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Why your employees are your best asset?

2018-06-29 11:18:29 | Startup

We often heard the phrase from the companies “employees are our greatest asset”. In business, an asset is an advantage or strength-someone that adds value to the enterprise. Normally the more you invest in an asset, the more you can gain from that. Keeping in mind, companies whether small or large try to increase their capital.

Despite all the assets, there is one of the most valuable assets employees, who perform better will help your company perform better, too. That’s why it’s essential that you take an active interest in favour of the employees of the company.

Who is employee oriented leader? Progressive business leaders often claim to measure their success by how invested and dedicated their team members are rather than by the company revenues as these are the earned by their employees itself.

Yet today’s business leaders are often running a full-time sprint just to keep up with the day-to-day demands of business. This means that human capital — is the single most important asset a company that needs to take the next step in growth and innovation.

In fact, less than 35 per cent of global leaders are confident that their organization has the necessary leadership talent and skills to achieve their strategic goals, according to a recent Harvard Business Publishing Survey of global professionals.

Employees are considered as the most valuable asset in the following ways:-

Employees are considered as the first customers of the organization. If the company is not able to make their employees happy and satisfied then they will not able to deliver efficient results which company expects and eventually reduces the profits.

1. They are the nurturers of the companies. Employees give their maximum strength in the goals of the organisation. Just like parents who nurture their child, care for them, similarly employees with their valuable and endless efforts to take it on the top
of the pyramid.

2. Employees are essential to provide goods or services which company offers to its customers. Improving employee efficiency, therefore, become major priorities. Every department comprises employees having different specializations and responsibilities, which can be in production, finance, marketing, IT, so on and so forth. The employees produce final goods,
take care of finances, promote the products and services in the market, maintain the records of the organization for decision-making, etc.

3. Employees give their 100% to the organisation whether it is big, small or large. The output which we get from employees is the continuous and smart efforts of the happy and the dedicated employees which helps the organisation to go on in long run. Many companies like Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft etc. are results of their satisfied employees.

4. Employees are the face of the organization. If they are happy and satisfied then it will be shown as the achievements of the organisation. But if they are not then they might spread negative words about the company even if he is working or left the organisation which creates a bad image and there will be an inefficient performance by them which eventually leads to lesser profits.

5. Employees are the base of successful and long-running business as their hard work and dedication help the company to reach to such position. It can be said that behind every successful company, there are hands of the good employees.

This article is written by Kritika, presently working in LegalRaasta, an online portal for Company Registration, GST Return, FSSAI Registration and other legal services.

