

River Festival

2005-09-03 22:39:02 | オーストラリア
yesterday i couldnt sleep well, but got up at brekkie time to go to conversation class. miracle!

Actually this class was the last one i have in this semester!
time flies....
We had a debate about Refusee issue in the US now. "does G.W.Bush should ask other country to donate aid?"
I was in the Against side. I gave opinion, but i think it was not enough... After the class, we had a small tea party with another writing class. there i talked with a German girl who was in the same class. we didnt talk so much in the class but today we can talk a lot. and she said,"you are not quiet than before. at the first class, you were soooooo quiet!"

Can i take it for good words? i it progress? maybe i sould think positively!!

today is Brisbane's river fest.
We went to southbank to see fireworks.
the fireworks were not like Japanese ones, but nice.
I got tired because there were so many people...and i felt it difficult to move in the group. i dont usually like act as a group.
Anyway i enjyoyed the day.

Have to study but i will watch movie from now.....


2 コメント

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Unknown (ジョニー)
2005-09-03 23:19:02


Unknown (あづみ)
2005-09-04 00:17:57
Good to hear you see your progress. That's the way.
The River fest reminds me that I pretended to be Taiwanese and got a girl friend. I had a seafood dish there, by the way. Good old days (笑)
