cubbycafe -the record-


夏風邪 Summer Cold

2006-07-11 | English Diary

I have a summer cold now. Perhaps it is not a summer cold but a cooling disorder. But, my condition is not so bad now. I would like to talk about how I did to change my condition.

Because it was too hot in June, many people tend to use air conditioner they want the rooms are so cool!! For example, the train, my office at the university and our living room (my mother likes a so cool room very much!) What cool rooms are!!

And the day before yesterday, I  had a sore throat and headache! When I was in my university, I couldn't put up with so cool office, so I returned home early.
And what I did is post 冷えピタ on my forehead and rinsed out. Maybe you think it's usual things for everyone. But, I think it's special

I rinsed out with aroma oil! This time, I used Lavender. It has effect to germicidal, to calm our body and to give us strong immunizing power and we can get good result soon! So, now, I don't get a sore throat anymore. I feel easy. It has better effect than other gargles, don't you think so?

Also teatree has same effect on sore throat. So, you should choose which odor (taste) is suit for you. At last, let me tell you something. If you use aroma oils, you have to buy branded ones. Because these items are like medicines. So, be careful!

cooling disorder 冷房病

rinse out うがいする

have effect 効果がある

germicidal 殺菌する

immunizing power 免疫力

gargle うがい薬

branded ブランドのついた