents without warrants or explanation and detained for a month without access to a lawyer or family members. Ibrahim was released on March 2.

イブラヒムは41歳で2人の子どもの父親だが、彼自身最近拘留から釈放されたばかりである。2月4日未明、彼と仲間の人権活動家アリ・ハッサン・サルマン(activist Ali Hassan Salman)は、治安維持機関員によって逮捕状や説明もないまま、彼らの家から連行され、弁護士や家族との面会もなく1ヶ月間拘留、3月2日に釈放された。

Bahrain’s obligations as party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights include the right of individuals not to be tortured and the right to freedom of association and peaceful public assembly. The UN Convention against Torture and Other Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, to which Bahrain is a state party, prohibits torture and cruel and inhuman treatment and requires all cases of torture to be investigated and the perpetrators prosecuted.


Bahraini press coverage of Ibrahim’s abuse has been limited to one article in the independent newspaper Al Wasat on May 9, in which a spokesperson for the director of the Northern Governorate Police said that Ibrahim was a victim of robbery, despite the fact that, according to Rajab, no money had been taken from his billfold. The websites of many prominent critics of the government and most human rights organizations that would normally have published details of such an incident continue to be blocked in Bahrain.

イブラヒム虐待に対するバーレインの記者報道は、5月9日付け独立系新聞アル・ワサト(Al Wasat)に載った1つの記事に限られている。この記事で北部知事警察長官の報道官は、イブラヒムを強盗の被害者であると語っている。ラジャブによればイブラヒムの札入れから金が全く盗られていないという事実にも拘らずである。通常このような事件の詳細を公表する、多くの著名な政府批判者及び人権保護団体のウェブサイトは、バーレインではブロックされ続けている。

Human Rights Watch said the government should make public the results of the investigation into Ibrahim’s abduction and beating.


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