


2005-10-17 22:47:06 | オーストラリア
New week has started again

I hvn't written the diary for 2 days...getting lazy.
I have lots of things to wirte today!!!

I didn't do anything special in this weekend except watching movie.
The special thing we had was rain. It rained a lot!!!

Last night I went to see the film with IH ppl.
Actually i wasn't interested in that film so much, but I wanted to go out, so joined!
We saw "Serenity", which is sci-fi and originally from the TV series. I totally had no idea what was going on in that movie...why villain had war in the space? why didn't they die even if they were stabbed by sword or shot by guns...It must be because it is fiction...i konw that, but i couldn't help questioning about these stuffs. Anyway, action scene was nice! the hot chocolate i had in cafe before the movie started was also nice!

Yesterday i found cavity in my backteeth and was shocked so much!!!! I did go to dentist before coming here, but I already have one...maybe two or more...? i have no insurance for will cost 100 dallers...
I guess sweets made me this way. but i cannot stop eating sweets.... thats why i put on weight.(i weighed myself today! and found that gained 2 KG)

Today, i spent so much time to think about my plan in summer holiday. I wasted time...and after dinner, i made a phone call to my home and talked about it to my mom. It was nice to hear her voice but i think i bothered her a bit,,,sorry. Anyway, my idea jelled into a define form! thanks!

Soon after that, No**** visited my room and we thought about "25 words of myself" each other. All IH ppl have to wite it for KENYANA(i dont know what it means but i think it's kinda book to introduce ourselves. in Japanese, "BUNSYU").
I believe i could find suitable words for her!!LOL
spent a funny time...

it is the time to get to the next essay...
Yes! i will start it from tomorrow!!!!!


2 コメント

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Unknown (ジョニー)
2005-10-18 20:36:39

Unknown (ジョニー)
2005-10-19 22:27:19
