
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

another blog

2011-10-31 | what's up?

Oct 31, 2011 


Heh, heh...

Ok,  please don't say anything about my blog not to be updated.  I fully understand what you wanna say!!I know I have been a little bit irresponsible but I want you to know that I didn't forget it.

I have another blog to keep and I put A LITTLE BIT more priority to it. I post about Jack on it. He is my cute black-and-tan dog. He turned 2 & 1/2 years old now.  I posted about him in here too before but,  I have to tell you, he has transformed into an impeccably adorable smart handsome dog!!! He is the best of the best dog in the world!! LOL! 

Look how his smile is big and bright!

You will find how Jack is doing in Here! Please check it out!


From now on I will update this journal a little bit more often.  I mean it!

 ...... Who would believe me?



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