
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

Go!Go! Ottawa and Kingston

2005-05-18 | about Canada
May 14 -16, 2005

Yoshi and I went to Ottawa, Canada.
Do you know what is Ottawa like? It is the capital of Canada where the sophisticatedly made parliament building and many interesting museums are. I found the city more neatly organized than Toronto. It is no doubt, it was quickly developed after Queen Elizabeth designated it as the capital city tens of years ago. (No idea how long ago... heh, heh.) In fact, the city is quite small comparing to Toronto.

check it out!
City of Ottawa

We were supposed to meet Mika, a friend of mine who had visited me here in Canada. She had been travelling in Montreal and Quebec by train and was hooking up with us.
It was my idea to get together in Ottawa, by the way. I thought it would help her with saving money because she said she was on a tight budget travel. Yoshi and I visited Ottawa last year but, to make her travel financially easier, we visited again to pick her up. Well, we should have gone to Montreal and Quebec with her too but... It would take too long and tiring drive hours ( 6-8 hrs to Quebec!!! )... Sorry.

There is a town called Kingston near by. The town is much smaller than Ottawa but it has a good sightseeing spot called Thousand Islands. Literally, there are many small islands on St. Lawrence Liver, which lies on the border of Canada and the U.S. Some riches buy one of those islands and build a cottage on it. The scenery is peaceful and breathtaking. We have been longing to visit there too. This town seemed too small to squeeze into Mika's short trip in Eastern Canada but we asked her to give us her one day. She eventually said OK and we were going to see Kingston on the way back to Toronto.

Check it out!
City of Kingston
Thousand Islands - - The Internet Bridge to the Thousand Islands Region

Actually, Yoshi wanted to take one of our friends with us. He wasn't natural with Mika. I agreed with him because I didn't like things being awkward, too. So we asked Nuk-Nuk out. It was very last minute notice for Mika. She might be surprised finding Nuk-Nuk in the car.

The Tulip Festival was going in Ottawa. Ottawa turns into a tulip garden everywhere in this period of season. You can enjoy beauty of tulips, fun live concerts and events at several sights in Ottawa and Gatineau, a city next to Ottawa. I wanted to show Mika thousands of beautiful tulips. Luckily, it was lovelily sunny and a good day for taking pictures with the flowers.

check it out!
Canadian Tulip Festival

We stayed in Ottawa for 2 nights.
Don't be surprised, OK? We, four adults, stayed in the same hotel room!! This was one of the tricks to save Mika's money. The room had a bed room and a living room. We kept a bit of private so it was no problem.
... Mika's first plan was to stay in Ottawa for a night. She wanted to pinch pennies so she had stayed one night each in Montreal and Quebec, too. ( I, as an easygoing traveler, can't believe taking such a rush trip... she was even on her own, not in a organized tour!! )We asked her to stay one more night because otherwise we wouldn't see Kingston on the way home. She arrived at Ottawa train station at 15:30. How could anyone see around two cities in only an evening and a half day?

The last day, we took a boat cruise for thousand Islands. There are several courses for the cruise. The one we took was Nuk-Nuk's recommend. She is quite a researcher and her information is always reliable. This cruise departing from Gananoque was one of the best. You will see beautiful Boldt Castle, a huge villa on Heart Island. Regrettably you can't land on it. The island is in America. You need a visa if you go from Canada.

I like small cities better than famous touristy cities. The latter ones are usually packed with tourists.. which is very tiring for me. If you prefer nature and peace to urban atmosphere, you should go to Thousand Islands. You will meet a kind of true form of Eastern Canada!

Road trips are nice to have a chitchat. Even to Ottawa, 4-hour drive to get to, we have plenty of time. ... It is fun as long as passengers are awake... Yoshi and I were driving in turns. Most of the time, others were taking a nap.. It happens when people go skiing, right? The driver is the unluckiest one, heh, heh.


オタワではチューリップフェスティバル開催中でした。(去年もこの為にオタワに行ったの。)ぬくぬくは「高崎祭りの方が盛大」とか行ってたけど(笑 私はこの程度で丁度いいと思いました。何と言っても、5月のリドー運河のほとりは、芝生と並木の新緑が目に眩しくて、運河沿いのジョギングコースを走る人に思わず交じりたくなるんですよね。(インドア派のくせに!)そこにたくさんのチューリップが彩りを添えると、天気がよかったりなんかすると、もう最高v 脳内にα波が溢れかえります。





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