
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

Hymn 864

2023年08月29日 11時26分40秒 | Hymns

"Let us exhibit Christ
Let us exhibit Christ
We'll bring His surplus to the church
And thus exhibit Christ"
- Hymn 864

after the people of Israel left Egypt and entered into the land of Canaan, they would labor on the land in order to reap the harvest, so that, firstly, they could feed themselves and the families; secondly, they would bring the top portion to Jerusalem for the feasts three times a year, to offer to God, and to eat with all the others. 
this is a picture of our gatherings and meetings during the week as New Testament believers. our gatherings together should be a time of exhibiting Christ, His unsearchable riches which have been experienced and enjoyed by us in our daily life. the issue of such an exhibition is that, on one hand, God the Father will be satisfied with our offering of the Christ experienced by us; on the other hand, we also shepherd the fellow believers by bringing the riches of this wonderful Christ. 
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