
カナダ留学・クリティカルシンキング専門家。Canadian Prairie/EcoCabin在住。 

[Japan is so weird. Or is it me?- Wait! Three Alphabets?] Chapter2-8

2022-04-07 06:34:53 | 外国から見た日本

カナダ大学留学に備え真剣に準備する日本の中・高校生のためのSupport Group-カナダクラブ 
その貴重なパートナーであり、UX English (カナダからの英語学習サイト) AdministratorであるRobert McMillanが語るストーリー”Japan is so weird. Or is it me?” 


Chapter 1 Chapter 2-8 はこのリンクから 

Sorry for the delay between posts. I have been building a new house in Alberta. I have now come full circle. 32.5 years after having left Canada for Japan, I have returned to my home province. I hope to have the home built by fall and then devote more time to writing. Meanwhile, I’ll post as much as I can!


[Japan is so weird. Or is it me?- Wait – Three Alphabets?] Chapter2-8

The moment I arrived in Japan I realized that I had made a big mistake. When I asked for directions from the pretty girls in Tokyo. When a seemingly free can of tea with the bento I bought from a platform stall at Ueno Station cost ¥100. I found that I couldn’t converse with people, and I couldn’t avoid being taken advantage of. All because I could not communicate. I had not studied the language enough. 

I needed to know Japanese right away. So along with teaching full time and studying how to actually become a teacher, I flung myself into language learning. But you have three alphabets. Where does a guy start? 

I asked the boss, and he said that Japanese children start with hiragana, so I picked up some workbooks for children and practiced drawing hiragana characters. 

I love hiragana. It’s pleasingly cursive and aesthetic. As soon as I learned it, I bought some children’s books. But I couldn’t read a thing. Unlike English, there weren’t any spaces between the words. The big round periods were massively cool – so big you could trip on them – but I couldn’t tell where one word ended and another began. I had to guess if, say, three consecutive characters formed a word, and then search for the possible word in a pocket dictionary I had bought at a used book store. Then, for each sentence, I’d comb through a grammar book to see how it made sense. Reading became a puzzle-solving game. 

A single page of “Momotaro” took 20 minutes to read, but each page was a new mystery waiting to be solved. And I could apply this learning to everyday life. I would try to use new words and phrases I had read when speaking to people. Sometimes successfully. 

The word sappari, for example, that I learned from the children’s book “Urashima Taro”. 「あるとき、うみで、さかながさっぱりとれなくなりました。」 My dictionary said sappari could mean completely or not at all – which are completely opposite. So I tried to use the word while closely watching the people I spoke with. I complimented a restaurant worker for food so good that I ate it all up (さっぱり食べました), and was met with a confused look. But when I complained that the voice of that fat blue cartoon cat Doraemon was so distorted I could not understand him at all (さっぱり分からん), I got some laughter. Like that, my Japanese language ability began to lurch forward like a car with a sticky clutch. 

Importantly for life in Shikoku, hiragana enabled me to read the udon restaurant signs while driving to classrooms around the countryside. Extremely helpful! Enthralled, I took up katakana. 

I hate katakana. It’s rigidly boxy and geometric. Like the Suzuki Every van I drove to my classes. Perhaps those reverent monks who designed katakana forgot that language is an art, not an architectural scaffold. There were practical benefits though. I could write my own name (which sounded nothing like my name) and find ramen restaurants. 

Again while driving, I would excitedly read katakana characters on signboards and look down to see what surprise was underneath. It was like shaking Christmas presents under the tree and guessing what was inside. “Ramen!” I'd read out loud, look down at the orange lantern and entrance cloth, and feel pleased with myself. But Katakana taunted me. Gasososo said a well-lit signboard late one night after I finished classes. What the hell was that? 

My eyes scrolled down the signboard to find… a gas station? Gasososo was in fact gasorin – gasoline. The characters “so” (ソ), “ri” (リ) and “n” (ン) were so similar that I could not tell them apart. Like mischievous triplets identically dressed. 

I happened to need gas that night and couldn’t reasonably hold a gasoline stand responsible for my inability to distinguish katakana characters, so I stopped. And braced myself. 

I needed to brace myself back then because the attendants would run after my car and shout at me. “Irasshaimase” (welcome) and “Arai, arai, arai. Hai, sutoppu!” (Alright, yes, stop!) Their intensity made me nervous. 

The gas attendant under the Gasososo sign, too, chased after my car shouting, and it did make me nervous. Slow down man, take it easy, I’m in no rush, I used to think back then. 

It is funny what can set you off when you live in a different country. A Japanese driver in 1989 would surely be miffed by the lack of urgency of my hometown gas jockeys, walking leisurely and happily up to your car saying, “Hi, fill it up?” 

I used to step out of the car when I bought gas in Canada – a sign of respect to the gas jockey – so I did so in Japan, too. The attendant was right in front of me now: “Genkin desu ka?” (Cash payment?) 

This sounded familiar and eased my stress. I thought he’d asked how I was doing (“Genki desu ka?”), something a gas jockey in my hometown would say. I replied, “Fine, thanks” (“Genki desu, arigatou,”) quite cheerfully, pleased to have “understood” him. 

His expression showed that I hadn’t. Holding the gas hose in one hand, his eyes and mouth opened wide in the universal display of surprise. 

So what do you do when you need gas but freak out the gas jockey? 

Japan is so weird. Or is it me?


(To Be Continued)


Sorry! 前編から随分間が空いてしまいました。今、カナダの故郷アルバータ州でCabinを建てているところです。日本に行き ー 刺激的な経験をし ー そしてカナダに帰ってきました。Cabinは夏には完成する予定で、その後は書く時間がもっと出来ると楽しみにしています。いっぱい書きますから!

[ちょい待ち – 3種類のアルファベット?] Chapter2-8




ひらがなは気に入った。英語の筆記体のようになめらかな曲線があり美しい。学び始めですぐに子供向けの本を買いに行った。しかし。全く何も読めなかった。英語と違い、単語の間にスペースがない。大きくて丸い終止符はカッコいい – すごく大きいのでつまづきそうな程。でも、どこで一つの単語が終わり、どこから次の単語が始まるのかわからなかった。まぁ、推理しかなかったかな。3つの文字が連続すると単語になると推測し、その言葉が古本屋で買った辞書に載っているか調べてみた。次に、その言葉をつないで文を理解するために、ヒントを求め日本語文法の本をくまなく探した。一体どんな意味の文だろうと。こうして日本語を読むことはパズルを解くゲームとなっていった。 






目を下にスクロールし見つけたのは。。。ガソリンスタンド?Gasososoとは実はガソリンのことだった 。「ソ」「リ」「ン」の3文字は似すぎているので区別がつかなかった。全く同じ服を着ているいたずらな三つ子みたいに。 




外国に住んでいると、一体何が引き金で動転してしまうかわからない。それが面白いんだけどね。1989年の日本のドライバーをカナダの僕の故郷に連れて来るとしよう。そこの、ガススタの店員には急ぐ概念は完全に欠如しているから、ムカッとするだろうな。絶対。故郷のガススタ店員は、ゆ〜っくり、ニコニコ車まで歩いて来て「Hi! 満タンにする?」と言う。 

カナダでガソリンを入れた時には、車から出るのが普通だった。それは店員へのリスペクトの印。だから、日本でも同じことをした。車から出ると店員は僕のすぐ前にいた。「Genkin desu ka? (現金ですか?)」 

あ!聞いたことあるぞ!と少し緊張が解けた。元気かどうかを聞いているのだと思った。 (“Genki desu ka?”) 僕のホームタウンのガススタ店員がいつも言葉にすることだから。だからかなり陽気に答えた「元気です、ありがとう。」 店員の日本語が「理解」出来て嬉しかった。 



日本はそんなに変テコ? それとも僕が変テコ?




Pandemic禍の留学Support Group   Canada Club




カナダ発日本人のための本格的英語学習サイト UX English 


Podcast [カナダにいらっしゃい!] 


