
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 02,06,2024

2024年06月02日 19時54分53秒 | ministry of word
The Spirit today is both the Spirit of life and the Spirit of power. By receiving the Spirit of life through regeneration we are born of God to be genuine sons of God, possessing His very life. Once we have received the Spirit of life, we are genuine children of God. However, in order to carry out the Lord's work, we also need to receive the Spirit of power. By the Spirit of power we can work with the Lord for the accomplishment of His purpose. We need the Spirit of life in order to be sons, and we need the Spirit of power in order to do the Lord's work. Then, in addition to life and power, we need the growth in life. If we have life, power, and growth, we will be proper, balanced Christians who can be used by the Lord for His Body.
- "God's Intention concerning Christ and the Church" P23
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