Milton Friedman(2006)、“Tradeoffs in Monetary Policy(pdf)”
Ben S. Bernanke、“The Great Moderation”(At the meetings of the Eastern Economic Association, Washington DC,February 20, 2004)
Satyajit Chatterjee、“The Taylor Curve and the Unemployment-Inflation Tradeoff(pdf)”(Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia,Business Review,Third Quarter, 2002,pp. 26-33)
ロバート・M. ソロー、ジョン・B テイラー、ベンジャミン・M. フリードマン(編)/秋葉弘哉、大野裕之(訳)『インフレ、雇用、そして金融政策』の第2章「雇用とインフレ安定性のための金融政策のガイドライン」
R.E. ホール、J.B. テーラー(著)/森口親司(訳)『マクロ経済学』の第18章「有効なマクロ政策のデザインと管理」
Edward Nelson(2007)、“Milton Friedman and U.S. Monetary History:1961-2006(pdf)”(The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, Vol.89, No.3, pp.153-182)
Milton Friedman and Anna J. Schwartz’s (1963) A MonetaryHistory of the United States covered a 93-year period: 1867 to 1960. Milton Friedman lived until November 2006—46 years beyond the period covered by the Monetary History and a length of time equal to nearly half that covered in that book. Throughout 1961-2006, Friedman commented publicly on U.S. monetary policy developments. This paper attempts to provide a perspective on Friedman’s account of 1961-2006 U.S. monetary history by studying the observations he provided over that period.