シュレーゲルの祈り Schlegel's Prayer



2 コメント

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Greeting (Reed)
2005-10-08 11:27:03
Long time no see! How are you doing?

Many thanks for your great pictures of recent flowers and insects. All of them are really beautiful!

Well, tody's flower "thistle" seems very common from spring to fall in Japan though I think it's not monotonous at all but very various like "violets".

It's really difficult for me to distinguish their exact names indeed. Each of them seems to insist on their slight individuality in the big!! chrysanthemum family!

But actually, this purple is incredibly gorgeous, isn't it?

scientific name (シュレーゲル)
2005-10-08 22:27:40
Uhh, right, I just checked out the botanical name for "azami", but the picture looked slightly different color, so maybe it is a different species. I just got rid of the scientific name for this entry. Thank you for your comment.
