
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

one survives while another dies

2005-01-03 | news
Jan.2, 2005

Tsunami aid effort gains momentum

It's been a week since the deadly earthquake and gigantic tsunami hit Southeast Asia. They are about to stop to rescue the missing people. 7 days are too long to survive after the tragedy. However, the aid for the refugees is gathering from the world.
I have been reading the news articles about it. It is getting clearer and clearer what is going on out there.

I read the interview with a 16 year-old girl who survived the tsunami. She was at home sweeping the floor at the time. There was a friend of hers outside yelling at her "Run!" So she found the waves were coming. The first wave was as high as her knees, second hit her shoulders and then, the massive one was way over houses!
Oh, my ... !!
She was swept away in a flash. She saw many of her friends pulled out to the sea. She saw her mother pulled too. Her head split in two when hit by a tree. She had nothing to do then.
She grabbed a dog's leg as it floated by her. Thank God, the dog was swimming against the wave, pulling her to the water surface. So she survived.

For the two days after the earth quake, the victims had had no food, no water or no clothes. How could the God do this to the people? See the picture above. Banda Aceh, the nearest village to the epicentre completely washed away.
And, this is too nonsense to wonder but, how many Japanese people suffered the ordeal?


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