田中良平 切り絵・切り紙制作所

Ryohei Tanaka`s Killer Cuts&Killing Shapes

high write

2013-11-13 18:20:03 | つぶやき

Time flies. So as my brain and heart.
Think about other things. Specific things.
Sex things. Life things.
More things.
Stuff. Shits. Damn.
Fuck you.
Fuck me?
What ?
Just spaces.
This and that.
Car outside. Alarm is beeping.
Dogs barking.
I am typing.
Relationships among the people.
How can I bull shit this.
I am not good at lying.
also not good at saying truth.
what the fuck is the truth anyway.
fuck truth.
fuck commonsense.
fuck fuck.
fuck you.
yes, asshole, fuck you.
no confidence.
no. I would say not enough.
there are some.
self respects?
to some degree.
those things you want to say but having no chance to say.
you hear them everywhere.
brain floats.

okay. sentences.
I hate you.
I hate you as I, saying to myself.
talking to myself.
I am stupid.
Yes. I know that.
I don't hate myself.
That's very nice.

Use English.

Being around smart people make you feel like an idiot.
not just smart people.

People who are able to express their thoughts and emotions with whatever language they use and having ears and others to listen.

I envy.

saying 'stupid' is an easy way out.

what would be a difficult way out.


even though it could happen so easily.

choosing is not easy.

what do you want.

say it.



I am going take a nap too.

Paper Noise is coming soon.

2013-11-07 09:18:21 | NEWS

Okay. What now.
Now what. Naomi Watts. so ever.
Morning brain. Stupid brain. Unthinkable thoughts.
Let see what did I do yesterday.
I have been watching "Louie" via NETFLIX.
That is a great show haven't yet arrived in Japan.
My guess is it never will because it's too mature.
Pathos of life we are afraid to cook.
Japanese funny show run for zanies, sillies and just plain stupids.
"Louie" is beautifully shot. I really like about that.

Yesterday was November 6th. Wednesday.

Went to Sweet Roses.
My old friend Shiho's Ice cream joint.
Their ice creams are the best.

The walls in the store's painted by Kris Chau and helped by Ako.
It is more than well done.

Met Shiho's son who is just born.
What a wonderful baby he was!

Now I am going to have some breakfast.


Now I am back.

Ako made mighty tasty waffles.

Then we went to one Gallery Rob had show in June to pick up some art works.
After that we went ahead to GR2 to drop off the works we picked up
GR2 is where we are going to have show starting this weekend.
I forgot to mention that "We" as I and Rob.
All driving of this day was done by Rob.

was exhibiting
Katsuya Terada
's mainly non digital works and I wanted to see them.
They were great. Wish I was there to see him in person.

Then we went to frame store to pick up custom framed art works of ROB SATO for the show.
Exciting. The man in the frame store is balding but has very smooth skin. Hard to tell his age.

Then finally we hit back to the house.
As we stuck in the traffic we talked about things and stuff.
Like everybody do.

Came home. Eric from Giant Robot was waiting for us with a couple of people from Oakland art museum.
Well, not both of us. Just Rob.
We had Pho all together.

Cool beans.


2013-11-03 15:31:27 | つぶやき
To practice my English I will write something here.
Maybe something like diary.
I am having hard time speaking English for two reasons.
One is for having braces in my teeth and the other is for not using Engish speaking brain and mouth often enough.
Because of my metal pieces for fixing my underbite I noticed that I tend to avoid the "V" sounds and "F" sounds.
I say less "Fuck" than I used say. Is that common thing for people under dental care like me?
I have arrived here two days ago. Los Angles, CA. USA.
By Malaysia air line.
After arriving LAX we stayed in the airplane for an hour and half.
There was a shooting in the airport in the morning so they closed down the airport.
They didn't tell us that in the air plane.
After spending about 8 hours in the air port my friend found me and took me to their house.
It is a house of ROB and AKO.
Rob need to use computer.
So I get off now.