cubbycafe -the record-


NHKのポッドキャスト NHK's podcast

2006-08-03 | English Diary

I have been listening the podcast "NW: English News" several times.
Its voice is very clear to listen, that is to say, it is good challenge to listen even if you are a bigginer.
Also, Without saying, its topics are political, enviromental issues or some affirs so that you have good opportunity to listen the other kinds of topics in English if you always watch movies or dramas.
The average time of this podcast is 10 minutes once. You may think it is long time to listen once, however, it is not tough to do it because the announcer speak slowly and pauses every 2 or 3 sentences.

When I find another podcast that is good for practicing English, I would like to write here again! Please check them out!


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English Aya Pod もよろしく! (KIYO)
2006-08-03 23:54:52
kaimu san

I've listened to NW English News on my iPod.

It's good to know what's happening all over the country.

It's been quite helpful.

Yeah! (kaimu)
2006-08-04 00:24:10
It is helpful not only for learn English but also for getting news, especially for the person who does not read newspaper so much like me