
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

Jeremiah 15:16

2023年06月16日 10時23分44秒 | Hymns
Jeremiah 15:16 Your words were found and I ate them, / And Your word became to me / The gladness and joy of my heart, / For I am called by Your name, / O Jehovah, God of hosts.

the word of God is not just for us to study, to understand or to memorise. but the most important function of the word of God is for us to eat as our daily bread. the Lord Jesus said in Matthew 4:4 that man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. May we realise this is God's desire that we will diligently make new discoveries of His word and feed on His word, so that His word will become the gladness and joy to our heart!!

and enjoy the recording of singing this song 
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