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Japan: Lawsuits against Asahi Shimbun newspaper  日本:朝日新聞社を訴える

2015-03-12 23:35:57 | Lawsuit 訴訟問題

Japan: Lawsuits against Asahi Shimbun newspaper 


Michael Yon    マイケル・ヨン
February 26, 2015  2015年2月26日

Japan: Lawsuits against Asahi Shimbun newspaper 

Yesterday I met for several hours with Mr. Katsuhiko Takaike, who is chief counsel a defamation lawsuit against Asahi Shimbun. Asahi is one of the biggest newspapers in the world. 
昨日,Mr. Katsuhiko Takaike(高池勝彦 氏)と会い,何時間か話し合った.彼は朝日新聞に対する名誉毀損訴訟の主任弁護士だ.朝日新聞社は世界でも有数な新聞社である.
This lawsuit revolves around dozens of false stories published by Asahi, starting in the early 1980s. Many of the stories contain false allegations that Japan was involved in widespread sex-slavery during World War II. After exhaustive research, we know these stories are false. Additionally, the Asahi admitted in 2014 that it had lied.
There actually are now three lawsuits against Asahi related to this. All three lawsuits are class action:
According to Mr. Takaike yesterday:
昨日,聞いたMr. Takaike(高池 氏)の話によると,
1) The first lawsuit has 24,000 plaintiffs. (Led by Takaike.)
2) Another has 2,000 plaintiffs
3) A third has 400 plaintiffs
1)  最初の訴訟は24,000人の原告
2) 二番目は2,000人の原告
3) 三番目は400人の原告
We visited the television station which is helping collect the Powers of Attorney from plaintiffs. Plaintiffs are joining from around the world. About 500 per day are coming in by mail. By mid-March they likely will stop taking more plaintiffs.
I made these photographs last night. This is about half of the boxes of Powers of Attorney that have come in from plaintiffs.