Art historian Laurent Bonneval shares hidden highlights of #Paris with a focus on the Gothic masterpiece, #SainteChapelle, an architectural wonder that has many stories of royalty, war, and religion to tell. Learn more with Laurent here:
— Context Travel - For Travelers Who Love To Learn (@contexttravel) March 22, 2023
The Declaration of Independence | 教材 | ELM英語学習教材研究所
WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these...
〘 バンクーバー五輪、ソチ五輪に出場し、感動的な演技を見せてくれた浅田真央さん。北京五輪でフィギュアスケートも盛り上がるなか、浅田さんが自らのプログラム曲と五輪について語った雑誌Numberの記事を特別にWeb公開します。<初出:Sports Graphic Number 997号(2020年2月13日発売)、肩書などすべて当時>