偏差値40から有名大学合格:入試問題を戦略で学ぶ (さくら教育研究所)(SKREDU)

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2020-02-25 | 日記


1 次の各文の( )内のうちの適当なほうを選び,日本語に直しなさい. 〈§1〉
1) (Can, Will) I use your dictionary? ― Yes, certainly.

2) He (cannot, must) be out now. He doesn't answer the phone.

3) Must I leave now? ― No, you (aren't able to, don't have to).

4) You (may, must) ask me any question.

5) Mr. Wilson isn't so young, but he (must, can't) be over forty.

2 次の各文の( )内から適当なほうを選びなさい. 〈§2,3〉
1) (Will you, Shall you) show me the way to your school?
2) (Will we, Shall we) begin our class?
3) She left her home early. She (should, need) be here by now.
4) There (would, used to) be a big tree around here.
5) I am serious. I (will, would) not listen to such nonsense.

3 各文の[ ]内から適当な助動詞を選び,( )内の動詞を使って適当な〈助動詞+have+過去分詞〉の形にしなさい. 〈§4〉
1) He [must, cannot] (sleep) well in such a noisy room.

2) You [cannot, need not] (buy) so many eggs. There are still some in the refrigerator.

3) I [may, cannot] (see) him somewhere before, but I don't know who he is.

4) Tom got lost. I [must, should] (give) him a map.

4 日本文の意味に合うように( )内に適語を入れなさい. 〈§5,6〉
1) 彼女がそのことに文句を言うのももっともだ.
She ( ) ( ) complain about that.
2) この用紙にサインするだけで結構です.
You ( ) ( ) to sign your name on this form.
3) あなたに1つ質問したいのですが.
I ( ) ( ) ( ) ask you a question.
4) バスを待つより家まで歩いて帰ったほうがましだ.
I ( ) ( ) ( ) walk home as wait for a bus.
5) 人込みの中に出かけるよりはむしろここに残りたい.
I ( ) ( ) remain here ( ) go out in a crowd.

5 日本文の意味に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 君は疲れているようだ.無理をしないほうがいいよ.
You look tired. You (not, too, better, work, hard, had).

2) 映画を見るよりむしろスポーツがしたい.
I (play, than, rather, sports, go, would, to) the movies.

3) おじといっしょによくつりに行ったが,今ではそんなことはもうない.
I (to, with, go, used, fishing) my uncle, but not anymore.
