パラス ダイアリー 日本/Japan


Japanese and American Medical Experiments, and More 日本とアメリカの医学実験など

2015-05-13 13:32:22 | World War Ⅱ 第二次世界大戦
Japanese and American Medical Experiments, and More
Michael Yon  マイケル・ヨン
April 26, 2015   2015年4月26日
As we day by day uncover more truth about the fictional sex-slave narrative from World War II, some people still carry racism in their hearts and must find something to hang around the Japanese neck. 
And so they say, "But what about Bataan!?" I was in Bataan in January and in my view real war crimes did occur there, though the extent is in question. 
Yet each time we say, "But what about Bataan!?" I also remember my walks on the Trail of Tears. The Japanese really did commit criminal acts at Bataan, and we did the same on the Trail of Tears. There was no excuse for either.
And we say, "What about the death railway!?" Well, it really happened. I have been to Kanchanaburi a couple of times and it is my belief that crimes really occurred, just as we kept slaves, and even into the 1950s made blacks sit at the back of buses, and Americans were still lynching blacks. 
There was a time in our history that Americans made postcards from photographs at lynchings.
These postcards were made by our American ancestors, and no doubt some are still alive: http://withoutsanctuary.org
And some say, "But what about the Rape of Nanjing!?" Those accusations come mostly from China, which is in credibility deficit, especially in regard to anything relating to Japanese. 
The author of the book was Chinese-American, and mentally ill. She committed suicide by shooting herself. 
Details about Nanjing should be taken with a grain of salt until audited, and some historians who have audited the events have found much room for doubt about the details. For instance that more people were killed there than even had lived there.
There is no doubt that we all committed war crimes during World War II. Some more than others. Especially the Germans and their death camps and Nazi doctors, and the Russians were utterly savage. 
Americans also committed medical crimes against living blacks in the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmVTmhYa52A
These experiments were carried out from 1932 to 1972. The subjects were poor black men, and this was done under the guise of helping the greater community.
Or American MKULTRA LSD experiments: 
"To observe the effects of the drug on unwitting subjects, they secretly administered LSD to hundreds of mental patients, prisoners, foreign nationals and private American citizens without their consent. In one particularly audacious eight-year program called “Operation Midnight Climax,” the agency set up a string of brothels in San Francisco. Prostitutes would dose their unsuspecting clients, and CIA agents would then monitor the men’s behavior from behind two-way mirrors. These government acid tests would continue through most of the 1950s and early 1960s, but the mind-bending effects of LSD were ultimately deemed too unpredictable and unwieldy for use in the field."
The more China and Korea poke at Japan's history, the more we are reminded that China committed the greatest genocides in human history, and this all happened after World War II, and no doubt many of the perpetrators still are in power. 
The more we look at Korea's history, the more we realize that Koreans might be many things, but innocent victims they are not.
Justice requires a fair mind, and facts. We continue to research on the ground the narrative about widespread sex slavery. So far this has turned out to be fiction.



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