

Desmond choo says residents a lot warmer towards him - Double Din Car DVD Player Manufacturer

2013-10-19 12:38:21 | グルメ
"I think it's a tough contest, it's not easy. A lot of people wereenergised after our rally (on Sunday), but I am realistic. It hasonly been a year since the General Election," said Mr Choo,referring to last year's polls when he lost to the Workers' Partycandidate in the single-seat ward, garnering just 35.2 per cent ofthe votes. Updating the media on his campaign progress on Day Six of thehustings yesterday, the 34-year-old unionist said that he wasconfident that his team had made significant inroads in Hougangbased on the reactions he had received so far on his ground visits. Kia Car DVD

"We know that Hougang has been in the hands of the opposition formore than two decades," said Mr Choo, referring to how WP has heldthe seat since 1991. He is going head-to-head with WP candidate Png Eng Huat - a50-year-old semi-retired businessman - this Saturday. Mr Choo said that residents have "become a lot warmer" towards himsince he began work in Hougang some 15 months ago, although heconceded that it was still anyone's guess who Hougang's 23,688eligible voters would pick come Polling Day. Mr Choo maintained that the battle remained very much a"gentlemen's fight" even as the PAP on Sunday questioned whether WPhad fielded its best available candidate in Mr Png. During the PAP rally, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean wonderedwhy WP did not pick Mr Png as one of its non-constituency MPs afterhis East Coast GRC team emerged as the best loser at last year'sGeneral Election. Double Din Car DVD Player Manufacturer

That spot eventually went to Mr Png's team-mate,Gerald Giam. "What DPM Teo said was factual. Those are the facts, I don't thinkhe interpreted it otherwise. It's true that that happened . Hyundai Car DVD Player

. (MrTeo) laid out the facts for the residents to decide," said Mr Choo. "In a gentlemen's fight, you must present the facts. Do not addmore to it, do not discount from it. Lay it out on the table forpeople to decide." Mr Png's response: "My personal stand goes back to the time whenthe NCMP scheme was introduced.

I do not wish for a government todictate on the number and type of opposition members we can have inParliament. "As such, before the General Election, I had already made it clearto the secretary-general, as well as the East Coast team, that Iwould not want to be considered for the NCMP position." With the nine-day campaign fast approaching the finish line, WP isbusy gearing up for its second rally, set to begin at 7pm today. It will be held at the same venue as the first rally - the openfield in front of Block 837, bounded by Hougang Avenue 4 andHougang Central. All the party's bigwigs, including secretary-general Low ThiaKhiang and chairman Sylvia Lim, are expected to speak.