


2005-11-05 02:17:10 | オーストラリア
I went to the City today in reward for finishing all of assignments. Well done, me!(vanity)animal4
I went there by myself again, so what??
you can call me lonely person if you want.

today's mission were.

1. collect ticket(i saved 2 bucks by going to collect...stingy)
2. buy bag for trip
and hopefully,
3. get the connection for acccomodation

I went there by ferry again. love City Cat :)
First, i looked for the ticket centre. I had checked the address of ticket centre and found it's inside the Myer centre, so i was supposed to find the place easily. but,,,, it was by no means easy. walking arond the same floor, same lane...and finally, asked the person in information desk(it was in different floor). i followed what the woman explained. and found it was not inside Myer...or do you call it inside??? yes, it located near Myer, but entrance faced to the street. i had to go out of the centre to get there. i wasted time unexpectedly. But I got the ticket! yay!

Second, looked around the laggege shops. i was getting tired, so had a rest at the cafe. I ordered iced coffee and muffin. and had a culture shock. iced coffee was not the iced coffee i expected. it was "coffee float". it had ice cream and cream on surface....and size of it was so big. at first it was really good but gradually, i was feeling sick. the conbination of SWEET muffin and tall sized coffee with cream was too heavy for me...

Changed the mood and went to collect some stuff for finding accomodation. i found a few free paper.

Finally i came back to one laggege shop and bought one bag. the bag looks not so durable but it was ultra cheap. it would be ok cos maybe i will use it only once.

i went back to dorm by bus with big bag. met IH ppl.
it was around dinner time but i was not hungry because of iced coffee and muffin. had the late dinner and felt bored.
so went to Ky*'s room to annoy her. she was studying. so actually i annoyed her. sorry..... but actually i dont feel sorry.hehe
wrote the message for A* chan and Ky* chan.
I cant believe they are leaving soon...

i got a bit sentimental nowyellow8


2 コメント

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Unknown (ジョニー)
2005-11-06 19:38:04
誰か誘って行けやこのlonely person (笑)!!
Unknown (tabe)
2005-11-09 20:13:56
Coming back!!
Yes im lonely~♪
but there is no other way...because everyone's studying!! boring.
