
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 18,04,2024

2024年04月18日 11時31分40秒 | ministry of word
It is not a matter of our doing good and refraining from evil, what matters is whether or not we express God and subdue His enemy to conquer the eath. These are the two aspects of God's purpose in the creation of man. God created man for a purpose, and that purpose is that man may express Him and subdue His enemy to conquer the earth. These two things are also the main aspects of God's purpose in regenerating us. God regenerated us in order that we may express Him and exercise His dominion over all things. This purpose of God must be fulfilled in our family life, our marriage life, and our church life. It must be realized in all the relationships between the brothers and sisters in the church. We must show the whole universe that in the church we have the image of God, and we exercise the dominion of God over all things, especially over His enemy Satan. 
 - "Fulfilling God's Purpose by Growing in Life and Functioning in Life to Build up the Church" P14
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