
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

John 7:16

2020年05月13日 09時16分14秒 | Morning Revival
John 7:16 Jesus therefore answered them and said, My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent Me. 

In not speaking from Himself the Lord did not seek His own glory but the glory of the One who sent Him. Instead of speaking His own words, He spoke God. When He spoke God's word, God was expressed through His speaking. God came forth from Him through His words. He lived a life of speaking God, a life of expressing God for His glory. 
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2018年05月17日 08時46分53秒 | Morning Revival

The only possibility of the Lord’s eternal purpose being fulfilled in this age is if we would all be willing to be renewed in the spirit of our mind. This means that we have to open up ourselves and drink of the Spirit in order that the Spirit may get into our being, saturating our natural mentality so that we can have a metabolic change in our way of life. Then there is much possibility for the new man to come into full existence. (CWWL, 1977, vol.3, “The One New Man,” pp. 510-511)

Lord, make us willing to be renewed in the spirit of our mind, that Your eternal purpose will be fulfilled. 

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2018年02月05日 08時23分16秒 | Morning Revival

The entire Bible s a divine romance, a record of how God courts His chosen people and eventually marries them. When we as God's people enter into a love relationship with God, we receive His life, just as Eve receives the life of Adam. It is this life that enables us to become one with God and makes Him one with us. We keep the law not by exercising our mind and will, but by loving the Lord as our Husband and thereby partaking of His life and nature to become one with Him as His enlargement and expression. 

- Exodus 20:6 footnote 2

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2017年11月22日 08時18分02秒 | Morning Revival
The nature of the church is to submit to God's authority. In His resurrection, the Lord has brought people from earth to the heavens. He has caused those who would not and could not submit to God's authority to be willing and able to submit to God's authority.
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2017年08月09日 10時43分16秒 | Morning Revival

To prophesy is to speak for and speak forth God.

In order to prophesy, we should be men of God with the breath of God.

Everyday, we need to inhale God's breath, and exhale by speaking. 

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2017年07月24日 09時53分13秒 | Morning Revival

The present Christ, who is now in the heavens as our Minister, is ministering to us the heavenly life, grace, authority, and power and sustaining us to live a heavenly life on earth as He did when He was here.
Praise the Lord we have such a Christ as our Minister!

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2017年07月20日 09時01分50秒 | Morning Revival

He lives always to intercede for us. His interceding is mainly that we may experience the transformation in life for growth into the maturity of sonship that we may be fully conformed to the image of God’s Son.
we have such a High Priest, who is always interceding for us. and His interceding is according to God. Praise the Lord, our High Priest!!

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2017年06月08日 09時14分28秒 | Morning Revival
from today's MR, I enjoy the point that there is no excuse for our being offended. if we were not in ourselves, we could not be offended. The reason we are offended is that the self is so open and prevailing. Through the open gate of the self, Satan comes forth, and we are offended.
we should not make any excuse for ourselves. This frustrates the building up of the church.
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2017年05月26日 09時16分32秒 | Morning Revival
i really enjoy today's MR, that the first garment is for us to stand in the presence of God; the second garment is for us to stand before the King. everyday, we need to cooperate with the Lord, allow Him to embroider Himself into our being. this is to prepare our second garment for us to be qualified for the wedding of the Lamb.

Amen. May we prepare the garment more today!
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2016年08月10日 11時00分41秒 | Morning Revival
John 17:3 "And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Him whom You have sent, Jesus Christ."
The divine life we received when we were regenerated has a spontaneous function, and inward ability, which is to know God and Christ. The more His life feels within us, the more we know Him. The more we know Him, the more we will experience Him as our life, enjoy Him, and allow Him to live out through us.
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