
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 13,04,2024

2024年04月13日 14時24分26秒 | ministry of word
In order to build up the local churches, we need to be trained and discplined by the Lord in many aspects. 
1. we need spiritual growth.
2 we need to build up our character. in the building up of the local church, our character is nearly as important as our spiritual growth. Of course, if we have genuine spiritual growth, our character also will be built up.
3. we need love, not in word but in practice. the love that is needed for the building up of the local churches is not as sentimental, emotional love but a real and practical love. 
4. we need to be balanced in many ways. We need to be balanced in our spiritual experiences, in our understanding of spiritual matters, and in contacting people. 
5. we need the adequate knowledge of the Word. if we merely have experience without the proper knowledge, we are not balanced. we need knowledge to balance our experience. 
- "Fellowshipping Concerning Migration" P22
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