

2008-01-30 | Weblog

クライストチャーチからオマルへ行き、ダニーデン。そこからついさっき飛行機に乗って帰ってきた 飛行機はすげー、 あんなに時間かけて行った場所を一時間半で戻るんだから。 ライト兄弟を尊敬します


クライストチャーチ最終日、アカロアという場所に行こうと思っていたのだが宿がとれず断念。すると泊まっていた場所も今晩は予約でいっぱいとのこと。 この日はなぜかクライストチャーチはどこもいっぱい。なんとか日本人経営の宿をゲット。 そこにはなんと“ホームレス中学生”の本が。 ちょっと泣きそうにもなった 遠く離れた場所から麒麟を応援するようになりました

大道芸のフェスティバルをやってて 日本人も… 千丸さん

こちらも日本人 OJARUS

オマルではクイーンズタウンで同じホステルに泊まってた奴と再び再会した。 同室三人でペンギンを見にいったんだが野生のペンギンを見るために$20。 3人共拒否。 一般道路で来るかわからないペンギンを待つことに すると着たんです ただ、5Mくらい先だったのでよくはわからなかったけど。 ペンギンは激しい波の中を一生懸命泳いでました。 あんな小さい体なのにがんばってたよ。 



そして、最後の街ダニーデン。 ここは日本の時に最初に来ようかと考えていた街  最終的にギズボーンを選んだんですが こちらにはギネスに載っている世界で一番急な坂に行ってきた。 本当にきつかった~ 



今回の旅行でもいろいろな人に出会った。 ほとんどの人達とはもう会うことは無いと思うけど会えたらいいなと思う  出会った人達、車に乗っけてくれた人達ありがとう  

I’ve just came back to Auckland.

I’ve been from Christchurch to Oamaru, and Dunedin. I came back from there by airplane. The airplane was awesome because travel time was only one and half hours. I respect Wright brothers.

These 3 cities were interesting because the town where seemed Europe.

On Christchurch final day, I intended to go to Akaroa but I abandoned because I couldn’t book an accommodation. My hostel was fully tonight, too. Christchurch’s accommodation was fully on this day. I didn’t know why. I barely got the Japanese management hostel. There was book of "Homeless junior high school student". I cried and I’m supporting of Kirin from a long distance.

In Oamaru, I met men, who was staying same hostel in Queenstown again. I went to see a wild penguin but the cost was $20. Everybody refused. We were waiting for penguin on a public road. Then It came. We didn’t see clearly them because of 5M distance and dark. The Penguin were swimming in the tough wave. They held out though such a small body.

And the last city, Dunedin, When I was in Japan i was thinking whether I came to here first or not. I finally select Gisborne. I’ve been to the World steepest slope on Guinness.
It was really hard.

I met a lot of people during my travel. I will not meet most them again. However, if i meet them again, i'll be happy . Thanks everybody.



2008-01-23 | Weblog
南島で一番でかいクライストチャーチに到着 こちらの街では一週間だけTOEICの学校に行ってます。 ただ、来てびっくり 生徒が全員日本人・・・ さすがはTOEICです。 ちなみにヨーロッパ人はTOEICのことなんて知りません。 日本と韓国、タイでだけポピュラーらしい。 この街は日本人が多い。 観光客が多いからだと思うが日本語が街にあふれている。 そして、今、泊まっているホステルの客がなぜだか90%ドイツ人 


クライストチャーチに来る途中はテカポという湖の町に一泊だけした。本当にきれいで湖がコバルトブルーだった。この色になるのに理由があるらしいんだが忘れた・・・  ここは星空もよく見える町であり南半球にしかない星もあるんだが星に関しての知識がまったく持ってないもんで結局識別できませんでした。 いつか星について語れる人になりたいです・・・ 


さて、これからクライストチャーチの街を散策してきます。 では


I arrived at the biggest town Christcharch in South. I've been studying TOEIC only for 1 week. However, i was surprised. Sturdents are only Japanese. Oh my god. By the way, Europians doesn`t know`s popular only in Japan,Korea and Thai. There are a lot of Japanese in this town. i guess it is so tourists that there is a lot of Japanese. And, my staying hostel customers are 90% Germany. Although Town looks like Europe, i can hear Japanese and German. I`m in a mysterious place.

In Queenstown, i drank 3 nights in a low with roddoligo. Although there were various activities,i didn`t do that because of expensive. I roamed town at noon and drank at night.

I`d stayed in Tekapo for one night before came to Christcharch. It was really beautiful. The lake colour was cobalt blue. There is this reason but I forget. This town can look at stars clearly and there is star which can look at only the Southern hemisphere. However I couldn’t recognize because I din’t have knowledge of star. I’d like to talk about star someday.
When comeing to this town, I could get on FORD that was the highest level car ever took one. However the high class car passed.

Well, I'll stroll in Christcharch. See you


2008-01-16 | Weblog
どうも~ 現在バカンス中でございます 




ゴールデンベイは本当にきれいでした水が本当に透き通っていて気持ちよかった~(水は恐ろしく冷たいです) タカカという町に2泊したんだけどそこはニュージーランドの中でもゆっくりした町でヒッピーや芸術家が多いところでいい場所だった。出会った奴らもみんないい人達 また、行きたい。

 チャリンコで旅してるスペイン人 一緒に飲みに行き踊った。

 ゴールデンベイのビーチ きれいでしょ











 ロドリゴとロドリゴの彼女ホセ 彼らはチリから持ってきたアクセサリーを売っている。 仕事しろ





Hi. I`m taking my vacation.
I`m in Queenstown, where is sightseeing place.

After i arrived at Picton, where is the Northernmost of South island by ferry on the night of eighth, i went down Nepia, Golden bay and West coast.

There were a lot of artists in Nepia and everybody spent a slow life. This hostel was amazing. There were swimming pool,sauna and spa. It was best I`ve ever stayed hostels.

Golden bay was really beautiful. Because water was really clear, I felt nice.(water is cold) I've stayed at TAKAKA for 2 night. This is the one of slowest town,where has a lot of hippies and artists. I met good people. I wana visit again.

I walked on the glacier in WESTCOAST for the first time. I was overwhelmed by nature power. It was so huge.

And I basked in lakeside WANAKA. It was comfortable because of the good weather.

I met roddligo, best friend in Auckland again in Queenstown. As I expected, the reunion is interesting. I drank after a long time. Maybe tonight also.

I`m traveling by hitchhike in that i study English and save a money. I met various people, a pair of Maori who pick me up only 2 min waiting time,DJ with a lot of tattoo, man who is living natural, kiwi lady who used to live in Gunma for short time, hurry women, UK couple who have been to JAPAN for DOREAMS COME TRUTH TOUR job, poor German tourist and Japanese also. In addition, I rid other cars.

Talking is usually "How long have you been to NZ for?" and so on. I think my English have improved,but 2 hours drive is hard for me because the information is nothing.

I wonder why all cars are old ones. Luxury one passed over. I hope to ride on Mercedes or BMW someday.

bye bye AUCKLAND

2008-01-07 | Weblog
オークランドにもう6ヶ月くらい住んでいる 最初はアジア人が多くてあまりいいイメージではなかったけど住めば都だった。 









I’ve been living in Auckland for about 6 months. I used to have a bad image because there are heaps of Asian, but now my image is good.

I enjoyed meeting a variety of races. I made a really variety of country friends. My job was fun too. I often went out with my colleague. Meeting with Richy, Rutt, Puricerra, Maika and Tami was good for me. Richy is studying Japanese in University. So when we were during our idle ours, we taught a language each other. Rutt, Thai, speak perfect English, and he is creative making a clothes and a music. I have already written down before about Priccera, who was really funny girl. Although Maika was a serious and a delicate, she listened to my poor English, and we talked a lot. Tami is funny girl who can talk dirty. she is a valuable for me.

The working holiday can’t work more than 3 months under same employer but I’ve been working for 6 months finally. I’m indebted to a nice meeting. I got my job by going to directly my job place. I didn’t expect such a good environment. The life can’t expect.

At fast, I hated my job, because I couldn’t understand anything but my English was getting better. It was a good environment as I got money and English.

I’m going to the South island from tomorrow. It seems that the nature is a fantastic.


2008-01-05 | Weblog

あけましておめでとうございます 2008年




 これが庭です。 ほぼ一日中ここにいた。

ここまでリラックスしたというのもないくらいにリラックスした。何よりやることがない 完全なリゾート地であるためスーパーもなくコンビニも町に一軒だけ。 食材を買うには車で峠を越えなければないらしい。(片道30分) 

朝、10時に起床、簡単な朝食を食べる、ちょっと海に行きサーフィンや海水浴をする、家に戻り勝手に冷蔵庫をあけビールを飲む、昼過ぎになるとどこからともなく“お昼できたよ”の声が、その後は寝るか本読む、たまにクリケットやサッカー、ラグビー、綱引きなどで遊ぶ。 そして、暗くなり始めると晩ご飯、その後は飲む、飲む、飲む

 クリケット ちなみにバッターは俺のマネージャー

 綱引き大会 かなりまじめにやったため選手を選考した。 その結果ぼくは落選。 KIWIはみんながたいよすぎ。明らかにぼくが一番細かった

そんな日々を過ごし、年越しは皆でシャンパン、その後ハグ、花火、海に行き、正月は11時まで爆睡という生活をしてきました。 ニュージーランド人はそれほど初日の出には興味がないらしく誰も見ようとは言わなかった 





Happy new year 2008

Did you enjoy New Year’s Day?

I was by the sea. Here is in summer.

I took my vacation in my colleague’s cottage where is in Coromandel from 30th December. It’s to beach 10 seconds by foot, blue sky, white beach, big garden, big house, drinking from noon. I was relaxing like died.

Maybe I spent the most relaxation time in my life. I was noting to do. There was no supermarket. There was only one daily store in the town because of an absolutely resort. It seems that when we buy food, have to go over the hill by car. It takes 30 min of one way by car. 

I get up at 10 am, eat easy breakfast, go to the beach for surfing or swimming, go back to the house, make free with fridge, drink beer, someone call us “lunch is already” at past noon, and then sleeping or reading book, occasionally play cricket, soccer, rugby, tug of war. And then we have a dinner when it gets dark. We drink heaps ever afterward.

I spent time everyday like that. We drank a champagne with everybody when it was new years, and then hugged, fireworks, went to the beach. We slept well until 11 am on new years day. Nobody wanted to look at a sunrise, because Kiwi were not interested in it.

I spent unusual a new year so. Honestly, it was a bragging. I hope to see more of you in 2008 anyway.

I was back to Auckland a couple of days ago. I’m struggling with my black skin and my peel.