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insurance agent

2013-10-19 | what's up?

Oct 18, 2013 

I got a call last evening. It was a life insurance agent who takes care of my insurance. He said he wanted to visit me to introduce some of new insurance plans. Actually I don't like to have sales people come home but I accepted him this time.  We had never met each other so I thought I should meet him at least once. 

Eventually I think I made a good decition. The man talks really good. First of all he knows a lot about the insurance he is dealing with. Second, he is friendly and honest. There are some people who talks good but has something "not so good" inside but he seemed not like those. At least I felt so. Well,  I don't know how far my hunch is reliable, though. I have just started to train myself to watch people. Heh, heh. 

The plan he offered sounded reasonable. I will check the details carefully though, I think I will change the plan.




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top 10 insurance in the world (Insurance tierod bekisting)
2022-01-22 00:18:11
thankyou for god article
this is Top 10 insurance companies in the world
check this out

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