"Japan is hamstrung by history"
Michael Yon マイケル・ヨン
February 5, 2015 2015年2月5日
"Japan is hamstrung by history"
The time is here. Japan must again stand on its own legs, and never apologize for being strong.
Japan must not apologize for exercising sovereignty. Japan must not ask permission to defend itself.
Japan must not apologize for exercising sovereignty. Japan must not ask permission to defend itself.
All debts from the past are settled. No more apologies.
If China or Korea want more apologies, they should demand regret from the winds and from the seas.
February24, 2015 -- Michael Yon's IWG talk (2) YouTube
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【マイケル・ヨン】従軍慰安婦の証拠無し!(後半)IWG報告書 - YouTube