偏差値40から有名大学合格:入試問題を戦略で学ぶ (さくら教育研究所)(SKREDU)

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2020-03-28 | 日記

CHAPTER 4 時制(2)

1 日本語の意味に合うように ( ) 内に適語を入れなさい. 〈§1〉
1) 僕はちょうど旅行から戻ったところです.
I ( ) just ( ) back from my trip.
2) 今までにこんな美しい景色を一度も見たことがありません.
I ( ) ( ) ( ) such a beautiful scene before.
3) 彼はそのチームで6年間ずっとサッカーをしてきました.
He ( ) ( ) ( ) soccer on the team for six years.
4) これまで多くの人々がこのようなコンピュータを欲しいと思っていました.
A lot of people ( ) ( ) this type of computer.
5) 彼女は正午からずっとテレビを見ています.
She ( ) ( ) ( ) TV since noon.

2 次の各文の( )内の動詞を適当な完了形または完了進行形に直しなさい. 〈§2〉
1) The concert (just begin) when we got to the concert hall.

2) Chris showed me some postcards which he (buy) during his trip.

3) Sarah (play) tennis for an hour when I arrived at the court.

4) I was able to understand it quickly since I (hear) it before.

3 日本文の意味になるように( )内の語句を適当な形に直しなさい. 〈§3〉
1) 私が彼の家に着く前に,彼は出発してしまっているでしょう.
He (start) before I arrive at his house.

2) もう一度その本を読むと3回読むことになります.
If I read that book again, I (read) it three times.

4 次の各文の時制の誤りを訂正しなさい.(ただし原文の大意は変えないこと.)
1) The bus has left a few minutes ago.

2) When have you seen him? ― I saw him yesterday.

3) You may watch TV when you will have done your homework.

4) He has lived in Osaka for two years in the 1990s*. *「1990年代に」

5 日本文とほぼ同じ意味になるように各文の( )内に適語を入れなさい.
1) 少し休みましょうか.2時間歩き続けているのだから.
Shall we have a break? We ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) two hours.
2) ジョーンズさんは名古屋に来て 3 年になる.
It ( ) ( ) three years since Mr. Jones came to Nagoya.
=Three years ( ) ( ) since Mr. Jones came to Nagoya.
=Mr. Jones ( ) ( ) in Nagoya for three years.


2020-03-12 | 日記

CHAPTER 3 時制(1)

1 次の各文の( )内の動詞を適当な形に変えなさい. 〈§1〉
1) Water (boil) at 100℃. ( )
2) I know her because I (meet) her a week ago. ( )
3) Jane usually walks to school, but she sometimes (go) by bus. ( )
4) I (call) you before I leave my house this evening. ( )
5) I (talk) with her then for the first time. ( )
6) Tom (be) seventeen years old next year. ( )
7) He often (play) soccer during his high school days. ( )
8) Your mother'll be surprised if she (hear) the news. ( )

2 次の各文の( )内で適切なほうを選びなさい. 〈§1,2〉
1) I (watched, was watching) television when the telephone rang.
2) Please give him this message when he (arrives, will arrive).
3) You won't get better if you (don't stay, won't stay) in bed.
4) The girl (resembles, is resembling) her mother very much.
5) They (fight, are fighting) now. We must stop them.
6) The light went out while I (took, was taking) a bath.
7) These flowers (smell, are smelling) very sweet.
8) We (had, were having) lunch when he called on us.

ヒント 6) The light went out「停電になった」

3 次の各文を動詞の形に注意して日本語に直しなさい.
1) Meg looked very happy at the party.

2) I am meeting Ms. Takano at three this afternoon.

3) The man was always criticizing others. *criticize「批判する」

4) We start here at 8 a.m. tomorrow.

5) Let's hurry. The parade is going to come soon.

6) Ken will be traveling in Australia about this time next week.

4 日本文の意味に合うように各文の( )内に適語を入れなさい.
1) 彼女は今晩ここに来る予定でしょうか.
( ) she ( ) to come here this evening?
2) ちょうど夕食を食べようとしているところなんだ.いっしょにどうだい.
We're just ( ) to eat dinner. Why don't you join us?
3) ロイがやってくる前に,宿題をすませよう.
I ( ) finish the homework before Roy ( ) to my house.


2020-03-09 | 日記

CHAPTER 2 文の組み立て

1 次の各文の S,V を指摘しなさい. 〈§2- 1,6〉
1) He went to school by bus yesterday.

2) There were some books on the table.

3) The members of the team were sitting on the bench.

2 ( )内に入る動詞を下から 1 つずつ選び,各文を日本語に直しなさい.〈§2- 2〉
1) George ( ) angry during lunch time yesterday.

2) My dream ( ) true at last.

3) The traffic signal ( ) yellow.

4) This apple pie ( ) very good.

[ came, remained, turned, tastes ]

3 各文の( )内の語句を並べかえて文を完成しなさい. 〈§2- 3,4〉
1) The teacher (the students,some pictures,showed).

2) Ted (made,some,his son,sandwiches).

3) Bob (a friend,a Christmas present,to,sent) in Canada.

4) Can I (favor,you,a,ask,of)?

4 各文の( )内の語句を並べかえて文を完成し,日本語に直しなさい. 〈§2- 5〉
1) We (dog, call, the, John).

2) What (so angry, you, made)?

3) (I, him, believed, honest).

4) We always (our, clean, carpet, keep).

5) I (interesting, found, very, the movie).

5 各文の( )内のうち適当なほうを選び,その動詞が自動詞か他動詞かを答えなさい. 〈§2- 7〉
1) They (arrived, arrived at) the hotel at midnight.
2) We must (discuss, discuss about) the problem now.
3) Please (reply, reply to) me by tomorrow.

6 日本文の意味に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 私たちの学校には大きな図書館があります.
(a big library, our school, is, there, in).

2) 父は私に新しいマウンテンバイクを買ってくれた.
My (me, a, father, mountain bike, bought, new).

3) 妹は水中で目を開けていることができません.
My little sister (her eyes, keep, can’t, open) in the water.

1 次の各組の文の S,V,O,C を示し,日本語に直しなさい.
1) The cloth felt very soft.

Did you feel the earthquake last night?

2) I will remain in this room.

The house remained empty for a year.

3) You must keep the fish in the refrigerator.

He always keeps his hair nice-looking.

4) My father made me a good bookshelf.

They made their new plan public.

5) The painter became famous after his death.

The dress becomes you.

  ヒント 2) empty「空いている」 4) bookshelf「本棚」 public「公の,公開の」

2 次の各組の文の(  )内に共通して入る動詞を答え,日本語に直しなさい.
1) You must ( ) your promise.

Please ( ) quiet in this room.

We should ( ) it a secret.

2) Helen ( ) me an interesting book yesterday.

The train ( ) to Tokyo Station an hour late this morning.

My shoes ( ) dirty because I walked on the mountain path.

3) Please ( ) in line.

We couldn’t ( ) the noise from outside.

ヒント 3) in line「一列に並んで」


2020-03-01 | 日記

CHAPTER 1 文の種類

1 日本文の意味に合うように( )内に適語を入れなさい. 〈§1,2,3〉
1) メグは今朝新聞を読みませんでした.
Meg ( ) read the newspaper this morning.
2) ユキはそのコンサートのチケットを買わなかったの?
( ) Yuki ( ) a ticket for the concert?
3) 君は今とてもおなかがすいていますね.
You are very hungry now, ( ) ( )?
4) ここで昼食をとりませんか.
Let’s have lunch here, ( ) ( )?

2 各組の対話が成り立つように,( )内に適語を入れなさい. 〈§2〉
1) ( ) is your homeroom teacher? ― Mr. Kato ( ).
2) ( ) did George put his sunglasses? ― On the bed.
3) ( ) do you like Billy? ― ( ) he is always cheerful.
4) ( ) did you come here? ― By bicycle.

3 日本文の意味に合うように( )内に適語を入れなさい. 〈§3,4〉
1) 結果を気にするな.
( ) worry about the results.
2) この部屋はなんて清潔なんだろう.
( ) clean this room is!
3) なんてかわいい子どもたちなんでしょう.
( ) cute ( ) they are!
4) 静かにして私の話を聞いてちょうだい.
( ) quiet and ( ) to me.
5) コーヒーを 1 杯持ってきてくれないかい.
Bring me a cup of coffee, ( ) ( )?

4 日本文の意味に合うように,各文を完成させなさい.
1) 以前ここであなたにお会いしましたね.
I have met you here before, (            )?
2) なんておもしろい試合なんだろう.(exciting)
(                ) this is!
3) 昨日のあの番組,見なかったの?―いいや,見たよ.
(            ) watch that program yesterday?
― ( ), I ( ).
4) あの映画はもうひとつおもしろくなかったね.―うん,おもしろくなかった.
That movie wasn’t very interesting, ( )?
― ( ), it ( ).