


2021-04-14 01:00:16 | 🇫🇷

登録日:2021/3/3 Wed 12:55:22
更新日:2021/03/04 Thu 14:45:04NEW!
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イギリス イングランド ウェールズ グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国 スコットランド ブリカス ユニオンジャック ヨーロッパ 世界の国シリーズ 何故かなかなか立たなかった項目 北アイルランド 国家 国家項目 大英帝国 常任理事国 英国面

その他の蔑称別称に『ブリテン・U.K.(United Kingdom)・大英帝国・ブリカス』などがある。

正式名称:グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
首 都:ロンドン(事実上)
国 歌:God Save the Queen(女王陛下万歳,神よ女王を守り給え)(1999/8/13制定)*1
国防:イギリス軍(British Armed Forces)


そもそも「イギリス」というのはイングランド、スコットランド、ウェールズ、北アイルランドという別々の国の「連合王国(United Kingdom)」の通称である。
そのため正式名称は「グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)」という非常に長ったらしいもの。なので日本語では「イギリス」、英語では「U.K.」とか「Britain」と略している。
が、「イギリス」という名称は「English(イングランドの〜)」を元にしている上「イングランド」というのが「アングロランド」つまり「アングロサクソン民族の土地」という意味なので、特に独立心が強く民族も違うスコットランド人に「Oh! You’re from イギリス!」とか言うと「No! I am British but NOT English!」とブチギレられるので注意しよう。






1337年 百年戦争(フランス勝利)

1512年 カンブレー同盟戦争(フランス勝利)

1522年 第一次イタリア戦争(イングランド勝利)

1542年 第四次イタリア戦争(引き分け)

1557年 イタリア戦争(引き分け)

1627年 三十年戦争

1689年 九年戦争(イングランド勝利)

1702年 スペイン継承戦争(イギリス勝利)

1744年 オーストリア継承戦争(イギリス勝利)

1756年 七年戦争(イギリス勝利)

1778年 アメリカ独立戦争(フランス勝利)

1793年 フランス革命戦争(フランス勝利)

1803年 ナポレオン戦争(イギリス勝利)



乱暴に言うと「ノルマン人の征服王家(ノルマン朝)」→「フランス由来のイングランド王家(プランタジネット朝)」「ウェールズ由来かつフランス系でもあるイングランド王家(テューダー朝)」→「エリザベス1世からイングランドを託され、名誉革命後グレートブリテン島を統一する連合王国を築いたスコットランド王家(スチュアート朝)」→「神聖ローマ帝国・ハノーファー選帝侯の一族(ハノーヴァー朝 何度か改名しているがウィンザー朝の直接的先祖)」となる。









その内の一つが温泉文化で、日本では街中では犯罪者だが温泉では裸でも全く問題ない。実際、公衆の面前というのは変わらないのだが、そこには線引きがある。しかしイギリス人は街中は当然として温泉のような施設だろうと絶対に裸になりたくないという考えが根付いている。そのため、日本に旅行に来て温泉では素っ裸の日本人を見ると「Are you crazy!?」と困惑するイギリス人も少なくないらしい。




とにかく飯が不味い 。もしくは 見た目がエグい 。もしくは 料理の名前がどこかおかしい 。運が悪けりゃ全部。









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最終更新:2021年03月04日 14:45

*1 曲名や歌詞中の『Queen』、『Her』は国王が男性であれば『King』、『His(Him)』となり、国歌としては異例の形態を取る。

*2 所謂イギリス英語。世界の英語のほとんどはこれに近しい発音と綴りを有し、アメリカ英語やそれに準じた英語が主流であるのはアメリカ以外だとフィリピンやリベリア、日本(戦前まではイギリス英語が中心だったが)、次いでカナダ(綴りは英米のちゃんぽん)程度。

*3 ローマ神話の結婚の女神ユノー(ギリシャ神話のヘラ)に由来するという説もある

*4 先進国の中でも世界への影響力や軍事力、経済力が屈指な数カ国。現在で言えばG7や国連常任理事国のこと。

*5 エリザベス2世の子は家名はウィンザーのまま、姓をマウントバッテン=ウィンザーとしている。

*6 背景には官僚組織の肥大化によるヨコの連携不足や現場の独断専行、各種政治的力学などが挙げられる

*7 議会政治発祥の国であるため。


2021-03-27 00:41:07 | 🇫🇷

Premier ministre M. Édouard Philippe
Garde des sceaux, ministre de la justice Mme Nicole Belloubet
Ministre de l'Europe et des affaires étrangères M. Jean-Yves Le Drian
Ministre des armées Mme Florence Parly
Ministre de la transition écologique et solidaire Mme Elisabeth Borne
Ministre des solidarités et de la santé M. Olivier Véran
Ministre de l'économie M. Bruno Le Maire
Ministre du travail Mme Muriel Pénicaud
Ministre de l'éducation nationale M. Jean-Michel Blanquer
Ministre de l'action et des comptes publics M. Gérald Darmanin
Ministre de l'intérieur M. Christophe Castaner
Ministre de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l'innovation Mme Frédérique Vidal
Ministre de la cohésion des territoires et des relations avec les collectivités territoriales Mme Jacqueline Gourault
Ministre des outre-mer Mme Annick Girardin
Ministre de la culture M. Franck Riester
Ministre de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation M. Didier Guillaume
Ministre des sports Mme Roxana Maracineanu
Ministre auprès du Premier ministre, chargé des relations avec le Parlement M. Marc Fesneau
Ministre auprès de la ministre de la cohésion des territoires et des relations avec les collectivités territoriales, chargé des collectivités territoriales M. Sébastien Lecornu
Ministre auprès de la ministre de la cohésion des territoires et des relations avec les collectivités territoriales, chargé de la ville et du logement M. Julien Denormandie
Secrétaire d'État auprès du Premier ministre, porte-parole du Gouvernement Mme Sibeth Ndiaye
Secrétaire d'État auprès du Premier ministre, chargée de l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes et de la lutte contre les discriminations Mme Marlène Schiappa
Secrétaire d'État auprès du Premier ministre, chargée des personnes handicapées Mme Sophie Cluzel
Secrétaire d'État auprès du ministre de l'Europe et des affaires étrangères M. Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne
Secrétaire d'État auprès du ministre de l'Europe et des affaires étrangères, chargée des affaires européennes Mme Amélie de Montchalin
Secrétaire d'État auprès de la ministre des armées Mme Geneviève Darrieussecq
Secrétaire d'État auprès de la ministre de la transition écologique et solidaire Mme Brune Poirson
Secrétaire d'État auprès de la ministre de la transition écologique et solidaire Mme Emmanuelle Wargon
Secrétaire d'État auprès de la ministre de la Transition écologique et solidaire, chargé des Transports M. Jean-Baptiste Djebbari
Secrétaire d'État auprès de la ministre des solidarités et de la santé Mme Christelle Dubos
Secrétaire d'État auprès de la ministre des solidarités et de la santé M. Adrien Taquet
Secrétaire d'État auprès du ministre de la Santé et des Solidarités, chargé des Retraites M. Laurent Pietraszewski
Secrétaire d'État auprès du ministre de l'économie et des finances et du ministre de l'action et des comptes publics, chargé du numérique M. Cédric O
Secrétaire d’État auprès du ministre de l’économie et des finances Mme Agnès Pannier-Runacher
Secrétaire d’État auprès du ministre de l’éducation nationale et de la jeunesse M. Gabriel Attal
Secrétaire d'État auprès du ministre de l'action et des comptes publics M. Olivier Dussopt
Secrétaire d’État auprès du ministre de l’intérieur M. Laurent Nuñez

List of French

2021-03-23 04:47:35 | 🇫🇷

Clément Ader
Jacqueline Auriol
Louis Blériot
Henri Farman
René Fonck
Roland Garros, first to cross the Mediterranean; French Open is named after him.
Georges Guynemer
Raymonde de Laroche
Hubert Latham
Léon Lemartin
Marie Marvingt
Jean Mermoz
Les Frères Robert, balloonists Anne-Jean Robert and Nicolas-Louis Robert
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, author and aviator
André Turcat
Gabriel Voisin
Bernard Arnault (born 1949), entrepreneur
Liliane Bettencourt, cosmetics
Marcel Bich (1914–1994), Bic pens
Vincent Bolloré (born 1952), transportation and engineering
Marcel Boussac, textiles, fashion, newspapers, race horse breeding
Anne Bouverot (born 1966), telecommunications business executive
Ettore Bugatti (1881–1947), automobile manufacturer
André Citroën (1878–1935), automobile manufacturer
Adolphe Clément-Bayard (1855–1928), transportation manufacturer
Marcel Dassault (1892–1986), aviation
Alexandre Darracq (1855–1931), automotive pioneer
Claude Dauphin (born 1951), commodities trader
Louis Delâge (1874–1947), automotive pioneer
Émile Delahaye (1843–1905), automotive pioneer
Gérard Louis-Dreyfus (born 1932), agricultural commodities
Eleuthère Irénée du Pont de Nemours (1771–1834), founder of DuPont
Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours (1739–1817), entrepreneur
Jacques Foccart (?–1997), import-export
Léon Gaumont, pioneer film inventor
Paul-Louis Halley (1934–2004), supermarket tycoon
Max Hymans (1900–1961), aviation
Jean-Marie Messier (born 1957), former Vivendi CEO
Gérard Mestrallet (born 1949), chairman and CEO of Suez
Gérard Mulliez, entrepreneur
Xavier Niel (born 1967), entrepreneur and businessman at Iliad
Charles Pathé, film industry pioneer
Armand Peugeot (1849–1915), automobile manufacturer
François Pinault (born 1936), entrepreneur
Jacques-Donatien Le Ray de Chaumont (1726–1803), shipping magnate and a "Father of the American Revolution"
Marcel Renault (1872–1903), Co-founder of automobile manufacturer Renault[6]
César Ritz, hotelier
James Mayer de Rothschild (1792–1868), banker
Philippe de Rothschild (1902–1988), wine maker
Eugène Schueller (1881–1954), founder of L'Oréal
Bernard Tapie (born 1943), entrepreneur
Pierre Vidoue (c.1490–1543), Parisian printer and bookseller
Raymond Blanc
Paul Bocuse
Daniel Boulud
Michel Bras
Pascal Caffet
Marie-Antoine Carême
Alain Ducasse
Adolphe Dugléré
Auguste Escoffier
Pierre Gagnaire
Michel Guérard
Victor Hirtzler
Marc Lanteri
Ludovic Lefebvre
Jacques Pépin
Georges Perrier
Fernand Point
Charles Ranhofer
Eric Ripert
Joël Robuchon
Albert Roux
Michel Roux
Michel Roux, Jr.
Julien Royer
Guy Savoy
Paul Thalamas
François Vatel
Marc Veyrat
Jean-Georges Vongerichten
Philippe Etchebest
Hélène Darroze
Paul Pairet
Michel Sarran
Colonial administrators[edit]
Félix Éboué, Governor General of French Equatorial Africa
Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza, French Congo
Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, Louisiana
Samuel de Champlain, New France
François Caron, first Governor of French territories of India
François Martin, Governor for French territories in India
Pierre Christoph Le Noir, Governor for French territories in India
Pierre Benoît Dumas, Governor for French territories in India
Bertrand-François Mahé de La Bourdonnais, French naval officer and administrator, in the service of the French East India Company.
Joseph François Dupleix, Governor for French territories in India
Lally-Tollendal, Governor for French territories in India
Marquis de Bussy-Castelnau, Governor for French territories in India
Louis Faidherbe, Senegal
Joseph Gallieni, Madagascar
Francis Garnier, French Indochina (Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos)
Émile Gentil, French Congo
Louis Hubert Gonzalve Lyautey, Algeria
Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville, Louisiana
Jean Talon, Canada
Main article: List of French composers
Craftspeople and inventors[edit]
André Charles Boulle, cabinet maker
Louis Braille, blind inventor
Charles Cros, poet and inventor
Paul Héroult, inventor
Claude de Jouffroy d'Abbans, designed the first steamship in 1783
René François Lacôte, luthier
René Lalique, glass designer
Auguste and Louis Lumière, inventors
Philippe Starck, industrial architect and designer
Franky Zapata, Inventor of flyboard and flyboard Air
For collaboration with Nazi Germany see also the politicians section.

Jacques de Bernonville (1897–1972), war criminal sentenced to death
Jules Bonnot
Émile Louis
Henri Désiré Landru, serial killer
Jacques Mesrine
Zacarias Moussaoui
Maurice Papon, politician and war criminal
Marcel Petiot, serial killer
Gilles de Rais, prolific serial killer
Jean-Claude Romand, murderer
Albert Spaggiari
Charles Sobhraj, killer
Paul Touvier, one of only two Frenchmen to be convicted of crimes against humanity
Jane Avril
La Goulue
Sylvie Guillem
Marcelle Lender
Cléo de Mérode
Antonine Meunier
Hellé Nice
François Perron
Roland Petit
Les Twins, Larry and Laurent Bourgeois
Antoine Augustin Cournot
Maurice Allais, Nobel Prize
Raymond Barre, economist and politician
Frédéric Bastiat
Fernand Braudel
Jules Dupuit
Gérard Debreu, Nobel memorial prize 1983
Charles Gide
Dominique Guellec
Achille-Nicolas Isnard, political economist and engineer
Jean-Jacques Laffont
Pierre Émile Levasseur
Alain Lipietz, green economist
Bernard Maris
Thomas Piketty
Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours
François Quesnay
Pascal Salin
Jean-Baptiste Say
Jean Tirole
Léon Walras
Christian Audigier, fashion designer and business man
Liliane Bettencourt, majority owner of L'Oréal, one of the wealthiest people in Europe
Pierre Cardin, fashion designer
Laetitia Casta, model
Coco Chanel, fashion designer
Jean-Charles de Castelbajac
Hubert de Givenchy
Inès de La Fressange, model and fashion designer
Christian Dior, fashion designer
Morgane Dubled, model
Julien Fournié
Jean Paul Gaultier
Daniel Hechter, inventor of ready-to-wear
Christian Lacroix
Jeanne Lanvin, fashion designer
Noémie Lenoir, model
Christian Louboutin, shoe designer
Iris Mittenaere, model, Miss France 2016 and Miss Universe 2016[7][8]
Jennifer Messelier, model
Claude Montana
Thierry Mugler
Paul Poiret
Nina Ricci, fashion designer
Sonia Rykiel
Yves Saint Laurent, fashion designer
Hedi Slimane
Louis Vuitton, fashion designer
Fictional characters[edit]
Astérix, Obelix and Dogmatix (French: Idéfix) (René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo), Gaul warriors and their dog
Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan (Alexandre Dumas, père), Musketeers of the King of France
Cyrano de Bergerac (Edmond Rostand; fictionalized version of a real person)
Lestat de Lioncourt, infamous vampire creation of Anne Rice
Louis de Pointe du Lac, French-born vampire companion of Lestat de Lioncourt
Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart), captain of three Federation starships within one television series and four motion pictures
Le Petit Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry), famous "little prince"
Erik, The Phantom of the Opera (Gaston Leroux), The "Opera Ghost" who haunted the Palais Garnier
Vicomte Raoul de Chagny (Gaston Leroux), childhood friend of Christine Daaé and brother of Comte Phillipe; competed for the affections of Christine Daaé with Erik.
Rastignac (Honoré de Balzac), fictional character from La Comédie humaine series of novels by Honoré de Balzac
Man in the Iron Mask, prisoner who was held in a number of jails, including the Bastille and the Fortress of Pinerolo, during the reign of Louis XIV of France
Inspector Jacques Clouseau, bumbling French detective, star of the Pink Panther movies
Inspector Tarconi, bumbling French detective, star of The Transporter movies
Amélie Poulain, shy but kind-hearted waitress, star of 2001 film Amélie.
Jean Valjean, protagonist of Victor Hugo's Les Misérables
Inspector Javert, antagonist of Victor Hugo's Les Misérables
Le Peregrine – Alain Racine, Superhero in the Marvel Universe
Tanguy et Laverdure, duet of pilots known as Les Chevaliers du ciel
Glass Joe, boxer from Nintendo's Punch-Out!! series of boxing video games
Aiber (Real name Thierry Morello), professional con-man in the employ of L from popular manga and anime Death Note, created by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata. Nationally, he is French.
Pepé Le Pew, character from the Looney Tunes.
See also: List of French film directors
Olivier Assayas
Jacques Becker
Jean-Jacques Beineix
Luc Besson
Yves Billon
Alice Guy-Blaché
Bertrand Blier
Patrick Bokanowski
Catherine Breillat
Robert Bresson
Laurent Cantet
Yves Caumon
André Cayatte
Claude Chabrol
Jean-Paul Civeyrac
René Clair
René Clément
Henri-Georges Clouzot
Jean Cocteau
Fabien Cousteau
Jacques Cousteau
Jacques Demy
Claire Denis
Henri Diamant-Berger
Abel Gance
Jean-Luc Godard
Michel Gondry
Michel Hazanavicius
Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Mathieu Kassovitz
Jan Kounen
Patrice Leconte
Claude Lelouch
Philippe Lioret
Louis Malle
André Malraux
Georges Méliès
Jean-Pierre Melville
Maurice Pialat
Jean Renoir
Alain Resnais
Jacques Rivette
Yves Robert
Éric Rohmer
Jean Rollin
Alain Sarde
Claude Sautet
Jacques Tati
Jacques Tourneur
Maurice Tourneur
François Truffaut
Roger Vadim
Agnès Varda
Jean Vigo
Alain Chabat
Pierre Dac, humorist and Resistance worker
Jamel Debbouze
Pierre Desproges
Raymond Devos
Gad Elmaleh
Florence Foresti
Thierry Le Luron
Dieudonné M'bala M'bala
Elie Semoun
Stef and Jim
Military leaders[edit]
Main article: List of French military leaders
See also: Constable of France, Marshal of France, and French nobility
Monarchs and royals[edit]
See also: List of French monarchs
Charles X
Charles Martel
Philip IV the Fair
King Francis I
King Henry IV
Louis XIV, the Sun King, reigned 1643–1715
Henriette Marie, Queen of England, wife of Charles I of England and mother to Charles II and James II
Philip V of Spain, grandson of Louis XIV through male line, born and bred in France, became King of Spain aged 17
King Louis XV, reigned 1715–1774
King Louis XVI, reigned 1774–1792, executed in 1793 in Revolution
Emperor Napoleon, first to be styled 'Emperor of the French', reigned 1799–1814 and again in 1815
Joséphine de Beauharnais, first wife of above
King Louis Philippe, only monarch styled King of the French; reigned 1830–1848
Napoleon III, nephew of Napoleon I, President (1848–1852) and Emperor (1852–1871); last French monarch
Charles-Marie David de Mayréna I, King of the Kingdom of Sedang
Henri Marie Jean André, Prince Consort of Denmark, married to Margrethe II of Denmark.
Marie Agathe Odile Cavallier, Princess of Denmark, married to Prince Joachim of Denmark
See also: List of French composers and List of French singers
Dominique A
Air (band)
Charles Aznavour
Josephine Baker, American-born entertainer
Thomas Bangalter, member of Daft Punk
Jane Bathori, opera singer
Guy Béart
Michel Berger
Didier Bocquet
Pierre Bouvier
Lucienne Boyer
Georges Brassens
Aristide Bruant
Julie Budet
Manu Chao
Sébastien Charlier
Matthieu Chedid
Richard Clayderman, pianist
Chuck Comeau
Marie-Anne Couperin
Claude Debussy
David Desrosiers
Natalie Dessay, opera singer
Dimitri from Paris
Sacha Distel, heartthrob: covered "Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head"
Marie Dubas
Jacques Dutronc
Kenza Farah
Mylène Farmer
Jean Ferrat
Léo Ferré
Nino Ferrer
Thomas Fersen
Claude François, popular singer during the 1960s and 1970s
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Serge Gainsbourg
France Gall
Laurent Garnier
Gipsy Kings
Jean-Jacques Goldman
Stéphane Grappelli, jazz musician
Juliette Gréco
Gribouille (born Marie-France Gaîté)
Hélène Grimaud, classical pianist
David Guetta, house-music producer and DJ
Yvette Guilbert
Arthur H
David Hallyday
Johnny Hallyday, born in Belgium, served in the French Army
Françoise Hardy
Jacques Higelin
Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo, member of Daft Punk
Sébastien Izambard, member of the quartet Il Divo
Justice (band)
Patricia Kaas
Rina Ketty
Kiki, "Queen of Montparnasse"
La Goulue
Boby Lapointe
Bernard Lavilliers
Maxime Le Forestier
Sébastien Lefebvre
Gérard Lenorman
Nolwenn Leroy
Lilly Wood and the Prick
Claudine Longet
Didier Lucchesi
Sheryfa Luna
Christophe Maé
Mano Negra
Luis Mariano
Anna Marly
Alain Marion
Didier Marouani, musician and composer
Mireille Mathieu
Félix Mayol
Ginette Neveu
Yannick Noah
Claude Nougaro
Noir Désir
Vanessa Paradis
Pierre Perret
Michel Petrucciani
Édith Piaf
Michel Polnareff
Lily Pons, opera singer (naturalized as a United States citizen in 1940)
Rene Rancourt
Tino Rossi
Jean Sablon
David Serero
Bob Sinclar
Skip the Use
Alain Souchon
Mano Solo
Jeff Stinco
Sébastien Tellier
Yann Tiersen
Charles Trenet
Christian Vander
Sylvie Vartan
Boris Vian
Pauline Viardot, opera singer and composer
Pedro Winter
Main article: List of French philosophers
Pierre Abélard
Louis Althusser
Raymond Aron, sociologist and philosopher
Jean le Rond d'Alembert
Gaston Bachelard
Georges Bataille
Roland Barthes
Jean Baudrillard, philosopher and sociologist
Pierre Bourdieu, sociologist
Julien Benda
Henri Bergson
Émile Boutroux
Michel de Certeau
André Comte-Sponville
Jean de Crèvecœur
Guy Debord
Gilles Deleuze
Jacques Derrida
René Descartes, scientist and philosopher
Denis Diderot, Enlightenment author and deist philosopher
Frantz Fanon
Michel Foucault
Édouard Glissant
Félix Guattari
Vladimir Jankélévitch
Étienne de La Boétie, philosopher and politician
Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe
Henri Lefèbvre
Marcel Légaut, Christian philosopher
Jean de Léry, corsaire and ethnologist, anti-racism activist
Emmanuel Lévinas
Jean-François Lyotard
Nicolas Malebranche
Gabriel Marcel, philosopher
Jacques Maritain, philosopher
Maurice Merleau-Ponty, phenomenologist
Michel de Montaigne, philosopher essayist
Montesquieu, political philosopher
Edgar Morin
Emmanuel Mounier, philosopher
Jean-Luc Nancy, philosopher
Blaise Pascal, scientist, Mathematician, Christian philosopher, and author
Jean-François Revel
Paul Ricœur
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Paul Sartre, existentialist philosopher
Michel Serres
François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire), Enlightenment author, deist/agnostic philosopher
Éric Weil, philosopher
Simone Weil
See also: List of Prime Ministers of France, List of Presidents of France, and List of foreign-born French politicians
Robert Badinter, lawyer, statesman and anti-death-sentence activist
François Bayrou, UDF party leader
Léon Blum, politician, Socialist party leader, prime minister
José Bové, anti-globalization activist, altermondialist
Aristide Briand
Jacques Chirac, politician, member of center-right wing party, former city mayor of Paris, two-term French president
Georges Clemenceau
Gaspard de Coligny
Bertrand Delanoë, mayor of Paris
Jacques Delors
Félix Faure, President of France who died of a heart attack while making love to his mistress
Charles de Gaulle, World War II general, commander of the Free French Forces, heroic French president
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
François Guizot, Prime Minister
Gisèle Halimi lawyer and feminist activist
François Hollande, former PS (Socialist Party) leader, former French president (15 May 2012 – 14 May 2017)
Jean Jaurès, politician, pacifist
Lionel Jospin, socialist, former prime minister
Bernard Kouchner, founder of Médecins du Monde
Jean-Marie Le Pen, leader of the extreme right party in France, Front National, presidential candidate
Louis Lépine, Paris police chief, governor of Algiers, founder of the Concours Lépine
Émile Loubet, President of France who was elected in 1899, after the death of Félix Faure
Henri-Auguste Lozé, Paris police chief, senator of the Third Republic
Emmanuel Macron, founder and current President of En Marche, current President of France (from 14 May 2017)
Jean-Paul Marat, politician during the Revolution, journalist, physician, scientist
Jean-Claude Martinez, lawyer and European deputy
Pierre Mendès France, lawyer and statesman, prime minister
Honoré Mirabeau
François Mitterrand, lawyer and statesman, president
Jean Monnet
Philippe Pétain, head of Vichy France
Alexandre de Prouville, Viceroy of New France
Marthe Richard
Maximilien Robespierre, statesman and major figure in the French Revolution
Gilberte Roca (1911–2004), Communist
Ségolène Royal, politician, Socialist party, presidential candidate
Nicolas Sarkozy, politician, President of the right wing party
Victor Schœlcher, anti-slavery activist
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
Maurice Thorez
Jacques Toubon
Dominique de Villepin, former Prime Minister of France
Dominique Voynet, physician and Green party politician
Main article: List of French popes
Resistance workers[edit]
Resistance workers during the German occupation of France in World War II

Lucie Samuel-Aubrac (1912–2007), human rights activist
Raymond Aubrac (born 1914), statesman
Robert Benoist (1895–1944), SOE operative, champion race car driver
Denise Bloch (1915–1945), SOE operative: King's Commendation for Brave Conduct, Legion of Honor, French Resistance Medal
Andrée Borrel (1919–1944), SOE operative: Croix de guerre
Madeleine Damerment (1917–1944), SOE operative: Legion of Honor, Croix de guerre, Médaille combattant volontaire de la Résistance
Marie Louise Dissard (1880–1957), U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient
William Grover-Williams (1903–1945), SOE operative, champion race car driver
Cecily Lefort (1900–1945), SOE operative: Croix de guerre
Pierre Mendès France (1907–1982), lawyer, statesman
Jean Moulin (1899–1943), statesman
Agnès de La Barre de Nanteuil (1922–1944), assisted allied airmen
Abbé Pierre (1912–2007), Priest and founder of Emmaus
Christian Pineau (1904–1995), statesman
Eliane Plewman (1917–1944), SOE operative: Croix de guerre
Germaine Ribière (1917–1999), Righteous among the Nations
Élise Rivet (1890–1945), nun executed by Nazis for aiding the resistance
Lilian Rolfe (1914–1945), SOE agent executed by the Nazis
Odette Sansom (1912–1995), SOE operative: George Cross, MBE, Legion of Honor
Suzanne Spaak, Belgian-born agent: "Red Orchestra" intelligence network; executed 1944
Violette Szabo (1921–1945), SOE operative: George Cross, Croix de guerre
Jean-Pierre Wimille (1908–1949), SOE operative, champion race car driver
See also French Resistance
Main article: List of French scientists
Social activists[edit]
Hubertine Auclert, journalist and feminist leader
Simone de Beauvoir, author, philosopher, and feminist
Christian de Boisredon, social activist
Sophie de Condorcet, feminist
Maria Deraismes, feminist
Marguerite Durand, journalist and feminist leader
Olympe de Gouges, feminist
Samir Kassir, journalist
Jean Théophile Victor Leclerc, radical revolutionist, newspaper publisher
Félix Pécaut, education proponent and pastor
Victor Schœlcher, abolitionist
Pierre Seel, homosexual concentration camp survivor, activist, author
Séverine, feminist
Madeleine Tribolati (1905–1995), trade unionist
Flora Tristan, feminist
Jeanne d'Arc, commander and saint
Chevalier Bayard
François Achille Bazaine
Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte
Georges Boulanger
Thomas Robert Bugeaud
Raymond H. A. Carter
François de Charette
Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, known as le Grand Condé.
Gaspard de Coligny
François Darlan
Louis-Nicolas Davout
Bob Denard
Alfred Dreyfus
Charles François Dumouriez
Ferdinand Foch
Louis Franchet d'Espèrey
Joseph Gallieni
Maurice Gamelin
Henri Gouraud
Bertrand du Guesclin
Joseph Joffre
Edmond Jouhaud
Jean-Baptiste Jourdan
Alphonse Juin
Marie-Pierre Kœnig
Jacques de la Palice
Marquis de Lafayette
Charles Leclerc
Jean Lannes
Jean de Lattre de Tassigny
Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque
François-Henri de Montmorency, duc de Luxembourg
Hubert Lyautey
Patrice MacMahon
Charles Mangin
Claude Martin
André Masséna
Jacques Massu
Louis-Joseph de Montcalm
Simon de Montfort
Philippe Morillon
Toussaint-Guillaume Picquet de la Motte
Joachim Murat
Michel Ney
Robert Nivelle
Philippe Pétain
Comte de Rochambeau
Raoul Salan
Maurice Sarrail
Nicolas Soult
Louis Jules Trochu
Henri de Turenne
Étienne de Vignolles, called La Hire
Claude Louis Hector de Villars
Maxime Weygand
O.P. (Ordo Praedicatorum) is the abbreviation used to indicate that someone is/was a member of Dominican order, a Catholic religious order. S.J. (Societas Iesu) is the abbreviation used to indicate that someone is/was a member of the Society of Jesus, another Catholic religious order.

Marie-Émile Boismard O.P.
Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet
Jean Calvin
Sebastian Castellio, translator of the Bible
Pierre Cauchon, condemned Joan of Arc
Robert Ciboule, Roman Catholic theologian
Bernard of Clairvaux
Jean Claude
Yves Congar, O.P.
Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.
Hubert Languet
Maurice Leenhardt, ethnologist, theologian
Jean Louail, theologian
François Picquet, 18th-century missionary in New France
Alexander de Rhodes S.J., 17th-century missionary to Indochina
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin S.J.
Auguste Sabatier
Antonin Sertillanges O.P., founder of the Revue Thomiste
Marie-Louise Arconati-Visconti (1840–1923), art collector, philanthropist
Marcel Bardiaux, sailor
Suzanne Borel, first French woman diplomat
Jeanne Calment, title claimant for the longest documented human lifespan – 122 years and 164 days
Pierre de Coubertin, initiator of the modern Olympic Games
Ninon de l'Enclos, courtesan, patron of the arts
Cavalier de la Salle, explorer
Maurice Debesse, educator
Suzanne Deutsch de la Meurthe, philanthropist, aviation supporter
René Dumont, agronomist engineer and sociologist and ecology activist
Jules Dumont d'Urville
Maurice Duverger, jurist
Gustave Eiffel, engineer
Pierre Charles L'Enfant, city planner responsible for Washington, D.C.
Charles-Michel de l'Épée, founder of world's first public school for deaf people
Norbert Ferré, illusionist
Robert Gloton, educator
Arthur de Gobineau, diplomat, author of An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races
Daniel Le Hirbec, navigator
Louis Maurice Adolphe Linant de Bellefonds, explorer and canal engineer
Brigitte Macron, high school teacher, first lady of France
Philippe Méaille, contemporary art collector
Montgolfier brothers, balloonists
François Henri de la Motte, French spy executed for treason 1781 in London
Nostradamus, physician, author, translator, astrological consultant
Élisée Reclus, geographer and anarchist
Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin, magician, namesake of "Harry Houdini"
Pierre Seel, homosexual survivor of the concentration camps, activist, author
Vauban, engineer
Eugène François Vidocq, French convict-turned-spy considered the father of modern forensics
See also[edit]
Biography portal
flag France portal
Lists portal
List of French Jews
List of French people of immigrant origin
List of people by nationality: Belgians, Catalans, Monégasque people, Quebecers, Swiss


2021-03-15 02:20:07 | 🇫🇷

[ 国際シンポジウム ]
使用言語:フランス語 (同時通訳付き)
日時: 2014年04月20日(日) 9:30 - 18:00
場所: 1階ホール

※ 満員につき、お申し込みを終了いたしました。
◎4月19日(土)9:45〜17:00 《古典文学の翻訳》、《近現代文学の翻訳》
◎4月20日(日)9:30〜18:00 《思想・人文科学の翻訳》、《歴史・社会科学の翻訳》

【開会の辞】 塩川徹也(東京大学名誉教授、学士院会員)


【閉会の辞】 クリストフ・マルケ(日仏会館フランス事務所)

【主催】 「日仏翻訳交流の過去・現在・未来」組織委員会:西永良成(元パリ国際大学都市日本館館長)、セシル・坂井(パリ第七大学)、ジュリエット・サラベール(在日フランス大使館)、山田文比古(東京外国語大学、元在仏日本大使館文化公使)、三浦信孝(日仏会館常務理事)
【共催】 (公財)日仏会館、日仏会館フランス事務所
【後援】 外務省、文化庁、在日フランス大使館/アンスティチュ・フランセ日本、日本フランス語フランス文学会
【協賛】 東京外国語大学、中央大学、立教大学、朝日出版社、岩波書店、KADOKAWA、河出書房新社、講談社、光文社、集英社、人文書院、駿河台出版社、大修館書店、中央公論新社、白水社、早川書房、藤原書店、平凡社、ぷねうま舎、ガリマール社、フラマリオン社、ピキエ社、ベル・レットル社、フランス著作権事務所


» 2014-04-19-20_colloqueTraduction_prog.pdf (詳細プログラム)

Académie française

2021-03-15 00:51:25 | 🇫🇷
Pierre de Boissat 1634 1662 soldier
Antoine Furetière 1662 1685 poet fabulist and novelist; excluded but not replaced died in 1688
Jean de La Chapelle 1688 1723 poet
Pierre-Joseph Thoulier d'Olivet 1723 1768 ecclesiastic and grammarian
Étienne Bonnot de Condillac 1768 1780 ecclesiastic and philosopher
Louis-Élisabeth de La Vergne de Tressan 1780 1783 poet and physicist
Jean Sylvain Bailly 1783 1793 mathematician; guillotined
Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès 1803 1816 ecclesiastic essayist and diplomat; excluded by ordinance died 1836
Gérard de Lally-Tollendal 1816 1830 politician
Jean-Baptiste Sanson de Pongerville 1830 1870 poet
Xavier Marmier 1870 1892 novelist and poet
Henri de Bornier 1893 1901 playwright and poet
Edmond Rostand 1901 1918 playwright and poet
Joseph Bédier 1920 1938 philologist
Jérôme Tharaud 1938 1953 novelist
Jean Cocteau 1955 1963 playwright poet choreographer filmmaker and painter
Jacques Rueff 1964 1978 economist and high bureaucrat
Jean Dutourd 1978 2011 novelist
Michael Edwards elected 2013 literary scholar
Claude Favre de Vaugelas 1634 1650 grammarian
Georges de Scudéry 1650 1667 novelist playwright and poet
Philippe de Courcillon 1667 1720 soldier governor and diplomat
Armand de Vignerot du Plessis 1720 1788 soldier libertine and politician
François-Henri d'Harcourt 1788 1802 soldier
Lucien Bonaparte 1803 1816 politician Excluded by ordinance
Louis-Simon Auger 1816 1829 journalist and playwright
Charles-Guillaume Étienne 1829 1845 poet and playwright
See also § 25
Alfred de Vigny 1845 1863 poet
Camille Doucet 1865 1895 poet and playwright
Charles Costa de Beauregard 1896 1909 historian and politician
Hippolyte Langlois 1911 1912 soldier
Émile Boutroux 1912 1921 philosopher and historian of philosophy
Pierre de Nolhac 1922 1936 historian art historian and poet
Georges-François-Xavier-Marie Grente 1936 1959 ecclesiastic historian and essayist
Henri Massis 1960 1970 essayist literary critic and literary historian
Georges Izard 1971 1973 politician lawyer journalist and essayist
Robert Aron 1974 1975 historian and essayist
Maurice Rheims 1976 2003 novelist and art historian
Alain Robbe-Grillet 2004 2008 novelist and filmmaker
François Weyergans 2009 2019 novelist and filmmaker
Pascal Ory elected 2021 historian
Vincent Voiture 1634 1648 poet
François Eudes de Mézeray 1648 1683 lawyer
Jean Barbier d'Aucour 1683 1694 lawyer
François de Clermont-Tonnerre 1694 1701 ecclesiastic
Nicolas de Malézieu 1701 1727 tutor and poet
Jean Bouhier 1727 1746 magistrate and archaeologist
François-Marie Arouet dit Voltaire 1746 1778 playwright historian philosopher and poet
Jean-François Ducis 1778 1816 poet and playwright
Raymond Desèze 1816 1828 lawyer
Amable Guillaume Prosper Brugière baron de Barante 1828 1866 politician
Auguste Joseph Alphonse Gratry 1867 1872 ecclesiastic and philosopher
René Taillandier 1873 1879 politician
Maxime Du Camp 1880 1894 essayist and novelist
Paul Bourget 1894 1935 novelist poet and playwright
Edmond Jaloux 1936 1949 novelist literary critic and literary historian
Jean-Louis Vaudoyer 1950 1963 novelist poet essayist and art historian
Marcel Brion 1964 1984 novelist art historian and essayist
Michel Mohrt 1985 2011 or essayist novelist and literary historian
Dominique Bona elected 2013 novelist
Honorat de Porchères Laugier 1634 1653 poet
Paul Pellisson 1653 1693 historian
François de Salignac de La Mothe Fénelon 1693 1715 ecclesiastic and essayist
Claude Gros de Boze 1715 1753 erudite and numismatist
Louis de Bourbon Condé de Clermont 1753 1771 ecclesiastic
Pierre-Laurent Buirette de Belloy 1771 1775 playwright and actor
Emmanuel-Félicité de Durfort de Duras 1775 1789 politician and soldier
Dominique Joseph Garat 1803 1816 politician lawyer and philosopher Excluded by ordinance he refused readmission in 1829 died 1833
Louis-François de Bausset 1816 1824 ecclesiastic and politician
Hyacinthe-Louis de Quélen 1824 1839 ecclesiastic
Louis-Mathieu Molé 1840 1855 politician
Frédéric Alfred Pierre comte de Falloux 1856 1886 politician and historian
Octave Gréard 1886 1904 high bureaucrat literary historian and literary critic
Émile Gebhart 1904 1908 art historian literary historian and literary critic
Raymond Poincaré 1909 1934 head of state politician lawyer and essayist
Jacques Bainville 1935 1936 historian and journalist
Joseph de Pesquidoux 1936 1946 novelist and essayist
Maurice Genevoix 1946 1980 novelist
Jacques de Bourbon-Busset 1981 2001 politician essayist and novelist
François Cheng elected 2002 poet translator and novelist
Henri Louis Habert de Montmor 1634 1679 hotel-keeper
Louis de Lavau 1679 1694 ecclesiastic
François Lefebvre de Caumartin 1694 1733 ecclesiastic
François-Augustin de Paradis de Moncrif 1733 1770 poet musician and playwright
Jean-Armand de Bessuéjouls Roquelaure 1771 1818 ecclesiastic
Georges Cuvier 1818 1832 palaeontologist
André Marie Jean Jacques Dupin 1832 1865 politician and lawyer
Alfred-Auguste Cuvillier-Fleury 1866 1887 historian and literary critic
Jules Arsène Arnaud Claretie 1888 1913 novelist playwright and critic
Joseph Joffre 1918 1931 politician and soldier
Maxime Weygand 1931 1965 soldier
Louis Leprince-Ringuet 1966 2000 physicist telecommunications engineer historian of science and essayist
Yves Pouliquen 2001 2020 medical doctor
Marin Cureau de la Chambre 1634 1669 medical doctor and philosopher
Pierre Cureau de La Chambre 1670 1693 ecclesiastic
Jean de La Bruyère 1693 1696 essayist and moralist
Claude Fleury 1696 1723 ecclesiastic
Jacques Adam 1723 1735 philologist
Joseph Séguy 1736 1761 ecclesiastic
Louis René Édouard cardinal de Rohan 1761 1793 ecclesiastic politician philosopher and poet
Jean Devaines 1803 state bureaucrat
Évariste de Parny 1803 1814 poet
Victor-Joseph Étienne de Jouy 1815 1846 journalist critic and playwright
Adolphe-Simonis Empis 1847 1868 poet and playwright
Henri Auguste Barbier 1869 1882 poet
Adolphe Perraud 1882 1906 ecclesiastic
François-Désiré Mathieu 1906 1908 ecclesiastic and historian
Louis Duchesne 1910 1922 ecclesiastic historian and philologist
Henri Brémond 1923 1933 ecclesiastic literary historian and literary critic
André Bellessort 1935 1942 essayist literary critic historian and historian of literature
René Grousset 1946 1952 art historian
Pierre Gaxotte 1953 1982 historian and journalist
Jacques Soustelle 1983 1990 Americanist ethnologist politician and essayist
Jean-François Deniau 1990 2007 politician essayist and novelist
Philippe Beaussant 2007 2016 musicologist and novelist
Barbara Cassin 2018 present philologist and philosopher
Daniel Hay du Chastelet de Chambon 1635 1671 ecclesiastic and mathematician
Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet 1671 1704 ecclesiastic and historian
Melchior de Polignac 1704 1741 ecclesiastic politician philologist and poet
Odet-Joseph Giry 1741 1761 ecclesiastic
Charles Batteux 1761 1780 ecclesiastic
Antoine-Marin Lemierre 1780 1793 poet and playwright
Félix-Julien-Jean Bigot de Préameneu 1803 1825 politician and lawyer
Mathieu de Montmorency 1825 1826 politician and diplomat
Alexandre Guiraud 1826 1847 playwright poet and novelist
Jean-Jacques Ampère 1847 1864 historian of literature
Lucien-Anatole Prévost-Paradol 1865 1870 literary critic
Camille Rousset 1871 1892 historian
Paul Thureau-Dangin 1893 1913 historian
Pierre de La Gorce 1914 1934 historian magistrate and lawyer
Maurice 6th duc de Broglie 1934 1960 sailor and physicist
Eugène Tisserant 1961 1972 ecclesiastic and philologist
Jean Daniélou 1972 1974 ecclesiastic theologian historian and essayist
Ambroise-Marie Carré 1975 2004 ecclesiastic
René Girard 2005 2015 philosopher literary critic
Michel Zink elected 2017 medievalist philologist and novelist
Auger de Moléon de Granier 1635 1636 possibly an ecclesiastic; expelled for theft; died 1650
Balthazar Baro 1636 1650 playwright and poet
Jean Doujat 1650 1688 lawyer
Eusèbe Renaudot 1688 1720 ecclesiastic
Henri-Emmanuel de Roquette 1720 1725 ecclesiastic
Pierre de Pardaillan de Gondrin 1725 1733 ecclesiastic
Nicolas-François Dupré de Saint-Maur 1733 1774 economist and statistician
Guillaume-Chrétien de Lamoignon de Malesherbes 1775 1794 politician and magistrate; guillotined
François Andrieux 1803 1833 lawyer poet and playwright
Adolphe Thiers 1833 1877 politician and historian
Henri Martin 1878 1883 historian
Ferdinand de Lesseps 1884 1894 diplomat
Anatole France 1896 1924 novelist and poet
Paul Valéry 1925 1945 poet literary critic and essayist
Henri Mondor 1946 1962 surgeon physician historian of literature and of science
Louis Armand 1963 1971 mining engineer bureaucrat and economist
Jean-Jacques Gautier 1972 1986 drama critic novelist journalist and essayist
Jean-Louis Curtis 1986 1995 novelist and essayist
François Jacob 1996 2013 biologist
Marc Lambron elected 2014 literary critic and writer
Louis Giry 1636 1665 lawyer
Claude Boyer 1666 1698 ecclesiastic playwright and poet
Charles-Claude Genest 1698 1719 ecclesiastic
Jean-Baptiste Dubos 1720 1742 ecclesiastic and historian
Jean-François Du Bellay du Resnel 1742 1761 ecclesiastic
Bernard-Joseph Saurin 1761 1781 lawyer and poet
Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat marquis de Condorcet 1782 1794 philosopher and mathematician
Gabriel Villar 1803 1826 ecclesiastic
Charles-Marie de Féletz 1826 1850 ecclesiastic
Désiré Nisard 1850 1888 essayist
Eugène-Melchior de Vogüé 1888 1910 essayist historian literary critic and diplomat
Henri de Régnier 1911 1936 poet novelist and essayist
Jacques de Lacretelle 1936 1985 novelist
Bertrand Poirot-Delpech 1986 2006 journalist essayist and novelist
Jean Clair elected 2008 essayist and art historian
Daniel de Priézac 1639 1662 law professor
Michel Le Clerc 1662 1691 lawyer
Jacques de Tourreil 1692 1714 translator
Jean-Roland Malet 1714 1736 economist and royal valet de chambre
Jean-François Boyer 1736 1755 ecclesiastic
Nicolas Thyrel de Boismont 1755 1786 ecclesiastic
Claude-Carloman de Rulhière 1787 1791 diplomat poet and historian
Pierre Jean George Cabanis 1803 1808 medical doctor and physiologist
Antoine Destutt de Tracy 1808 1836 philosopher
François Guizot 1836 1874 politician and historian
Jean-Baptiste Dumas 1875 1884 politician and chemist
Joseph Louis François Bertrand 1884 1900 mathematician historian of science
Marcellin Berthelot 1900 1907 politician chemist essayist historian of science
Francis Charmes 1908 1916 diplomat and journalist
Jules Cambon 1918 1935 diplomat lawyer senior civil servant
Marie-Jean-Lucien Lacaze 1936 1955 admiral
Jacques Chastenet 1956 1978 journalist historian and diplomat
Georges Dumézil 1978 1986 philologist and historian of civilisations
Pierre-Jean Rémy 1988 2010 diplomat novelist and essayist
Xavier Darcos elected 2013 politician scholar and civil servant