
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

stray cat

2013-06-13 | what's up?

June 13, 2013 

I found a stray cat at the end of last month. 

He is the one in question below!

Normally I am not the kind of person who takes stray cats home in good faith but this time I did.. Ah, oh..

Because he was so friendly that he kept snuggling around my legs and never left. He was insanely meager that you could feel his spine, libs and pelvis through his skin. I thought he had been kept by someone and lost his way home. If he was an alley cat or something, he wouldn't be this skeletal because he would have been able to catch a mouse or two and eat. So I thought I would find his owner.

It has been almost 3 weeks since then. I put his information on bulletin boards both on the Internet and on real ones in stores and public facilities. There have only been two inquiries so far. Both didn't match though.

I am starting to think that he was abandoned ... If the owner doesn't show up during this month, I will stop looking for the original owner and start to find a new one.

Is there anyone interested in? He is really friendly, healthy, good-looking, and knows how to use toilet already! And you know, black cats are the good-luck charm!


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