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How to file your ITR through LegalRaasta?

2017-08-26 11:15:19 | Legal Services
Income tax returns can however be filed in the paper form as well as electronically. E-filing is thus the simpler, paper-less for the purpose of filing your tax returns. It can either be done for free through the Income Tax Department’s website as well as also through third-party service providers. E-filing is also a hassle-free and mostly error-free. When the tax returns are prepared online, they are then pre-checked for the errors so that the taxpayer doesn’t get a notice from the IT department. However, e-filing can be done only within the certain deadlines.
There are many websites which provide you with an option of filing ITR online but we at Legal Raasta help you with filing your ITR easily with simple steps . Applying through us is the best since it is easy to operate , there is time saving and we have the best experts . Your taxes are also saved and you have the security . We guarantee 100% accuracy and satisfaction . We also provide for refund tracking .
Thus the article below provides you with some basic steps with which you can easily file your ITR through Legal Raasta .
You can either 1. file the return yourself or 2. you can choose from the CA assisted plans for a guided filing .
In order to file your return yourself , the following steps are to be followed :
Step 1
Select the year for which you want to file your ITR and then proceed .
Step 2
2.1 The first step which you are supposed to follow is to fill in a tax profile which would step by step ask for your :
personal information in which you have to fill your
1. Name
2. Gender
3. Date of birth
4. Pan card details
5. Father’s name
6. Email
7. Phone number
8. Add adhaar card info if you have any
Address in which you have to fill your residential information .
Bank Information in which you have to fill your :
1. Bank account number
2. IFSC code
3. Bank name
4. Bank account type (choose between savings or current )
5. Bank type ( choose between primary or secondary )
Personalised Form – untick the income that are not applicable to you so that you wont be bothered by the questions that are not related to you .
Step 3
One this step is done click proceed and you would automatically come to the Income Sources Form . You are supposed to fill in your income sources form in which you are supposed to mention about your :
Salary – You can either fill the salary form manually or can either choose to upload Form 16 if you have any . The data will be automatically be uploaded your form 16 .
Other income in which you are supposed to include your :
1. Interest income from saving account
2. Other interest income
3. Interest income from post office deposit
4. Gift income
5. Exempt income
Also mention about house property and capital gain if any .
Step 4
Mention about your business profile in a form
Step 5
Mention the tax deductions in the tax deductions form which would ask you to fill your form for any investments, health insurance , donations details if made any during the year and others .
Step 6
You are now redirected to the TDS tab. Fill in the tax paid form.
Here two types of information is required to be filled . One is income from salary and the other is details of the tax deducted from non salary incomes .
Now come to the self tax payment form and add the details of advance tax or self assessment tax entry .
Save the changes and click on review and submit .
Step 7
Once you have reviewed, click on e-file my return and your returns will be prepared .
Step 8
Once your returns are prepared, you are supposed to download the ITR file .
And in this way your returns will be prepared through Legal Raasta .
After that all you are supposed to do is :

1. Take a printout of this ITR file and submit it to the nearest local office of the Income Tax Department
2. The receiving officer will then give you a stamped acknowledgement upon the receipt of your tax returns.
This article has been contributed by Simmi Setia, Content Writer at LegalRaasta, an online portal for Section 8 company registration, Nidhi company registration, IEC registration.


2017-08-26 11:15:19 | Legal Services
With parcels at the forefront of their thoughts, proprietorship startups have a tendency to put on the back-burner choices that don’t help the main issue. As a general rule that incorporates choosing how protection and information security ought to be overseen. A solitary mistake can undermine the trust of financial specialists and clients, draw in undesirable administrative consideration or suit, and eventually, wreck a startup’s prosperity.

Most new businesses can’t make due all alone without the assistance of outside speculations or contracts. In the event that they need to succeed and meet these outsiders’ prerequisites, they need to execute from the begin and keep on using, the fitting protection and security shields that are adjusted to their particular plan of action.

1. Not making security a need from the earliest starting point

Startups regularly fall into the trap of supposing they can manage security later when their organization is bigger. The issue with not considering security important from the earliest starting point is that security is not incorporated into the organization’s DNA, making it a more troublesome issue to manage when it is at long last confronted

2. Expecting protection or security is only for the nerds

Financial specialists stressed over their stake in organizations are talking their brains. Gilbert clarifies, “There is a rising number of shareholder subordinate activities for rupture of guardian obligation originating from an inability to administer the organization’s exercises identified with protection and security, for example, the absence of consistency or inability to meet generally utilized practices.”

3: Ignoring applicable standards and laws

New businesses may not be up to speed on material laws, rules, and regulations. New companies, in that class, might be in for a stun when directing business with vast, setup and many customers. “The startup will be relied upon to have set up similar levels of insurance, mindfulness, or development as its bigger customer.” “In the event that it can’t meet the customer’s guidelines with respect to the assurance of individual data, the startup won’t have the capacity to sign an agreement.”

4: Thinking you are flying under the radar

The encounter has instructed Gilbert that size, as well as the novelty of an organization, is superfluous with regards to legitimate issues. “Disputants and judges have centered around on the impact the slip-up, manhandle, security episode, or legitimate infringement may have on the general population everywhere,”. “In the event that they decide the impact is critical, the reality it was brought on by a five-man organization is probably going to be immaterial.”

5: Ignoring the advantages from approaches

There are reasons why organizations have approaches and forms identified with protection and information security. You ought to characterize who is permitted to get to what data should be tended to, or abuse of delicate data will happen. strategies as a rule increment proficiency as opposed to back an organization off.

6. Not remaining fully informed regarding security rehearses

Security gauges from 5-10 years prior ought not to be utilized any longer. Numerous new companies don’t try staying aware of the most recent security overhauls and wind up utilizing old encryption calculations or obsolete strategies that can be mishandled by programmers and pernicious performing artists

7. Absence of inward framework and strategies

New Tech companies have a solid preferred standpoint with regards to information security since they aren’t hampered by legacy frameworks, and rather can apply best practices from the beginning. Therefore, their items have never been more secure. Be that as it may, while they’re more secure, inside practices and conventions at tech new businesses have lingered behind. Accreditation sharing, constrained utilization of single sign on, and poor watchword strategies are all regular cases of new tech companies erroneously not concentrating enough all alone inside foundation and arrangements and the effect that it has on their information security.

8. Obscuring the lines amongst individual and expert gadgets

Bring your own gadget (BYOG) has picked up fame in the course of the most recent couple of years, particularly in the startup space. No one needs to carry various multiple cell phones and always use diverse versatile working frameworks to check email and oversee schedules. In any case, the security hazard is frequently eclipsed by comfort. Workers’ own gadgets have admittance to and store private corporate information straightforwardly on the gadget. At the point when a worker leaves an association, that data is still present on their gadget and can be gotten to uncertainty. As far as information security this is a noteworthy error.

9. Disregarding two-consider verification

Two-calculate confirmation – the framework that sends your cell phone an instant message with the code that you enter after signing into another site – is a straightforward however frequently disregarded initial step. All real business stages offer this now including Google Apps for Work and Salesforce. Indeed, even interpersonal organizations make this usefulness accessible at the flick of a switch. With secret key ruptures turning out to be more normal, it’s just reasonable to include a moment layer of assurance on the touchy data that is put away in online programming

10. Having deficient leave conventions

A Private Limited Company that depends on vast armadas of low maintenance representatives or contractual workers are particularly inclined to security breaks or information slips in the event that they don’t precisely take after a standard leave technique. Private data, account get to and other information misfortune can without much of a stretch happen when your organization’s information stays occupant on those people groups’ gadgets. Individuals overlook it’s even there, and may not consider security as important on their own gadgets. Ensure your and your clients’ data by doing some work early with your lawful counsels.
This article has been contributed by Simmi Setia, Content Writer at LegalRaasta, an online portal for Section 8 company registration, Nidhi company registration, IEC registration.

5 Advantages of an Online short term business loan

2017-08-26 11:15:19 | Legal Services
Starting a new business is always difficult if you don’t have enough financial backing. Fact. Every entrepreneur knows how difficult it can be to get the capital to manifest the idea of a start-up into reality. Even after establishing the business, it’s difficult to maintain a regular cash flow. The burning hole in your pocket can become a great cause of concern for you soon enough. “How to deal with it” I hear you ask.

This is where the concept of an online short-term loan steps in. As the name suggests, the loan has to be repaid quickly: anywhere between 90 days and a few years, depending on the amount of loan you’ve been granted and the lender.

However, you may want to bear in mind that a short-term online business loan is not for all types of business expenses. Using such loans to pay off long-term debts like business acquisition or any other loans took beforehand might lead to serious financial hardships or even a debt trap.

Listed below are a few reasons that might entice you into pursuing a short-term online loan for your blossoming business:

1.Convenience and Speed

Usually, banks tend to have a process of granting a loan which involves a whole lot of paperwork. This dreaded paperwork might include your incorporation papers, your balance sheets or even a report of your tax returns. As a consequence, this may hinder with your plans as you might be in the middle of a mini financial crisis and may need money urgently. Online lenders, however, don’t rely on much paperwork and are quick in their decision-making and will (in most cases) rapidly follow through with the money immediately.

2. Flexibility

Short term online loans are considered highly flexible because you can avail them for all of your different types of funding requirements. The lender is hardly interested in how you plan to use the capital and you can use it however you see fit.

Another way in which these loans can be considered to be flexible is that you can find and settle for a repayment structure that suits you and most importantly, your cash flow. You can opt to pay it all back in a few days, weeks, months or years. The possibilities here are endless.

3. Security

Not only does lack of paperwork result in a quicker granting of loan it also means that you are able to protect the confidentiality or “the soul” of your company. You don’t need to show the inner workings of your company in order to claim that loan.

4. No Need for Collateral

As if not doing the tiresome paperwork wasn’t a boon already, in most cases you don’t need to front any collateral to get the loan. In this way, you are able to not only hold onto the secret of how all the gears in your company tick, but you also maintain all your other precious properties. Generally, a small company with a good credit history can easily get an unsecured loan (i.e. loan without a collateral) from a bank. Although some individual lenders might still be willing to hand loans to companies with not-so-stellar credit.

5. Improving Credit Score

This can be counted as a moral aspect of taking a short term loan. Not only will the loan help you with your financial issues but it can also improve your credit score. Due to the flexibility, it allows, more often than not people will return the loan amount along with the interest in a short window of time (most probably a matter of months), thus boosting their score.

“What will an improved score help me with?” I hear you ask. The improvement in the score is a representation of the improvement in your image as seen by the banks or other lenders. When a bank is considering to grant you a loan, they often look at your credit score. This tells them how well you fared when it came to repaying the loans you took in the past which certainly helps your chances in landing another loan.
Once you have boosted your score you can take a new loan at a more favorable rate of interest.

A short-term online business loan can be one of the easiest ways to see what your beautiful little business can blossom into. Even if you’re in a healthy financial position, such a loan might help you to just find that extra bit of capital to expand your business into something that you might think can take it to the next level. With no collateral requirement and a handful of easy repayment options, you can take your start-up to a whole new level while improving your credit as well as your reputation. After all, who knows what a little amount of extra capital could do for your business!
This article has been contributed by Simmi Setia, Content Writer at LegalRaasta, an online portal for Section 8 company registration, Nidhi company registration, IEC registration.

5 Activities every startup need to ensure

2017-08-26 11:15:19 | Legal Services
The exertion required to dispatch another wander can appear to be overwhelming. Obviously, specifics shift in the view of the sort of business you’re building up; producers confront unique difficulties, as do retailers and counseling firms. However, once you have your idea and your funds in line, there are a few essentials that are all inclusive.

There are such a large number of steps required in beginning a business, it’s anything but difficult to get somewhat lost en route. Everybody commits errors, however with regards to your startup, even apparently innocuous oversights could cost you a ton over the long term.

It’s absolutely vital to keep a predictable watch on key measurements and scale development to guarantee that the life time of the startup is not brief.

A few tenets matter more than others and these principles, if clung to by effective new companies will guarantee that the startup is en route to managing its most optimized plan of attack growth. These are five things a quickly developing startup needs to maintain its quick development business.

1. Outsource Majority of your work.

The possibility of the virtual company is a myth. The possibility of the remarkably engaged business is the imperative reality.

Each fruitful start up business visionary has a scope of attitudes that change from on skill in web showcasing, to a mastery in utilizing particular programming, to an ability for routinizing complex exercises.

What recognizes quick development new businesses from the rest is that quick development new companies have made sense of an approach to center their endeavors completely around their individual aptitudes, around what they excel at.

The new companies outsource all different business capacities to individuals in their group (or outside of their groups) who can give them better or more cost successfully.

It is simple for the startup business visionary to get oiled up in the everyday operations of maintaining the business just on the grounds that they need to spare money.

Fruitful, quick development new businesses set up a gifted group together, designate all different business capacities aside from the center capacities to colleagues can improve which leaves the startup proprietors time – a standout amongst the most profitable resources of the startup business person – to concentrate on making arrangements for the eventual fate of the business.

Having an excessive number of errands regardless of the possibility that you have room schedule-wise to do them are all diversions that can profoundly diminish your viability and truncate the business development.

2. Mechanize Every Part of the Business.

Why it’s great to outsource work to groups (both those inside and those outside), it’s additionally basic to robotize the procedures of maintaining that business all in all.

Once a startup begins to increase huge energy, a considerable measure of obligations become out from no place. Also, attempting to work those positions 100% may drag your consideration far from the essential ones you ought to concentrate on. That is the place the need to mechanize those time entrusting forms becomes possibly the most important factor.

Get a period and participation administration framework that can help computerize the ordinary regular errands, for example, recording worker inputs, overseeing break periods, ascertaining finance, and observing the general everyday exercises of the business.

You robotising these procedures will give you more opportunity to concentrate on the eventual fate of the startup and furthermore help you discover time to make techniques to support the present development

3. Number diversion – overseeing accounts

Regardless of how stunning a sales representative you are and how engaging the range you’re offering may be, everything comes down to one thing toward the end – numbers. It is safe to say that you are offering enough to pay your bills and make a benefit? You ought to watch your records like a peddle and guarantee you’re keeping a mind your costs so they don’t eat into your benefits. You can do this by keeping a close watch when on your Income tax returns filing.

Be it renting or leasing a retail space or new promoting movement spending plans, your records ought to involve each conceivable cost your business will cause. You ought to likewise make a six-month, one-year and five-year arrange with deals and benefit targets you have to hit. Do a money saving advantage investigation of each new movement you’ve embraced to guarantee results on different form estimates on arrival. These records will likewise help figure out which items have you the best edges and which times of the year your incomes increment or lessening.

4. Making installment basic

Time is cash, both for you and your client. That is the reason you have to guarantee you prepare installments quickly and precisely, particularly amid occupied circumstances. So what choices would it be a good idea for you to furnish clients with? Money, card and versatile are the most generally utilized installment strategies that retailers ought to offer.

Juggling customer installments and the administrator connected with it could turn out to be a Herculean undertaking for retailers. There are details to back this claim – in research led a year ago, installments supplier Worldpay discovered independent companies regularly spend around a fifth of their time on printed material and administrator. On the off chance that this procedure is made consistent, then retailers can invest more energy in developing their business.

This is the place we trust the brilliant till My Business Hub – an across the board tablet-based purpose of-offer arrangement – comes in. It accompanies a separable Android tablet to give retailers adaptability to take installments any place inside your premises. Be it money or card, installments, My Business Hub clients can monitor exchanges through a business dashboard.

Losing clients to long installment lines is the exact opposite thing a retailer needs, that is the reason utilizing a successful framework gets installments handled rapidly while looking after exactness.

5. Drawing in the Right People

Finding the opportune individuals to help make and work a startup is basic to extreme achievement. You can do this setting up a partnership or be hiring the employees for your company. Achievement implies development all around, with new positions being made as individual errands turn out to be too enormous for a startup’s founder(s) to finish all alone. Finding capable, learned individuals who have the eagerness to offer new bits of knowledge and enhance the plan of action is significant to achievement.

On the opposite side of things, a fruitful startup needs to know where to locate its best clients. Gathering a devoted client construct ahead of schedule with respect to will help the startup fiscally, and also give a genuinely necessary enthusiastic lift and approval that clients really need and need the items and administrations the organization give.
This article has been contributed by Simmi Setia, Content Writer at LegalRaasta, an online portal for Section 8 company registration, Nidhi company registration, IEC registration.

3 Quick Lead Generation Ideas That Every Startup Should Know

2017-08-26 11:15:19 | Legal Services
Do you have a pamphlet yet? If not, you’re passing up a major opportunity for one of the most straightforward approaches to creating more leads. Ensure you put out a pamphlet in every conceivable place, that bodes well for your site.

With these pamphlets, you can host a gathering of people, individuals who tap into your online bulletin. However, email pathways are an awesome approach to abstain from losing all sense of direction in all the Internet commotion. Once more, don’t make everything about you. Rather, import your contacts with bits of knowledge, latest wins for your clients and industry news.

3. Blog

Having a blog is one of the best lead creating devices you can use, as it not just permits an organization (or individual using the option of the One Person Company) to keep control of what is said but also gives you a chance to maintain the full focus of the reader. Ensure that your blog is advanced to create leads by having a join feature in your pamphlet by utilizing the edges to advance your items and administration. What’s more, I feel like a broken record, however, don’t make the blog about you! Give genuine esteem.

Related: Finding Customers Fast and the 80/20 Rule of Sales


Twitter is a fantasy for producing leads. Utilize it to connect with influencers in your industry and get into discussions with them. Their supporters, who are presumably some of your potential clients, will see your associations and tail you or visit your site. You can likewise take after slanting subjects that relate to your business and contribute your musings into the general discourse by utilizing the # tag. For example, on the off chance that you are in the virtual world, you may utilize #iphone to discover and in the end get leads.

5. Organizing occasions

While a great deal of activity occurs in the advanced world, this present reality still gives a considerable measure of focal points – particularly organizing occasions. Indeed, even occasions that didn’t straightforwardly relate to my business have given me the absolute most important contacts and leads. You’ll meet more individuals, extend your system and pick up referrals. In addition, it’s an extraordinary approach to assemble your image. Try to bring business cards and don’t be hesitant to approach the general population you meet for their support.

6. Build up a drawing in video

Kindly don’t create another frightful business and post it on YouTube. The world needn’t bother with any a greater amount of these. What individuals dependably need a greater amount of is stimulation. In this way, invest some energy in building up an awesome thought that advances your business and connects with your clients. Once you’ve transferred the video, you can get this show on the road on making it turn into a web sensation by utilizing administrations like Stumble Upon to direct people to your video for pennies per watcher. Video locales like YouTube permit you to put connects specifically into the video. Utilize these to connect back to particular points of arrival on your site.

7. Infographic
Yes, infographics may have been abused a couple of years back, however, individuals still share them and still stop and read them at whatever point they can. They’re very modest to deliver too. Basically concoct a unique thought (once more, don’t make it about you), locate a quality (however reasonable) visual originator, then share it socially and request that your system passes it along. You can likewise present your infographics to productions that cover your industry.

Continuously put your logo and site URL on the base of the infographic. Thus readers will have the ability to visit your site.

Related: 15 Psychological Triggers to Convert Leads Into Customers

8. Online courses

Online courses are a modest approach to get your message to a great many potential clients. There are many administrations that permit you to communicate an online class rapidly and effectively. Also, in the event that you make it a repeating occasion, you’ll keep on growing your taking after. Along these lines, think of an awesome thought that helps your clients and advances it utilizing online networking, your system, and your bulletin.

Toward the finish of the online class, don’t hesitate to request that the participants download an eBook, agree to accept your bulletin, or visit your web page. This will acquire the leads streaming.

9. Media scope

Do you know what columnists loathe? Being hit up by many PR organizations monotonously, for a long time. Do you know what columnists abhor somewhat less? Having a proprietor of an organization connect with them and recount their story in a genuine and credible way. Truth be told, your odds of being concealed go essentially in the event that you do the connect yourself (the length of your pitch is on point). A couple tips in regards to connecting with columnists: Don’t mass email them, don’t open with “to whom it might concern” and don’t bug them (one follow up email is adequate).

By getting your name out in the media, you start to build up a taking after, increment your own image and appear to be a specialist in your area – all that can help you get leads.

Attempt the squint test

Squint (or take a couple of shots of bourbon, your decision) and afterward take a gander at your site. Does the invitation to take action emerge?

In this review, a travel site tried a CTA in the left segment against an all the more differentiating CTA that breezed through the squint test. The outcome was a 591% expansion in leads.

Make an item video

65% of us are visual learners. Why not clarify your offering in a way that addresses the dominant part?

As per this contextual analysis, item explained recordings can produce leads at a rate of up to 33%. At the point when done right, recordings keep us drawn in and can move us to make a move.

Item recordings don’t should be long or complex, and with instruments like Animoto, they’re progressively simple to make.

Send outbound and inbound promoting

As indicated by the details, outbound promoting is still more viable than inbound showcasing. In any case, it doesn’t imply that you disregard inbound promoting. Hope to convey both methodologies in an adjusted way as this will be useful in producing leads and in the long run your business.

From an inbound viewpoint – customize your email correspondence and get dynamic in online groups by routinely sharing useful substance, and in addition tackling basic client issues. This will help you set up solid associations with your clients and fabricate more leads.

3. Put resources into new innovation

New innovation sets the pattern in the market. For instance, cell phones are slanting everywhere throughout the world. Along these lines, a great many people get their mail or peruse sites through cell phones or tablets; this demonstrates you ought to put resources into trying your promoting endeavors perfect with these gadgets, permitting you to achieve the most extreme measure of clients.

More or less, whether you’re running your own business (via OPC) or through an organization you ought to watch out for rising innovation and channels through which you can get more leads for your business.
This article has been contributed by Simmi Setia, Content Writer at LegalRaasta, an online portal for Section 8 company registration, Nidhi company registration, IEC registration.