
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

aftermath of earthquake

2011-03-21 | what's up?

Mar 21, 2011


It has been 10 days since the worst disastrous earthquake hit Japan. I am sincerely sorry for those who is suffering damages from it. I am hoping everything will be back to normal as quickly as possible!


We didn't have any damages here apart from over-night blackout right after the huge quake on Mar 11.  I heard that water pipes of some buildings were frozen and cracked because of the heater also went off.  In our house it was OK.  Yoshi found the hot water tap was frozen before dawn but it came all OK after the power was back an hour later.  Phew ..


The next morning, soon after the power back,  what Yoshi and I did first was to turn on the TV. Our eyes were just stuck to the tube showing the disaster area. I couldn't believe what I was watching. Everything was just gone. The correspondent reported that Giant Tsunami flattened the cities ...


It has been 10 days. People have been doing various things. I observed them and couldn't stop considering about what people put much value on.  The next day I had some people dropped by.  Ones were friends of mine who tried to get to ski resort at the very night the quake hit.  They experienced the following Northern-Nagano quake so they soon came back and dropped by my house on the way home.  Others were my aunt and uncle. They came by to bring us some rolled Sushi. My aunt said she couldn't stand watching dreadful disaster sites or poor refugees any more.  The only thing she could do she said was only cooking.   

Me? I think I was distracted enough by them almost all day. I didn't have to worry about things related to the disaster too much. I kind of appreciated them. 

There are people who try to support the refugees. Other people just go buying-up. And other people doesn't do anything special but keep having ordinary life.

I can't judge which is the right action. Maybe there is no right action.


The question is, how I should take action. I really don't know.


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