cubbycafe -the record-


選曲 Choosing music

2006-08-07 | English Diary

Recently, when I study English (not listening practice), I like listen to classic.

The reason why I choose classic is that some said classic is good for remembering something and makes us more concentrated on doing things. Fortunately, someone of my family bought the CD entitled "IQ.UP MOZART," so I am using it. The paper in the CD said that scientists in the California university announced the paper about the effect of some songs in the CD in "Nature" in octobar 1994. I would like to search this paper and know in detail if I could. 

And the effect for me is..... I can't feel nothing now. But, I can say I am so relaxed and not boring so much because of its rhythm. Also, the beneficial point is that it does not interrupt my study. Maybe they are the reasons why people can concentrated. has profound meaning in our life. So mysterious!



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I need to... (KIYO)
2006-08-07 21:13:18

I haven't been able to concentrate on my English study recently.

What I'm doing this month is just going to NOVA, writing in my blog, listening to English contents with paying little attention.

Only when I'm in my office at lunch time, I study English.

Do you think I should listen to music?

I wonder if I would buy


Hmmm... (kaimu)
2006-08-08 01:06:19

I recommend you to buy it! Music has great power to help you.

But, another plan is need for you, I think. I mean only music is not the best effect for you. Maybe, you also need to be relaxed. I think you eager to study English very very much though you have short time to do it.

In conclusion, the plan I recommend for you is "Take it easy!"