

Miracle of Life and Relationships with Time

2018-07-03 09:02:17 | Thniking Time

Miracle of Life and Relationships with Time


Looking at the mountain scenery where the sun is slowly going down into the west edge of the sky and the clouds turn red. Small birds are crying and flying across the front as if to hurry home. The wind touches the skin as the temperature lowers and feels comfortable. If we are enjoying such changes in nature, we will feel something fulfilling. What shall we feel if the sight that we actually see is not restricted to our sensory organs?

What you can see is the wavelength of the light between the ultraviolet and infrared, and you can feel it with color. However, if you can see plants and animals beyond that range, your eyes will see unclear shapes those are complicated more intricately like with a halo. If you expand the range wider and you can see the electromagnetic waves, the target plants and animals cannot distinguish clearly, disturbed by electromagnetic waves of radio or mobile phones. Moreover, in our brain that identifies those shapes, the pattern of judging objects increases significantly, and our brain's information processing will exceed the limitation of ability. Even if it is not only visual but also hearing, smell or tactile sense, the more increasing the amount of information, the wider the brain has to expand patterns to identify and select. In the evolution of living organisms, the sensory organs have formed to concentrate surviving and gradually expanding or eliminating the functions and abilities, so that they are limited to the extent needed in the living environment. The present form of living organisms comes because of the necessity to develop while keeping the whole body balanced for living.

Living organisms are gradually evolving over time, from single-celled organisms to multiple cellular organisms, individual cells gathered and have a structure with tissues. Organisms use skillfully the characteristics of macromolecules such as proteins to maintain life activities. When the organism becomes higher to some extent, it has gained the ability to organize the nervous system and to form the brain, and identify the external world with a sensory organ. Many enzymes work in such tissues and organs, chemical reactions such as energy production cycles carry out using substances taken from the outside world. For such chemical reactions carried out in vivo, it is of course sequential procedure before and after on the passage of time. Moreover, there are changes that organisms grow and evolve based on the passage of time. In order to cause evolutionary mutation, organisms start with one cell such as spore or egg. For a spore or an egg, organisms need to grow to adults for producing it, and each organism is repeating generation with its own life span. In other words, as the time goes steadily in one direction, living things have been progressing smoothly.

With the flow of evolution of life, the living organisms have raised the stage towards intellectual beings on the passage of time by repeating mutations that cross generations while maintaining life. For the movements where the whole organisms are involved like a system, the passage of time in one direction is a premise and is essential. However, long ago when the movement to aggregate things to life on the earth began, and before the birth of the first life succeeded, there had been a passage that a myriad of combination candidates appeared before birth of life and repeatedly culled out, selected a suitable form for life. Had the elapsed time before this birth of life been the same as the time after birth of life? Even in contemporary science, there seems to be cases in which the time of the micro area is different from the time we feel. What I think about is that life beings need only the time to pass in one certain direction such as the past to the future, because the lapse of time is essential for life, although in fact there may be various kinds of time in the universe.


Miracle of Life occurrence

Many proteins play a major role in cells that are the basis of living organisms, but the structure of those proteins is almost similar both single cell and a higher organism. Considering the roles of enzymes that promote chemical reaction at normal temperature and the roles of immunity specifically identified by three-dimensional structure of proteins, life could have realized precise functions over time. Living organisms have complicated by maintaining an organization as one individual, adding functions to adapt efficiently to the outside world during long generation alternation. The flow that led to the realization of exact complex organisms starting with a single-celled organism, is worthy of surprise. It seems that there was a basic preparation to cause mechanisms that promoting evolution of species. In other words, in the early days of simple organisms, life seems to have already known the future, and created the base from the beginning. It is that life knew the successors of a long time later would acquire complicated functions and various forms, because life had established from the beginning the proper basis for developing the nerve and forming the brain. It depended on macromolecules such as amino acids and proteins before the birth of life, and the organization composed of many proteins gradually evolved to become life beings. Moreover, we have to think why did a single-celled organism form a nucleus in the cell and how could it create a structure that encompasses the evolutionary mechanism of the genes?

If there is a phenomenon of life occurrence in this universe, here and there are always the possibilities that life will happen at any time. Movements in which substances that trigger the occurrence of life will concentrate should have repeated without limit while conditions met. Lots of pre-life lumps that occurred there should have been attempting to become life in long periods. However, it seems to me that it should be still unknown by itself unless the lump of the pre-life aggregate could have known the successful method rising to higher organisms while adapting to the environment.

The mechanism closed within the cell membrane and the structure of genes can be replicated in the nucleus are quite complicated. Even in the researches, which have observed fossils of 4 billion years, one current flow of life is only example that succeeds in the generation of life, and that only one flow maintains and monopolizes the earth. Besides, as if this flow knows the stages to arrive at intelligent organisms in the own future, it built a nervous system and brain along the passage of time and raise consciousness. Since this flow of life initially occurred as a small mass of a cell on the earth, it could continue to complicate repeatedly and develop into an intellectual life. Why could be such a thing realized?

We have observed the many facts that species gained various functions over time by the research of paleontology. However, could living things gain just by fighting the efficiency of the individual function or by adaptation to the environment? How could the brain as a new function add to the nervous system? When organisms of living things became complicated up to the certain stage, it seems that the flow of life system structured to form the nervous system and the brain.

For individual functions of living organisms, it is possible to think that there was a culling from the branching of adaptive dissipation in relation to the environment. However, why did the solution that the form of a gene enveloped in the cell nucleus is optimal at the stage of single cell coming up? In early era of evolution when it takes a long time, how could the stack of life define the direction to complicate the nervous system leading to the cerebrum as if it predicted to the future as intellectual stage? Did the mechanism of gradual rise of living organisms be already in an era when aggregates of amino acids converged to life before occurrence of life? Where could the lump of amino acids learn the path to life at that time? Here, the question arises as to why it was possible for the lump of before-life to know the method to the future.


Relationships with Time

Considering the wonder of the emergence of life in such a confusing situation, reflecting the life and the passage of time in combination, the masses of the substances constituting the basis of life at the stage just before the life occurring, I think about the idea that they could access at a future time or another time. What about the scenario that when an aggregate with the first life was born, at the same time, it needed the changes in reactions to progress and at that time the flow of time started as a life system? All subsequent living things synchronized with this time in one direction. In other words, the time has started with a life system from the birth of life. In that previous stage, the masses of the substances before living activities could access another time in the various dimensions of time. Therefore, it was possible to imitate in advance the basic type of forms or mechanisms for becoming more complicated, and becoming intelligent in the future. Therefore, it is possible that time may not be just for one direction that we feel.

When deeply considering not only all the things in our world are involved in time but also the lump of living substances require a passage of time, there is a deep relationship with life and time. There are also changes in solid substances such as rocks and water, but there is no property that they can change by themselves in conformity with the movement around them. However, for living things, if any things happened around affect, living things cannot maintain to live unless they make movement to adjust the internal equilibrium on their own. At that time, they become at a loss when the time stops at a whim, or the direction reverses. With the passage of time, the evolution of living things has evolved to make the organization more complicated and sophisticated, equipped with intelligence and increased efficiency. Therefore, the basis of life already had the direction from the first appearance of living things, such as aiming at the path to more complicated and forward intelligent things like the species of primates and humans.

If it repeats only accidental stacking indefinitely, could a complex organization like the body of animals realize from a single cell? Just by repeating trial and error, there is no way to create a precise body structure realized by higher living organisms. No matter how long it takes to accidentally trial and error, I cannot understand the repeated raise the stage of species that are definitely complicated. Furthermore, the evolution of living organisms mutated into irreversibly more complicated stages of species in a long time. In that case, I believe that living things aimed to rise to a more complicated form with a path to intelligent things from the closed mass at the time of life occurrence. Therefore, living things have been proceeding in confidence with a system that could realize in the distant future at the time of life occurrence. This should not be possible unless it knew some effective form of the future. However, in an environment where time passes in one direction, there is no way to predict the future state. What kind of mechanism is available for it?


Perception of Time and Space

When seeing the movement of the sun we can know the change of time, and we feel the passage of time such as the state changes in nature. The time in everyday life is such a passing feeling, which is consistent with time advancing like the clock’s display. Moreover, we have the impression that the passage of time encompasses all of the whole things in our world. However, considering the microscopic state of the movement of time in relative theory or quantum theory, microscopic time is different with respect to the sensation we feel as the life system. There is a possibility that microscopic time does not link directly with a life system. In other words, when we observe the movement of the surrounding substances in this world, we are based on the feelings that the time is moving in one direction, and all things are in sync with that time. We are only watching the world where we can feel that all things moving at the same time. Therefore, we may not see everything in the universe by limiting the sensory organs of a life system. This means that there may be areas where we cannot perceive by our sensory organs, and even if we are involved in these unrecognizable dimensions of time, we do not identify all of time dimensions, but only time we feel is in one direction because of our life system.

When expressing the whole life on the earth as a life system, we have a feeling that time engraves accurately and passes in one direction around all. This feeling is the only thing we can think as the truth for the system that all the substances cooperates with us. However, for all things in the universe, is it true that we can observe only things within the limited area? In other words, what we feel as a change is that in our sensory organs we can only identify some changes of things in three-dimensional space, on the passage of time. Even precision measuring instruments that observe the change in detail are based designing on human senses and convert the information into a range that can be accepted by our sensory organs, so that eventually we recognize the information in our brain. Since machines and tools used by humans are taken in and used in human perceived behavior, they are not beyond the perceptible range as part of the life system. Moreover, the whole of living things on the earth including humans originated from the first one cell form and developed to survive in conformity with its environment, expanding species as the life system. It means that we gained information from sensory organs and accumulated experience tailored ourselves to the environment, that is, there is a possibility that we cannot really perceive all the changes in the universe. In other words, if the space and time of the universe has not only a range that we can perceive but also it has vast areas behind it, we cannot grasp all things by our sensory organs as an incomplete life species on the way of evolution. The perception of living things has gradually organized by identifying changes of various environments such as light and temperature. The sensory organs of organisms in the life system have focused on efficiently identifying only the changes effective for each environment around each organism. The functions of sensory organs have constructed with the convenience of the life system, and they identify and react by the changes that occurred at a certain point in time, so that it is only involvement in one special circumstance related to an individual species. Therefore, by that alone it cannot be concluded that the passage of time is only in one direction and it is certain and sure enough in the universe. In fact, unless we can prove that time is only one in the universe, we cannot assert that the universe has the open (Starting of the universe). That means just "we can observe the universe only in the case that the time passes in one direction".

Due to the convenience of the life system to identify change and make a choice to survive and evolve, it is essential that the one direction of time that passes from the past to the present is indispensable in order to make progress forming experience and rising intelligence. As the life system evolved in the course of progress, we also have been tenacious of the time in one direction. This is, of course, only interesting story that cannot be proved by contemporary science, but I have to pursue it as one hypothesis to the last.



The flow of evolution that the form of living things has changed on the earth cannot realize unless it is in a world that time goes from the past to the future. With this flow of time, it will be possible to cause changes that make life more complicated. From the perspective of life, it means that there are actions to identify and respond to various changes along with time. For that reason, the passage of time is essential for a life system and we have come to perceive only the world in one direction of time from our sensory organs. As a result, the particles of substances and the changes that we really see and touch as human beings are perceived patterns in our brain from the sensory organs, so that the world we perceived in our brain is all, and we are caught up by it and we have no doubt about it. I think that this is due to limitations in the sense of the life system. However, I believe that humans, who have developed their brains and thought with language, will be able to be beyond the limits of that perspective and will be able to develop freely our thoughts.

Moreover, in order to elucidate the phenomenon of the occurrence of life by the science, it may be necessary to make a mutation that further complicates the sensory organs and brain structures that has built up by the life system. Even so, while maintaining life activities, humans have the hope of gradually increasing consciousness and developing into the next stage.

In this idea, we can assume that the universe has neither a beginning nor an end, and that various dimensions of time become a network that is full of harmony. There is a planet that life exists, and there if living things are involved in the life system, it is better to perceive only what is necessary for the life system, and if development of the life system has priority to progress, it will form itself to focus on that purpose. Considering the flow of life movement, it seems that the life system has a trend of development determined in advance and among all the systems of the universe, it has a special position where is specified by time direction, even if there is individual freedom in it. I think that the true figure of the universe is not easy to understand for current humans who are on the way where going up the degree of intelligence.


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