
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 05,04,2024

2024年04月05日 10時36分10秒 | ministry of word
In the same way that our body is a vessel meant to contain our physical life, so too is our entire being - body, soul, and spirit - a vessel that is meant to contain something. God intends that we be filled with Himself as life. Once we are filled with Himself as life, He intends that we live by Him. God's salvation, on the one hand, is to recover us and cleanse us because we as created vessels have been damaged and dirtied by Satan, sin, and the fall. This, however, is not the positive side of God's goal in saving us. God's positive intention in His salvation is that after cleansing us He will put Himself into us. Christ's redemption and cleansing prepares us as vessels to receive God as life. God's ultimate and positive intention in His salvation is to come into us as life. 
- "Experiencing Christ as the Inner Life" PP9-10
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