LegalRaasta GST Software & Other Services

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Applicability and the relevant provisions which are under the GST

2017-08-03 17:41:42 | Legal Services
The Goods and Service Tax has however been one of the key things that has thus caught the attention of the market given that it has its implications. India has however made one of its major mark which is one of its biggest tax reforms since independence. The Indians have witnessed the biggest tax revolution ever in independent India on 1st July .

The Real estate industry in India however in the recent past has thus seen a phenomenal growth, and it is thus not just in the Tier 1 cities, but also in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities and towns. The industry is thus in the cusp of the increased regulations, with the bills such as the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, which is thus pending for the approval in the side lines. GST is considered as another development that will however have a significant impact on this sector.

Even though the construction services has always been taxable under the VAT and service tax for a decade or so, the industry is however still plagued with an uncertainty on the key basic issues that however remains unsolved thus leading to intense litigation, especially on the issues like the transfer of development rights in land, taxability of the joint development agreements, taxable value for the goods and services, etc. While it is thus expected that the immovable property transaction, ie, transfer which is by the way of sale of the immovable property after the completion, would however continue to be outside the purview of GST and will also be liable only to the applicable stamp duties, the proposed shift to the GST regime is however expected in order to usher in the wings of change and also wipe the slate clean in a bid however for a fresh start on the indirect taxation of all the other real estate transactions. However, thus the foremost thought in everyone’s mind is thus whether GST is thus indeed the solution to an industry which is however riddled with complex structures and issues.

Thus , In the view of the same, the article below tells some of the provisions which are however relevant for a Co-operative Housing Society.

When we talk about applicability of the GST Law:
GST is however payable on the Supply. The word Supply however has been defined u/s 7(1) of the CGST Act which however includes all the forms of supply of the goods or services or either both made which are however for a consideration by a person in the course of business. The definition of supply is however inclusive hence enabling it however for a broader coverage. As per this definition, any kind of supply of the goods or the services that are however made during the course of business will thus be chargeable under the GST.

The word business which is however used in the definition of supply has however thus been defined u/s 2(17) of the CGST Act. Herein, the clause (e) of Section 2(17) however thus covers the provision by a club, association, society, or also any such body (for however a subscription or also any other consideration) of the facilities or the benefits to its members.
Therefore, after however considering the definition of supply as well as the definition of business, it is thus clear that the services that are however provided by the Housing Societies to its members are however subject to GST.

Services that are provided by a Co-operative Housing Society to its members were however exempted under the Service Tax Law. Thus , In the light of the same, the 14th GST council meeting which was however held on 19th May, 2017 had thus decided that, the certain exemptions which were however there under the Service Tax law will thus be continued under the GST regime. The exemption is however read as under;
“Service either by an unincorporated body or by a non- profit entity which is registered under any law for the time being in force, to thus its own members by the way of reimbursement of the charges or either thus share of contribution –
(a) as a trade union;
(b) thus for the provision of however carrying out any activity which is however exempted from the levy of GST; or
(c) also up to an amount of either five thousand rupees per month per member for the sourcing of goods or the services however from a third person for the common use of thus its members in a housing society or either a residential complex”
Thus , however considering the same, a Co-operative Housing Society, which however collects a maintenance which is up to Rs.5,000 per month per member will however be exempted from the levy of tax under the GST Law.

Also , the tax which is payable under the Reverse Charge is thus as follows :
Normally, tax is payable by supplier of goods or services or both. However, in some of the cases, the recipient is also made liable in order to pay tax. This is however termed as the ‘reverse charge‘.

Its applicability however includes the :
Persons who are however required in order to pay tax under the reverse charge are however required to be registered, which is thus irrespective of the threshold limit which is specified as per section 24(iii) of the CGST Act i.e. when the tax is however payable under the reverse charge basis, the exemption is thus available to the small taxable persons (20 or 10 lakhs) is also not available. Therefore, all the persons who are as defined u/s 2(84) of the CGST Act who however receive the services which are however chargeable under the Reverse Charge as well as who are also either receiving the goods or the services from an unregistered persons are however liable to be registered under the GST Law. Hence, the Housing Societies are thus required in order to get themselves registered if they are thus liable in order to pay GST under the reverse charge for the purpose of receiving the goods from an unregistered person or if the services are however received.

Thus , for further queries related to GST , one can contact LegalRaasta .
Legal Raasta , an online web portal which provides more than 100+ legal services has built however an extremely easy-to-use and an intuitive software for GST . However , the founders of LegalRaasta a startup which provides legal services aims at easing the difficulties related to GST by providing many services . Choosing LegalRaasta is beneficial as:
1. It has , 30+ offices in India
2. It has 10+ years experience
3. It helps to save your time
4. There is a cash back guarantee
This article has been contributed by Simmi Setia, Content Writer at LegalRaasta, an online portal for , Section 8 company registration, Nidhi company registration, IEC registration.

Biggest obstacles all new entrepreneurs face

2017-08-03 17:29:37 | Legal Services
The purpose of this article is to make the reader aware of the biggest obstacles which every entrepreneur faces .

The following are the problems :

1. Picking the RIGHT business
Most of the small businesses however fail because they thus aren't real businesses in the first place. If one picks the right business his work as an entrepreneur would thus gets a whole lot easier.
If one’s business doesn't really help people, doesn't provide a solution, or it also doesn't give the people something which they want then one’s business is shit and it will fail.
In order to do great business one should also have a great product or any service that one believes in. If one believes in it, one can however get others in order to believe in it. When one also don't believe in something but if one tells the other people they should thus buy it what one is lying and deceiving.
What one see is what one thus gets should be considered as the motto for one’s company.
One must remember one very important thing, which is that the customers aren't however buying a product, they are thus buying you.
So there is however one very important thing which one should always do is that one must always – deliver what one has promised.
#2 Financing your business
The solution as to how one should start a business when one doesnt have any money is that :
1. Borrow money – Until and unless one is experienced, knows what he is doing and is certain about the fact that his business can succeed (and grow) one should not borrow a single dime.
2. Bootstrap – One must also use only a small amount of money and should also find a creative way in order to get the business going.
#3 Finding customers
Finding the customers is only considered as a challenge if one doesnt have a good product or a service. If one has a good product or service then people will however come to one and there would also be no need in order to spend hundreds or either thousands on advertising. At least this is not considered as the right away.
One must only try and sell to the people who thus have expressed interest or either desire in one’s product. One must never waste his time by thus trying to convince somebody in order to buy something which they however don't already have an interest in.
#4 When to quit the day job?
The right time in order to quit the day job is when one has a foolproof business opportunity or one has enough money in the bank that one can work however on the business and thus not be evicted from home.
#5 Dealing with the stress of not having a steady paycheck
There is also no other way in order to put it, it's thus extremely stressful when one either doesnt know when or if one would thus be paid again.
#6 Managing the money, legal protection, taxes
Managing your own money can thus be considered as a real burden if one doesn’t know as to what one is doing and if one didnt know as to when one’s next paycheck is coming through.
When one is building one’s own business it is recommend that one should live like a Spartan and should not haphazardly spend the money. One may however very well have some lean times ahead of oneself and one would want some money in the bank in order to help get one through.

#7. Taxes
Taxes are the real pain. When one is an entrepreneur one’s money comes to him first. So there are thus two very important things that one needs to do:
1. Write off everything which one can for the business. This will thus save one a ton of money in the taxes.
2. Pay the taxes. It's thus one thing in order to receive a de-taxed paycheck, it's also another thing in order to get out the checkbook and write a check But one is thus got to do it, One is however supposed to make sure that he has written off everything which one can and has taken every deduction one can.
#8 Finding trustworthy business partners, building a reputation
One should never go into his business with scumbags. Going into the business with a scumbag will however give one a bad reputation. One’s reputation will however be linked to the scumbag, even if one is thus a man of his word.
It can thus be hard in order to tell at the first sight as to who is a scumbag and also who isn't, but one will always thus find out eventually and when one thus does in order find out one must also instantly dissolve the relationship with the scumbag.
The reason as to why one should deny scumbags is because , scammers and scumbags also never get away with anything because, even if they however are legally in the clear, they thus still have dirty black souls that will thus haunt them.
#9 Hiring employees
As a small business, typically the last thing one would thus do is to hire employees. One would want to hire the employees when one’s workload is too much in order to handle himself and one also has the revenue to pay to the employee(s).
There is thus a big difference between however working for a faceless corporation and also working for a small business. As a business owner one will thus have the opportunity in order to create a great company that people thus want to work for.
As a small business one would thus be wise in order to hire freelancers, contractors and also virtual assistants rather than hiring the traditional employees. The employees will however never be happy with their paychecks and also no employee in the history of the world thus makes enough money, but that thus isn't one’s concern. One’s concern more would be in order to pay the employees when one would say that he will.

This article has been contributed by Simmi Setia, Content Writer at LegalRaasta, an online portal for Section 8 company registration, Nidhi company registration, IEC registration.

Avoid these 4 mistakes before you put your small business on the map

2017-08-03 17:29:35 | Legal Services
While market saturation is often considered as a deterrent for a small-business hopefuls, it also doesn't have to be. Here's how one is supposed to compete.

Imagine if you are a first-time entrepreneur, who is excited about the product idea and is also optimistic about the state of the market for the small businesses: Your product has thus been tested and is thus ready to go, and then your launch date has thus been set, but you thus still have one tiny challenge which ahead of you: which is however considered as a go-to-market plan.

It maybe however be considered as the challenge is thus not that tiny and which is also not limited to just one thing. And thus maybe, which is however regardless of the enthusiasm as a small business owner, one has however actually got a mountain of challenges which is thus awaiting one in an overcrowded market.

The purpose of this article is to make the reader aware of the 4 mistakes which one should avoid before one puts his small business on the map.

Yet, while the market saturation is thus often considered as a deterrent for small business hopefuls, it doesn’t really have to be. Developing your go-to-market plan however helps to entails a ride which is down a bumpy road that however requires trial and error and also as a strain on the budget. But, one can however succeed if one however steers clear of several easily avoidable traps along the way:
1. Your plan doesn't promote a unique value proposition.
Regardless of which niche one is however trying to enter, there’s thus likely some existing competition which is waiting for you. Too many first-time entrepreneurs thus follow the leads of the existing competitors and then fail to in order differentiate their brands from the start.
They thus also find it easier in order to follow a defined path which is set by the other brands than in order to pave a new one. Yet, sticking to the status quo is thus considered as a missed opportunity. After all, if one thus didn’t believe that one had something unique in order to offer, one thus likely wouldn’t be launching a business in the first place.
Determining the UVP from the onset is thus the key in order to develop a strong marketing plan. Such a Unique Value Proposition is considered as the way in which the brand will however create a distinct value for the potential customers. In order to create one, one must first answer three simple questions:
• What is the problem which the product is fixing, or either the gap in the market which the brand will assume?
• What can the customers expect from the product or the service?
• Why should the customers purchase the product or the service over a competitor’s?
Once one has a firm grasp on the value , the brand will thus bring to the market, one can however create a solid marketing plan that will thus not only support the unique attributes but will however also resonate with the existing customers’ wants and needs.
2. You haven't mapped your customers' journey.
Once one has put into words as to what the product potential is, one can however start to build a multi-channel marketing plan in order to promote that definition. It is thus rarely if the marketing success come as a result of winging it. Also, creating a comprehensive plan will help one in order to set realistic timelines and the budgets and will thus also keep one accountable.
The first area which the plan needs to address the customer base; because one has however already developed a unique value proposition, one should thus also have a good idea as to who the customers are. One must clearly define each step which is along the customer sales path, from however awareness through action.

By mapping out as to how the customers will discover the brand, what will however ignite their interest, what will thus motivate them to explore the product and, finally, drive them to buy, one will however be able to create unique marketing initiatives that thus layer on the top of one another and also support each step.

Taking the time in order to dive into the customer person as and map also out their probable journeys will however save one from spending money on the big marketing too quickly.
3. You haven't prioritized social media.
Social media may however have been considered a nicety a few short years ago, but today -- regardless of the product or the service -- it’s considered as a necessity. Too many small brands thus make the mistake of however putting off the social media which is thus due to a lack of budget or time, or either also fear of not being able to keep up with the larger brands.

Even if one is not ready in order to devote large portions of the marketing budget to the paid campaigns or either the influencer outreach, it’s thus still necessary in order to build up the presence across the social media channels. This is because in today’s environment, social channels are thus often the first places consumers look to on their hunt for the information about the emerging brands.

In fact, today’s customers thus often rely on the social pages in order to look up reviews, promotions and the basic company information like location, history and customer service contacts.
4. You haven't shared your story with the media.
Social media, word-of-mouth and also the traditional advertising tactics are however necessary components in to launching a small business. But one doesnt really have to rely just on one’s own channels in order to communicate the new venture’s value. When it is leveraged correctly, local media often streams can be a fruitful tactic. Local outlets are however always on the hunt for the interesting community spotlights and also the entrepreneurial success stories.

So, the entrepreneurs should thus take an advantage of issuing the press releases and launch the invitations for the media members. They'll however be opening their doors to what could thus be a long and also a mutually beneficial partnership. Before inviting the reporters in, however, they also need to prepare themselves for the media interviews by thus nailing down their story and then preparing a few soundbites.
There’s thus always a deeper story which is involved in building a business from the ground up, and also a small businesses shouldn’t thus shy away from however expounding on their unique origins.

This article has been contributed by Simmi Setia, Content Writer at LegalRaasta, an online portal for , Section 8 company registration, Nidhi company registration, IEC registration.

15 tools to create automation in your small business

2017-08-03 17:29:34 | Legal Services
"It's not the fact that the goals of marketing have however changed, but the means in order to achieve them surely have." A wide-variety of automation tools are thus available in order to enhance one’s small business's digital presence and also the marketing campaigns. These business automation tools can also make the business thus reach a success by however leveraging email, social media and web services.
The purpose of this article is to make the reader aware of the fact as to what are the tools that however create automation in small business.
1. Social media
• Hootsuite: Hootsuite is however dedicated for the purpose of enhancing and automating the social media engagement which is thus across more than 35 global networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn. Hootsuite also thus identifies social influencers in the market and also thus automates social marketing strategies. One can thus sign his business up for Hootsuite's free plan which however supports up to the three social profiles and also two campaigns for the single users.

• 99 Dollar Social: Finding great content, creating social media posts, inserting hashtags and also eye-catching the images -- it’s all considered as a very time-consuming. 99 Dollar Social thus does all that work for the user by however creating fresh, custom-tailored posts for the business and then however sharing them on the user’s Facebook and Twitter profiles once a day, seven days a week. This thus also essentially automates the social media posting and also allows one in order to get back to running the business.
2. All-in-one
• HubSpot: Not only is HubSpot considered as a robust sales and marketing solution, it's thus also considered as an excellent educational resource for the small-business owners. HubSpot thus leverages real-time marketing data to provide one with the targeted information which is needed in order to cultivate the leads and generate sales. One can however also create workflows in order to automate the marketing campaign and track the growth with the pre-defined goals and also lead the segments.

• Infusionsoft: Infusionsoft is considered as a popular all-in-one sales and a marketing solution which is however designed specifically for the small businesses. One can also automate lead scoring, capturing and also segmentation with the Infusionsoft's powerful customer relationship management (CRM) features. Infusionsoft however offers a variety of automation tools, including the email marketing, social marketing, sales and e-commerce. Infusionsoft thus also integrates with the hundreds of third-party business services thus through its expansive marketplace of apps.
• Yodle: Over the past ten years, Yodle has however received countless awards for thus providing small business owners with a comprehensive marketing platform. Yodle thus also offers a variety of business automation services which is thus known as marketing essentials. Local businesses can thus also take advantage of Yodle's services which are designed in order to generate local business listings in thus more than 50 business directories such as Google and Facebook.
3. Communications
• MailChimp: something which is however Focused primarily on email marketing, MailChimp is considered as one of the most affordable automation tools on this list. One can also use its marketing automation features in order to target the customers which is thus based on specific data, including behavior, preference and past sales. One can also use application program interfaces (APIs) in order to create custom workflows with however scheduling and segmentation tools. MailChimp thus also integrates with a plethora of Web technologies -- which is however including a few automation tools which is described in this article.

• Slack: Most of the business owners thus spend valuable time each day sorting through an overflowing email inbox. Slack however offers a free platform for streamlining the communication which is between the team members. Conversations are thus threaded like a chat window and are thus visible by other people in the organization. Slack is thus considered as a powerful automation tool that many businesses are however using as an alternative to the traditional email.

4. Digital marketing
• Needls: Needls provides a service to “automatically create, target and optimize your digital advertising.” To get started, you upload images, videos and a basic message, and then Needls does the rest for you. Needls offers a variety of features, including landing page generation, social media reporting and comprehensive analytics to keep track of your company’s digital presence and outreach.

5. Sales and ecommerce
• Printful: If one is however looking in order to enhance the reach of his business, custom-printed merchandise and also freebies are thus considered as a great resource for the purpose of attracting new business. Printful thus lets you print on a variety of products with the affordable options. One can however print his logo on many different products, including tote bags, coffee cups and also posters. Printful thus also integrates with a variety of ecommerce services and also thus supports custom integration through its API.

• is thus considered as one of the world's leading companies for the business automation and CRM. One can however leverage's powerful marketing and also sales automation tools in order to enhance the digital presence and also marketing campaigns. also thus integrates with hundreds of third-party business apps thus through its expansive market of APIs called as AppExchange.

6. Internet automation
• IFTTT: An acrony which thus however of sorts for "if this then that," IFTTT is considered as one of the most streamlined automation tools which are thus available on the Web. One however creates recipes that thus perform specific actions which is however based on predefined triggers.

• Zapier: Zapier is considered as similar to IFTTT in that it thus automates actions across the third-party apps and services. However, Zapier’s focus is thus on the business services rather than the personal and home automation. One can however configure Zapier in order to access multiple accounts on the same service such as Twitter or Microsoft Office 365, and thus also create robust automated workflows which is thus known as zaps.
Automation technologies thus enable one in order to free up the valuable time which is however spent on the redundant processes and also help in order to focus the attention on growing the business

This article has been contributed by Simmi Setia, Content Writer at LegalRaasta, an online portal for Section 8 company registration, Nidhi company registration, IEC registration.

13 tools which one needs to build a content marketing machine

2017-08-03 17:29:31 | Legal Services
A whopping 76 percent of the marketers however plan in order to increase their content-marketing budgets . However this growth isn’t however even that surprising, given that most of the companies however realize that content marketing is considered as a key strategy for thus building the relationships and also creating the customers.
That influx of cash will thus only do so much if one doesn’t have the right tools. The article below tells about the 13 tools which one needs in order to build a content marketing machine.
Defining needs and strategy
The tools which one however one needs for thus developing the strategy comes largely from the collaboration space. Any of the following options will however help one in order to work with the team in order to define as to what content needs one has have, what strategy one will use and as to who is responsible for what.
1. ProofHub
This project-management tool however makes it easier in order to be organized in the approach and also collaborate with the clients, vendors and also stakeholders.Basically, ProofHub gives one a platform in order to assign the tasks, determine the time tables and also stay on the budget.
2. Kapost
Kapost is thus a content-marketing platform that helps one in order to manage the editorial and the content-creation process. With this tool, one’s team can however brainstorm ideas, organize the writing assignments, run the content production and also analyze the results from within a single platform.
3. allows one in order to build a content strategy thus using a central framework, and then can however work together as a team in the calendar in order to create and also promote content, enabling one in order to easily align the strategic goals with execution.
Content creation and curation
“Creating content” doesn’t thus just mean writing of the new blog posts. One can also use one’s existing content and can then curate it to create something new in order to share, or one can also create entirely a new content from scratch.
4. Storify
Storify allows one in order to collect social-media mentions however around a specific topic. By researching a given trend, event, industry or an influencer, one can thus curate all of the best social-media mentions in thus one place and can thus adapt them in order to create one’s own content.

5. Curata CCS
Curata CCS thus helps one in order to find, share and also organize relevant content for the industry or brand, positioning the company as a thought leader while however building the brand and also customer base.
6. Contently
With Contently, one can however connect with the high-quality freelance writers in the desired industry who can however create original content for the blog, website, social media and more. The program’s content-management dashboard is thus however also worth a look for the brands that thus however want to keep everything in-house.
Sharing, promotion and community
Also, writing a great content is thus essential to the content-marketing machine, but thus even great content doesn’t however sell itself. One will thus however have to share and promote it if one thus wants to build the business.
7. Content Marketer
Word of mouth is thus powerful: 74 percent of the consumers thus also say that word of mouth is thus considered as the top influencer in their purchasing decisions. As a result, having the influencers share links to the content is thus considered as a great way in order to build trust.
8. Buffer
Often considered as a popular social-media-management tool, Buffer allows one in order to share content with the social-media followers on the multiple platforms throughout the day. Content can however be scheduled in advance or either posted in real time, helping one in order to balance the need for at-the-moment updates with the hands-off management.
9. PixxFly
PixxFly allows one in order to automate the distribution and also syndication of the content, saving one’s team time and money. The platform however includes sharing of content, news releases, videos and also the other formats.
10. Narrow
Narrow is considered as a great tool for building the Twitter following. It helps one in order build a targeted audience of the prospective customers in order to follow and also engage with. The software leverages and also thus utilizes the keywords and the hashtags in order to identify a relevant audience.
Analytics and measurement
One can’t however improve what one however doesn’t measure, and that’s thus truer now with the content marketing than ever before. Simply sharing the content and also hoping for the best is thus cheating the brand. Instead, one must use these tools in order to measure what one shares and focuses on the most effective platforms and also the content types.

This tool thus uses predictive analytics in order to track the performance of the topics and the authors, capitalize on the online trends, promote the popular content and more. lets one know as to why the audiences thus respond to the content so that one can thus publish more of it in the future.
12. SumAll
This tool thus gives one a comprehensive understanding of the social-media channels. SumAll thus tracks all of the data in one place, making it thus easy in order to get a complete look at the success of the social-media campaigns.
13. Raven Tools
The capabilities of Raven Tools however help one in order to take a comprehensive look at the results -- from the website search-engine optimization to the social media in order to pay-per-click ads -- and also thus to benchmark the results against the competitors’. The company’s reports are thus easy in order to create and can thus be set in order to run automatically at the regular intervals.
Thus, The entire content-marketing process can thus however seem overwhelming, but also designing a successful content-marketing machine is thus simply a question of however having the right tools in place.
This article has been contributed by Simmi Setia, Content Writer at LegalRaasta, an online portal for , Section 8 company registration, Nidhi company registration, IEC registration.