cubbycafe -the record-



2006-08-15 | English Diary

I would like to make a confession. Today, I told a lie. I was a devil of greed.
Please read my confession.

My father is clock-watcher so that he likes to be given and not to give anything for the others. For instance, when he bought some ice cream one day, he said that I shouldn't eat it because it was his own ice. However, the other day, he ate ice cream I bought without my permission. He just said because I didn't eat it soon, I was wrong.

And today, he found I drank some greenish liquid. To tell the truth, it was iced green tea. It was my favorite one which I bought all the way in a special tea shop far from our home. He seemed to be interested in this green one and asked me what it was.

Suddenly, my defence reaction system in the brain was activated. My brain said  "I have to keep it secret that there is tasty iced green tea in our house from him!" My brain worked very hard and I obeyed the best action which my brain found. That was just saying,

"It was 青汁 (green juice)."

You know, green juice is very healthy drink but tastes awful and it is difficult to distinguish green juice from iced green tea. It was natural that my father frowned and change his mind not to want to drink anymore. I saved my favorite drink!! I was a winner!!

I was intoxicated by my triumph with my lovely green tea.



make a confession 懺悔する
devil of greed 欲の塊
clock-watcher けちくさい人
be in tocicated by one's triumph 勝利に酔いしれる


2 コメント

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You\'ll be able to survive... (KIYO)
2006-08-15 17:58:46
How are you?

It seems you've already acquired the instinct to survive.

Your father says like that jokingly?

Or, is he serious?

I\'m a winner (kaimu)
2006-08-16 00:48:23

Fine, thanks!

Yes, I save my precious green tea.

My father is always serious. He always laughs when he says so, but his eyes don\'t laugh.