
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route


2013年05月17日 23時04分37秒 | Prayer
Yes, Lord, Your will be done!
Lord, do rule in the South Island!
Praise You as the Lord of all, the King of kings.
Remember the conference in South Island.
We turn to You, look upon You!
Release every saint.
Shame Your enemy there!
Cover all the saints under Your mighty arms!
Do Lord!
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Keep us in Your overcoming Spirit

2013年02月26日 12時32分21秒 | Prayer
Oh, Lord
Keep us in Your overcoming Spirit
We praise You as the true mighty Overcomer
So that we can overcome the world, overcome the sin and overcome the enemy

Keep us in Your overcoming Spirit
So that we can take the narrow way if the cross
Enable to go outside the camp
To follow You on earth as the suffering One!

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