
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 06,05,2024

2024年05月06日 11時09分54秒 | ministry of word
Whenever we call on the name of Jesus, we touch the reality of the Lord's name, which is the Spirit. No other name is so ful of reality, so powerful, so full of impact, and so full of authority as the name of Jesus. It is not a small thing, and it is certainly not a form, to call on the name of Jesus. Whenever we say, "Lord Jesus", we touch the reality. We are refreshed, satisfied, nourished, and watered. We cannot experience such a reality by merely reading the Bible. The highest way for us to touch the Spirit to call on the name of the Lord. 
- "Fulfilling God's Purpose by Growing in Life and Functioning in Life to Build up the Chruch" P56
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