


2005-10-14 01:43:32 | オーストラリア
I finished my essay somehow. It was a severe ordeal for me..
After submit the essay, i went to travel agency to get the pamphlet of package tour. I got it, but didn't understand what the agent said....

Today i thought about "conversation".

Usually when i talk to someone, i dont really think what to talk. I talk to person when i think of some topic or come up with question. Very natural way.
But today I realised that(took long time to realise..) it doesn't work well when i communicate with someone in English. To have a better conversation in other language and to improve it, i need to raise certain topics willy-nilly. It was my (bad) way to talk as i think of.

Now I know why i have so messy English sentence. Even in Japanese I don't really care about what to speak next, how can i think about it in English!? argh, i wanna be great talker.
But its true sometimes i become talkative person in certain topics. Difficult to think about these stuff. My brain structure is mystery....

I watched movie on my PC tonight. these days im indoor person,,,
Maybe I should do excercise or go out tomorrow!


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Unknown (ジョニ―)
2005-10-15 17:07:32


