『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama 


太陽信仰の神髄はシリウスにあり 1  The essence of sun worship lies in Sirius 1

2024年02月29日 18時41分28秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

 How are you all doing ?

This updated article will focus on information about Sirius, which can be said to be the origin of solar worship.

In addition, we have added top-secret information about the pyramids, so it's a great read, so it's also recommended for Japanese people. However, only the parts added in the second half are included.

その情報源は、K さん のブログと、「竹内文書」、「カバラの真義」からであります。
The sources of this information are Mr. K's blog, 「Takeuchi Documents」 and 「The Truth of Kabbalah」.

Of course, there are some parts that are my own interpretation.

As I have said many times, please verify it yourself.

This article is difficult to understand even for Japanese people. Therefore, please bear with us as the English translation will be even more difficult to understand.

The word 「籠目=kagome」 refers to the emblem itself, which is a 「six-pointed star」 and the 『 Song of the Kagome 』 seems to sing 【 the dawn of a new Sirius 】

籠目の歌(kagomenouta)、Kagome's song
The song is about 30 seconds long, so I repeat it many times. Japanese subtitles only.

「籠目=kagome」 is the 「eye of the universe」 and corresponds to the 「right eye」 located at the 33rd step from the bottom of the pyramid, which is one of the symbols of ancient Freemasonry.

In the same way, there is an eye at the center of the 「hexagram」 symbol, and this is the 「center eye」

Now, conspiracy theorists will have a bad impression of Freemasonry and the right eye of the pyramid.
However, that is a complete misunderstanding.

The ideas of the Illuminati and Freemasonry, as well as the numerology of Kabbalah, are originally the ideas of the regular gods and are secret techniques.

Its power is simply being misused by the dark forces who are puppets of the Anunnaki, the evil gods of Nibiru.

Everything is two sides of the same coin, so please don't misunderstand.

(籠目)Kagome is also literally ``the eye of the dragon,'' and it is also the eye of ``Tsukuyomi no Mikoto,'' who is the origin of the life form of the dragon god.

* 竹+龍== kago = basket、=me = eye(籠目)Kagome

The character ``takekanmuri'' in the word ``basket'' represents the horn of a dragon.

If there is one part of「 Kagome's song 」 that is particularly difficult to understand, it is the latter half.

“ と統べった うしろの正面だあれ ” 
鶴=turu=crane 亀=kame=turtle )
 That's the front behind me.

The first part of this song is・・・

Crane ( 鶴 = Tsuru )→ Femininity consciousness
Turtle ( 亀 = kame )  → Masculinity consciousness

Messages from the heavenly world are usually expressed as lucky charms.

``Suberu'' does not mean ``slip'', but ``subere'' in the sense of integrating.

In other words, it conveys the integration of feminine consciousness and masculine consciousness, but by replacing it with a crane and a turtle, you can understand that it is a ``celebratory event.''

That's the front behind me.” is an article from the other day,
``The norms of ancient Gnostic doctrine are found in the Sirius star system.''
As I told you, the back, the other side of the " hexagram,"
Waiting in the inner temple is「天之御中主神  Ama no mi naka nushi no kami」
He is a father figure, one who could be called a great figure within the " Sirius Star System ".

In other words, if we decipher each lyric,

「かごめ かごめ」  
「Kagome, Kagome」 Sirius Sirius

「Kagono nakano toriha」 The bird in the cage 
In the closed world of the Earth's material world, Earth's humans are trapped.  

「いつ いつ でやる」  
「Itu itu deyaru」
When will it break out of its shell and fly into the multidimensional universe?

「Yoake no ban ni」On the night of dawn
Was that around December 22, 2020 (the day of the winter solstice) ?

Turu to kame to subetta」 I ruled with the crane and the turtle.
At that time, when the feminine consciousness and the masculine consciousness were integrated,

「 Usiro no syoumenn daare? 」That's the front behind me.
In the inner shrine of the Sirius star system,「 天之御中主神  Ama no mi naka nushi no kami 」appears on a clear day.

Well, Sirius A is huge, but Betelgeuse and Antares are even bigger.

By the way, Betelgeuse in the Orion constellation is said to be about to explode. When would that be?

The eruption of Mt. Fuji and the explosion of Betelgeuse are said to be phenomena that represent the final stage of God's plan, that is, the ascension plan.

Until then, let's be a witness to history and work hard with perseverance and patience.

Well, I found an interesting video, so I would like to introduce it to you.

Nikola Tesla was a genius inventor who rivaled Edison.

He developed a wireless power transmission system and tried to provide free energy to the whole world...Please watch the video below to learn about the relationship between Tesla, the pyramids, free energy, and Kabbalah.

As a summary of this video,

The pyramids were not built by the ancient Egyptians as the tombs of the pharaoh Khufu, but by people who lived about 15,000 years ago and possessed precise technology. There is a possibility.

The true purpose of the pyramids was not to serve as royal tombs, but to generate electricity.

Nikola Tesla was working to create a technology that could provide free, clean energy to all parts of the world through wireless power transmission technology.

Nikola Tesla was strongly influenced by Kabbalah numerology.

Tesla had an obsession with the number 369, and was particularly obsessed with the number 3.
Pyramids are also triangular in shape, and Tesla's obsession with numerology is the reason why he became even more obsessed with pyramids.

In fact, one type of numerology uses a method called the inverted pyramid.

Kabbalah is an ancient tradition of numerology that uses numbers to try to understand the energetic vibrations of something or someone and how they affect them in various contexts.

In this way, numerology also uses a method using pyramids.

The power generation method using pyramids is as shown in the video, so please check it out.

The above is a summary, but in 「The Truth of Kabbalah」 written by Dr. M. Dorill, he does not use the expression ``power generation'', but instead refers to it as a device that generates powerful energy.

I'm sure there is an English version of ``The Truth of Kabbalah,'' so please purchase it.

以下に、一部 抜粋して掲載いたします。
Some excerpts are posted below.

「第12章 大ピラミッドの象徴性」217頁 より ~
From  “Chapter 12:  Symbolism of the Great Pyramid”  page 217

The Great Pyramid is much older than is generally known.

It was built by Atlantean immigrants around 36,000 BC.

~~ 中略 ~~  Omission

The pyramids were used by the monks of Thoth (Ascended Masters) as temples for the transmission of revelations.

In fact, it is still used for such purposes.

Great leaders of the past, such as Melchizidek, Moses, Solomon, and Jesus, had their mysteries revealed within the pyramids.

So the pyramids are the oldest and most mysterious of all the external schools on earth.

The pyramids were built as a repository for records brought from Atlantis when the archipelago sank into the sea, 12,000 years before the Great Pyramid was built.

以下、私の要約・・・Below is my summary...

The entrance to the unknown section is on the south side... This room contains some kind of machinery that the Atlanteans used to build this pyramid.

The machines include anti-gravity machines, vibration machines, and many other things. One of these machines was used by Moses when he divided the waters of the Red Sea into left and right sides.
It seems that two machines called atomic destroyers were used.

The central shaft is an anti-gravity elevator that was used to raise stones during the construction of the pyramid.

At the top of the central shaft, there is a large convex crystal lens with thousands of prisms inserted into it.

At the bottom of its central shaft is a room containing a small anti-gravity machine.

I won't go into details, but in this room there are two concentrating lenses that are connected to the central earth force. That force is the energy that forms the equilibrium and balance of the planets.

If this energy is transferred by a small amount, the continents will rise above the sea level or sink. This is how Atlantis and Lemuria sank below the ocean's surface.

This is nothing more than a super destructive weapon for humans.
That's probably why it's completely sealed.
The same goes for the space battleship that sleeps beneath the Sphinx...


In Japan, the power of numbers has been considered important since ancient times.
The number spirits are discussed in the article below, but please note that the English translation will be released some time later.

This article is likely to be divided into three parts.

Now, it's time for "Today's Recommended Number".

『 Star Cycle 』 Jeff Beck  / There And Back 
『スター・サイクル』 ジェフ・ベック / ゼア・アンド・バック

This song is amazing no matter when I listen to it. It seems like a tremendous energy is surging and attacking me like a tornado. Is it like a storm of beats and rhythms?
So, please wait for a while until the next time, ``The Essence of Sun Worship Is in Sirius 2''.

