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6 Things to Keep in Mind While Running a Business from a Different Country

2017-08-19 11:53:50 | Legal Services
Expanding your business to other countries can open up to new markets and venues. It also gives you an opportunity to expand and explore new avenues. It is important to take care of the culture of the country and the need is to adhere to the local and international laws. If you fail to do so, you might as well not be accepted by the people of the country you are going in, therefore losing out on potential customers. Here are few tips to ensure that you have set the right foot in the country:

Research business practices
Business law and practices vary from country to country. Therefore, before you make the move, understand the dynamics of the business. Get started. Study the laws, business practices and the requirements of the country you are planning to set business in.

Study the cultural differences
Understand the difference in your culture and the culture of the country you are planning to step foot in. Research about the country you are going to and research about the product and culture surrounding that.

Understand the country’s political climate
It is very important for you to know the political situation of the country along with the government policies of the country. Understand it before you take a step.

Get legal advice
Seeking legal advice in a scenario like this is important. It is important before starting a business abroad. You get to know about the country you are starting your business in.

Seek local guidance
You should get involved with a local business owner or customers to understand the technicalities and dynamics of a business properly. Getting involved can be of help.

Give yourself time
Even if you’re excited about a business, don’t rush into it. Give it some time. Remember that good things take time and so will this. Sit back and relax. Plan for it and don’t be over excited for it. Don’t be overwhelmed while you are just getting started.

It is important for you to understand that you must know certain things before you start your business. Starting your business is a fluid activity. Expect the unexpected. Every day brings a new learning curve for you. Learn from the experiences of yours and others equally. Don’t jump into it and don’t take any wrong step in the process. Beginnings are usually the hardest. Begin properly. Go for it with all you have. Give in all you have. Define your target market and marketing strategy. Try and make mistakes and learn from them.
This article has been contributed by Simmi Setia, Content Writer at LegalRaasta, an online portal for Section 8 company registration, Nidhi company registration, IEC registration.

4 Ways Nascent Entrepreneurs Should Follow for Survival

2017-08-19 11:53:21 | Legal Services
Going by the numbers, 8 out of 10 startups fail in the first 18 months of formation. It leads to both, loss of time and loss of capital. A failure for a venture can, therefore, lead to problems for wantrepreneurs. You must learn from the previous experiences of other entrepreneurs and then try and avoid the problems. You can learn from those blunders but it can cause problems as well. You must be judicious while taking the decisions and see that everythiannoyin according to plan.

Here are some steps on how a startup can survive its initial months and prove that it is not just another startup and make it big in the industry:

Market analysis
If you fail in short time, it means that you didn’t do enough market research. When you start a research, you know the market and your competition and this can prove to be an important thing going forward.

Before entering the startup, ask yourselves if it is worth your time or not. Check if your predicted turnout will satisfy you or will it let you down. It is good to learn from mistakes but it is better if the mistakes are someone else’s.

Consumer behavior
If you are aiming to set up a good business, you need to be clear on one thing: you need to understand the nature of your consumers and their capacity to pay the price you are asking for. There is fine line between being rich and capacity to pay. It may not be necessary that people with high standards of living are ready to pay.

Attention to advice
You must do away with your know it all attitude because in the long run it is going to create problems for you. After a little bit of success, the entrepreneurs are on the top of the world. They don’t feel the need to seek expert advice. The good investors are like that because they have made money from multiple streams. If they advise you something, it might be helpful and might prove to be a good suggestion. Listen to your investors wisely and give importance to your team as well.

When you get the ball rolling, don’t just jump into funding. Test your produce and decide wisely. Also assess your cash flow needs. Cash flows not only involve capital needs but cash needed for your daily operations. Cash is an important factor for any business. You must ensure that there is enough cash for the company. You need to grow and not only on papers but it must be real numbers.

This article has been contributed by Simmi Setia, Content Writer at LegalRaasta, an online portal for Section 8 company registration, Nidhi company registration, IEC registration.