
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

canadian thermal body

2005-04-11 | about Canada
Apr 10, 2005

I got an errand to run in downtown this afternoon.

I went to a sales office of the pre-construction condominium that Yoshi and I get. The construction is going to be completed in September 2006 and we are going to make a full purchase by then. What we have to do for now is to make down payment. In fact, Yoshi did 2 weeks ago but the name of its receiver on the checks was wrong. Thus I went there to pass the right ones on behalf of him.

It was a beautiful day.
When it is sunny, the air gets as warm as over 15℃ these days.
The sales office is located some blocks away from Bloor × Yonge subway station, where trendy Bloor street stretches to the West. The street is always packed with people come and go every weekend.
I saw bunches of young people wearing no sleeve shirt, tank top, bare top (!) and short pants. I was surprised because they seems to be too early to be worn yet. The air temperature still drops down to near 0 degree at night.
I guess people in Canada have a functional thermal body or something!

I was strolling on Bloor street having a smell of spring. It was a mistake to wear boots not because it is too warm but it hurt me a lot. I am normally a sport-shoe person. Shoes with high heels are not my things.

今からこんなだと、30℃を越える真夏には一体何を着るのでしょうかあの人たちは。。すっぽんぽんなのでしょうか。。(いやまだその前にビキニという手もあるダロ ←てかビキニ限定なのか。。)




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