
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 南オセチア紛争Q&A 2008年8月15日 前半

グルジア/南オセチア紛争Q&A   2008年8月15日



Violence has escalated in South Ossetia, a breakaway province of Georgia and one of the "frozen conflicts" of the former Soviet Union. The conflict heated up dramatically in the early morning of August 8, 2008. Georgia declared that it intended to restore constitutional order and launched a large-scale military offensive. Russia sent additional troops to South Ossetia, saying they were reinforcements to Russian peacekeepers who are in the area to monitor a 1992 ceasefire between Georgian and South Ossetian forces.


The following questions and answers set out basic elements of international humanitarian law (the laws of war) governing recent and potential military actions by Russian, Georgian and Ossetian forces in South Ossetia. Human Rights Watch has yet to conclude an on-the-ground investigation of the fighting. Our purpose is to provide analytic guidance on the law for those who are examining the conflict, and to encourage legal compliance by the parties to the conflict as well as those with the capacity to influence them.


This Q & A addresses only the rules of international humanitarian law, known as jus in bello, which govern the way each party to the armed conflict must conduct itself in the course of the hostilities. In accordance with its institutional mandate, Human Rights Watch maintains a position of strict neutrality on issues concerning the legitimacy of using armed force, known as jus ad bellum, because we find it the best way to promote our primary goal of encouraging both sides to a conflict to respect international humanitarian law. Therefore, this Q & A does not address issues of Georgia's territorial integrity, of South Ossetia's bid for independence, Russia's interests in South Ossetia, or other matters concerning the legitimacy of resorting to armed conflict.




South Ossetia was an autonomous province of the former Soviet republic of Georgia. It declared independence in 1990, and armed conflict with Georgia ensued in 1991-1992. The conflict culminated in 1992 in a de facto secession of South Ossetia and an agreement that established a ceasefire; a peacekeeping force with Ossetian, Georgian, and Russian peacekeepers; and a framework for quadripartite negotiations involving Russia, Georgia, South Ossetia, and North Ossetia, a province of Russia bordering South Ossetia. For the past year Georgian authorities have aimed to change the negotiations format, which they view as skewed against Georgia, and have refused to participate in negotiations. Russia has called for a renewal of negotiations in the current format. In recent years, Russia has granted Russian citizenship to residents of South Ossetia. Under the 1992 agreement, Russian, Georgian and Ossetian forces acting as peacekeepers have been deployed in South Ossetia. Russia has said that the troops it sent in this week were additional peacekeepers whose mandate is to protect Russian peacekeepers that have come under attack and also to protect Russian citizens. Georgia has said that under the 1992 agreement no new peacekeepers can be added without the consent of all parties to the agreement. 




Under international humanitarian law, an international armed conflict is that which takes part between two states. Hostilities occurring between Russia and Georgia would constitute an international armed conflict. International armed conflict is governed by international humanitarian treaty law (primarily the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and its first additional protocol of 1977 (Protocol I), and the Hague Conventions of 1907 regulating the means and methods of warfare), as well as the rules of customary international humanitarian law. Both Georgia and Russia are parties to the 1949 Geneva Conventions and Protocol I. 


The authoritative Commentary of the International Committee of the Red Cross notes that the determination of the existence of an armed conflict between states in which the conventions apply does not depend on a formal declaration of war or recognition of a state of hostilities. Rather, the factual existence of armed conflict between two states party automatically brings the Conventions into operation. Thus any hostilities between Georgian and Russian forces would fall within the full Geneva Conventions. 


Under international humanitarian law, conflict between a state and a non-state armed force is considered to be a non-international (internal) armed conflict. Because the South Ossetian forces are considered a non-state armed group, any fighting between South Ossetian forces and Georgian forces would be considered an internal armed conflict. Internal armed conflicts are governed by Article 3 common to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 (Common Article 3), the second additional protocol of 1977 to the Geneva Conventions (Protocol II, to which Georgia is a party), as well as customary international humanitarian law. 


International humanitarian law - whether in international or internal armed conflicts - is designed mainly to protect civilians and other noncombatants from the hazards of armed conflict. A fundamental principle is that parties must distinguish at all times between combatants and civilians. Civilians and civilian objects may never be the object of attacks. As discussed below, warring parties are required to take all feasible precautions to minimize harm to civilians and civilian objects and to refrain from attacks that would disproportionately harm the civilian population or fail to discriminate between combatants and civilians. 


International humanitarian law also provides a number of fundamental protections for noncombatants, (such as civilians, peacekeepers, and those who are no longer taking part in hostilities, such as captured combatants, and those who are unable to fight because of wounds or illness). It prohibits violence against such persons - particularly murder, cruel treatment and torture - as well as outrages against their personal dignity and degrading or humiliating treatment. It also prohibits the taking of hostages and "the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions" if basic judicial guarantees have not been observed. 




Two fundamental tenets of international humanitarian law are those of "civilian immunity" and the principle of "distinction." They impose a duty to distinguish at all times in the conduct of hostilities between combatants and civilians, and to target only the former. It is forbidden in any circumstance to direct attacks against civilians; to do so intentionally amounts to a war crime. 


It is also generally forbidden to direct attacks against what are called "civilian objects," such as homes and apartments, places of worship, hospitals, schools or cultural monuments, unless they are being used for military purposes. Military objectives that are legitimately subject to attack are those that make an "effective" contribution to military action and whose destruction, capture or neutralization offers a "definite military advantage." Where there is doubt about the nature of an object, it must be presumed to be civilian. 


The mere fact that an object has civilian uses does not necessarily render it immune from attack. It, too, can be targeted if it makes an "effective" contribution to the enemy's military activities and its destruction, capture or neutralization offers a "definite military advantage" to the attacking side in the circumstances ruling at the time. However, such "dual use" objects might also be protected by the principle of proportionality, described below. 


Even when a target is serving a military purpose, precautions must always be taken to protect civilians. 



5.  軍事攻撃を行う場合に、いかなる予防措置が取られなければならないか?

All parties to a conflict have a legal duty to protect the life, health and safety of civilians and other noncombatants. The targeting of military installations and other military objectives is permitted, but parties must take all feasible precautions to avoid civilian harm and are prohibited from targeting civilians, launching indiscriminate attacks, or attacking military objects if the anticipated harm to civilians will be disproportionate to the expected military advantage. Military commanders must choose the means of attack that can be directed at military targets and will minimize incidental harm to civilians. If the weapons used are so inaccurate that they cannot be directed at military targets without imposing a substantial risk of civilian harm, then they should not be deployed. Deliberately attacking civilians is in all circumstances prohibited. Individuals who attack civilians with criminal intent are responsible for war crimes. 



  1. 平和維持軍兵士は戦闘員若しくは民間人なのか?

Russia has said that it sent additional troops to South Ossetia to support the peacekeepers. Peacekeepers, who are partaking in a peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, are not parties to the conflict and for the purposes of international humanitarian law are treated as civilians and are protected from being objects of attacks. Attacks directed against them would be a serious violation of international humanitarian law. However, peacekeepers are required to maintain neutrality and not become a party to the conflict. Force used must be strictly limited to actions that are necessary for self-defense or defense of any civilian objects which they have a mandate under the peacekeeping agreement to protect. Force used in this way must be strictly proportionate to that goal. If Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia act in a manner that is not neutral and become a party to the conflict by taking a direct or active part in hostilities, they lose the protection afforded them as civilians and may lawfully be subject to attack. 


Peacekeepers who use their protected status to carry out attacks are acting perfidiously, which is a serious violation of international humanitarian law. 



  1. 紛争当事者には空港、道路、橋、発電所などのインフラを攻撃目標とする権利があるのか?

Airports, roads and bridges may be dual-use targets if actually used for military purposes. Even then, the rule of proportionality applies, requiring the parties to the conflict to weigh carefully the impact on civilians against the military advantage served; they must consider all ways of minimizing the impact on civilians; and they should not undertake attacks if the expected civilian harm outweighs the definite military advantage. Among the factors to be considered are whether the destruction of particular roads or bridges serve in fact to impede military transport in light of readily alternative routes - that is, whether the infrastructure attacked is making an "effective" contribution to the party's military action and its destruction offers a "definite military advantage" - or whether its destruction seems aimed more at inconveniencing the civilian population and even preventing it from fleeing the fighting and seeking safety. 


On the one hand, they might be considered dual-use targets, given that both civilians and armies use electricity. On the other hand, the harm to civilians when electricity supplies fail is often enormous, affecting refrigeration, sanitation, hospitals and other necessities of modern life; in urban society, electricity is arguably "indispensable to the survival of the civilian population," meaning that it can be attacked only in extremely narrow circumstances. Meanwhile, the military effect of targeting electrical facilities serving the civilian population often can be achieved in more focused ways, such as by attacking military facilities themselves or the portion of an electrical grid directly serving a military facility. 



8. 紛争当事者が民間人地域を軍事行動に使用する場合の義務とは何か?

Where attacks on combatants take place in populated areas, all parties must be especially aware of their obligations to protect the civilian population, which will be at significantly higher risk. International humanitarian law obliges all belligerents to avoid harm to civilians and civilian objects. 


The defending party must take all necessary precautions to protect civilians against the dangers resulting from armed hostilities. They must to the extent feasible avoid locating military objectives, such weapons, ammunition and headquarters, within or near densely populated areas. They must never use the presence of civilians to purposefully shield themselves from attack, which is a war crime. 


In calculating the legality of an attack on premises where military forces are present, parties to the conflict must take into account the risk to civilians. They are not relieved from this obligation on the grounds that they consider the defending party responsible for having located legitimate military targets within or near populated areas, or that the defending party may be using the civilian population as a shield. 


In any event, the presence of military forces or military facilities in a populated area never justifies attacking the area as such rather than the particular military target. It is a prohibited indiscriminate attack, and a war crime, to treat an entire area as a military target instead of attacking the particular military facilities or personnel within that area. 




The crime of "shielding" has been defined as intentionally using the presence of civilians to render certain points, areas, or military forces immune from military attack. Taking over a family's house and not permitting the family to leave for safety so as to deter the enemy from attacking is a simple example of human shields. Using human shields is a war crime. While it may be unlawful, as noted above, to place forces, weapons and ammunition within or near densely populated areas, it is only shielding when there is a specific intent to use the civilians to deter an attack. 


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